New to Herbalife Nutrition? Here is what you might want to know…

Thousands of people every day start or are planning to start some new diet.

Some choose Herbalife Nutrition and majority of those start because they were inspired by a friend, relative or colleague who had achieved a great result already, so they wanted to give it a go too.

There are usually two paths that people decide to take, but only one will ensure you achieve your wellness goals, so read on…

This should be the path less traveled…

You hear about Herbalife Nutrition, but instead of going back to the coach that was recommended to you – you search and buy products online, ignore the support offered to you thinking you would be better of on your own because – how difficult can it be?

When someone chooses this option, they are rarely equipped with knowledge on how to correct their overall diet so to eat according to their unique body composition and metabolic needs – what to eat, when and in what frequency and balance. Because it is not just about replacing one or two meals with shakes, it is way more than that.

And that is why choosing this path rarely yields results.

On top of that, human nature is such that lack of results will almost entirely be blamed at the products. That is partly because we are unaware and lack sufficient nutritional knowledge to critically analyse and understand what went wrong and where.

But, if you truly want results…

…this is the correct way and here is why…

Products are not sold in the shops for a reason – because our health and weight management are a science and if it was easy reaching those goals – everyone would be at their peak health and controlling their weight.

Herbalife Nutrition is based on personalised support and products are designed to be exclusively sold by Independent Herbalife Members who do not just want to paddle your the products, but use them themselves, believe in them and are there to support you on your journey making your goals way more possible than if you were to do it on your own.

We love what we do and we want to make a difference in your life too.

So, the correct way to embark on your Herbalife Journey is to work with a coach that was recommended to you or you wish to work with, who will work out the right plan that is not only affordable for you and fits into your lifestyle, but one that also takes into consideration your unique body needs and is tailored to you and your lifestyle according to specific goals you are trying to achieve.

All this support is usually not an extra cost, but comes with products and it gives you an opportunity to not only reach your goal, but also get the education you need to sustain your results and even help your family eat better.

A quick chat about your current wellness challenges or even lengthier wellness evaluation are usually enough to get your started and then work from there.

So, now that you not only have your personalised Herbalife Nutrition Programme and a coach to support you, here is the first thing that is useful to know if you are new to Herbalife Nutrition:

It is not a diet.

When weight loss is our only goal, we are prone to cutting corners, even crash dieting, to get to our goal. And, in the mean time, we deny ourselves a chance to build a more sustainable healthy lifestyle that is made to last.

Herbalife Nutrition is not a fad or a crash diet as many still believe it to be.

Herbalife Nutrition together with balanced nutrition and exercise is a path to reaching Optimum Nutrition at which body truly thrives, that slows down the ageing process and that leads to a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Even if weight loss is your goal – focusing on improving your wellness and changing your lifestyle and getting fitter are a way better mindset compared to weight loss goals alone. This will ensure you not only reach your goals, but you also develop habits that will sustain those results.

Herbalife Nutrition products together with the support of your Herbalife Nutrition Coach will help you develop habits, skills and knowledge to reach your results without compromising your nutritional intake at any point.

This is not a High Protein Diet either, but a balanced nutrition plan.

Protein comes from Greek word prōteios, which means ‘primary’ and from prōtos, which means ‘first’. Every single cell in our body is a protein cell and we need to consume protein as body does not make it.

It is a fact that most people either do not eat enough protein or do not consume it in the right balance and frequency or they consume way too much animal protein.

That is why protein is an important part of Herbalife Solution and whilst we talk a lot about protein because it is essential to your health and nutrient that body needs the most, we also personalise it to your body in balance with other macro and micro nutrients.

There is no magic bullet. Stick to the plan.

With body now getting more nutrition, you can expect energy increasing within your first week.

If you follow the plan given to you by your coach, results will follow.

It is not a magic bullet because it is not just about Herbalife Nutrition, but what you eat and drink the whole day.

My clients get a full nutrition and meal plan that is a combination of Herbalife Nutrition products together with tried and tested delicious recipes for your regular snacks and meals.

It is essential to continue to follow the plan designed for you by your coach and avoid skipping meals or indulging in foods out of the healthy eating plan.

Talk to your coach if there are any challenges with certain foods, timings, hunger, etc. in order to keep fine tuning the plan to fit your lifestyle.

Tip: Do not keep challenges to yourself! Problem shared is problem halved!

Be prepared for the bumps on the road. Be patient.

Rome was not built in a day, habits take time to build, life gets in the way, so be prepared for the bumps on the road. It is a process and not a straight line almost ever. Nothing worthwhile ever is.

That is why having a coach is a gift in itself as he or she will, without judgement, guide you through it, help you find a solution to your challenge and help to keep you on track.

Measure it. Journal it.

This does not work with everyone or not indefinitely, but, initially, some way to stay accountable is to journal your progress. This can include a detailed description of daily food and drink intake, taking progress photograph once a week or month or simply journaling your progress – changes you are making, the way you are feeling, what other changes around you are happening because you decided to change your lifestyle, vision you have for yourself, etc.

This is very powerful!

Commit to learning, remain teachable.

The more you know about food, nutrition, health – the more you are empowering yourself to be in control of your wellness and choices you are making.

Because knowledge is the king.

There is so much information out there on health and it can be confusing – so, work with your coach who will be able to advise you or find out the information that you need.

Your coach has your best interests at heart. I am one of those and I know hundreds of my colleagues who are too.

We are trained by the best doctors and experts in nutritional science in the world to be able to help you achieve your wellness goals if you remain teachable and honest with us about your progress and challenges.

Buddy up

Whilst we may not want anyone to know what we are doing in terms of embarking on a healthy “diet”, this can, at times, be counter productive.

Those who reach success are usually those who are doing it together with a friend or those who involve their family or some family members on their journey to a healthier, more active lifestyle. It is more fun and it helps with accountability that is a big part of our success.

This could be anything from having a running buddy as a positive influence on your journey to someone who is on the same plan as yourself, so you have even more support around you.

Don’t give up. Keep going.

The only way to fail is to give up. Or never to start.

You now know that there will be bumps on the road, so stay close.

If it was that easy developing and maintaining new healthy habits – everyone would be doing it in a flash!

Giving up is never an option as the possibility of ever reaching results you desire is – zero!

Developing new habits takes time. You have to accept this.

It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

I hope you are ready for a new & exciting ride to an even better version of You!

Here is to you and your health!

Work with me herbalife nutrition wellness and health coach
Contact me to have a general chat about the best nutrition plan for you!

Complete an online Wellness Survey & get wellness recommendations tailored for you. It’s quick and easy and with nutritionist suggested meal plans at the end to help get you started depending on your goals.