The One About Energy Levels

The One About Energy Levels

Do you find yourself often lacking energy and focus and then reaching for a fix of your choice – coffee, tea or energy drink?

You are not alone! Most people do experience lack of energy from time to time and in this video I explain where our energy comes from and how to improve our energy levels on a daily basis without quick fixes that do not serve us!

I hope you enjoyed the video, let me please know if it resonated with you. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to improve your nutritional intake in a way that is personalised for you, so you can enjoy the benefits of having energy & vitality!

Stay tuned for more videos and, in the mean time, wishing you an abundance of energy!

Kindest regards,


The One about My Story

The One About My Story

I am very excited about breathing a breath of fresh air to my blog posts as it has been a while since I posted, mainly as I was focusing on redesigning this site during the lock down.

Now that the site is redesigned, I am excited about pouring more energy into growing this section and this time, instead of regular written articles, I am going to bring you all the knowledge and experience over the past almost two decades via series of videos. Vlogs, they call them. 🙂

I hope you find them of a value and, first things first, here is my story, where it all started almost 40 years ago, and why I do what I do and with such passion.

I hope you find it of a value.

Thank you for watching.

Yours in health,


Become the best version of yourself… Start today!

In the end, our health is usually one thing we CAN have control over and if you are someone at the start of your journey, remember that Rome has not been built in one day and our attempt to improve our physique and health should pretty much be approached with bearing the same in mind…

We need a plan, patience & vision.

Those with vision move even in darkness.

Our vision for ourselves is best when not focused on the outside appearance alone as our health and beauty are a lot more than just skin deep.

Our vision needs to be strong and inspire action every day, which will make us more patient and committed to a long term goals.

Then we need a plan that is simple, even fun and that nourishes us on our path to becoming the best version of ourselves.

Start Today

One of the biggest mistakes we all make is waiting for the “perfect storm”, that perfect moment to start something new… to start a new diet, to stop smoking, to look for a better job, start that project, make an important phone call, study for the exam…

The only perfect moment is RIGHT NOW.

Delaying action whilst waiting for that perfect opportunity is simply procrastination and the more we do it, the more we develop a habit of it that can be very costly.

Procrastination is an issue of self-regulation and, when it comes to health, it can cost us our health because we delay doing the right thing for our health and well-being over a period of time that can even go for decades. The result is a poor health, until it sometimes can be too late.

Procrastinators can change their behavior and it is said that highly structured cognitive behavioral therapy can work really well. If you have an issue with starting things – work on your psychology first.

Books are sometimes a great place to start and so are videos and podcasts to help with awareness and insights into what is stopping you and how to take an inspired action and stop procrastinating.

And remember, the path to the best version of yourself starts today and here are some basics to help you get started…

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

First thing is to re-visit how much water you drink daily.

Coffees, teas, fizzy and other sugary drinks simply do not count and all represent problem on multitude of levels including cellular damage, dehydration, low energy, weight gain.

Our bodies function best when body is well hydrated with at least 8 glasses of water a day, which is minimum 2 litres for most adults. More water is recommended for those of a bigger frame, especially men and when exercising as body loses water rapidly through sweat.

Water is sometimes the only catalyst that makes things work. As kidneys are responsible for detox, which can not happen without water, and whilst liver is responsible for breaking/ metabolising fat – when water is scarce, liver tends to help the kidneys and breaking the fat becomes secondary; as a result fat loss will be compromised.

If you are to start with one habit, start with water.

Apart from flushing toxins, water helps digest food & circulate blood. Food contains only 20% of fluid intake, so, hydration through healthy beverages is necessary.

A couple of glasses upon waking up with some lemon and then hydrate with one glass on the hour every hour. Set your phone reminders. Use fruit as water infusion. Green tea is fantastic alternative to regular tea and coffee.

Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage

Our Thermojetics Herbal Beverage is great for every day hydration as well as part of the weight management plan. I love adding some lemon to it too for added nutritional benefit.

It is a combination of green tea and other botanical ingredients. It has not been treated with alcohol unlike most teas from the high street stores; process of extraction and purification happens with water and charcoal, leaving the finished product with high antioxidant/ phytonutrient value, similar to the plant when it is picked up; it is highly refreshing and catechins compounds cause thermojetics effect that help boost metabolism and energy levels as well as help burn fat.


Alcohol is a bad news for not only fat loss but for our general health. It is a stress to the body that body treats as a poison.

If you would like to take your body composition to the next level, the best advice I could give you is to not only limit, but completely cut out alcohol.

Not many are able to do that and I approach it with care with clients as it is one thing that causes so much resistance. I do believe in taking small steps and limiting alcohol consumption to less to what is a norm to start with, then seeing the results we get and finally decreasing it further.

One can still have results if weekly units are minimal, up to 1-2 glasses of wine, as an example, but anything more will generally hinder the results greatly.

Cutting on calories in food to accommodate alcohol is highly undesirable and results will be limited, if any. Cortisol is a fat storing hormone in our body that alcohol (together with lack of sleep, too much cardio activity and stress) seem to elevate and, as a result, body is in a state of fat storing rather than fat burning.

So, think about your alcohol consumption and how much you really want to improve your health and body composition. Every success requires some form of sacrifice.

Think Protein to avoid Hunger & Slower Metabolism

Most people need to eat more protein. Or reduce protein coming from animal sources.

Protein is a very important factor for your immunity as body needs protein so that the white blood cells can produce antibodies that seek out and destroy invading viruses and bacteria.

It helps stabilise blood sugar levels and, therefore prevents hunger and fat storing. Apart from multitude of other uses, protein is incredibly important for the prevention of muscle loss over lifetime, especially when you are on a weight management plan.

Dieting is very much linked to a muscle wastage when dieting is not done right, which is the major cause of yo-yo syndrome – losing weight, then putting it back on again.

With loss of muscle, your metabolism is slower and so is body’s ability to burn calories. You may find yourself gaining all the weight (and more) back on that you lost, although you may be consuming calories that used to maintain your weight in the past. Your body has less lean muscle to burn them off and therefore, fat gain is inevitable.

High protein foods such as fish, soya products and low-fat dairy products can help to boost your immunity as well as increase your metabolism and support your lean muscle on your weight management plan.

Protein for Vegetarians & Vegans

Whilst I am not vegetarian myself, I support vegetarianism greatly, even veganism. The only issue I find with clients who are vegetarian or vegan is that they still suffer from an inadequate amount of lean muscle due to lack of protein in their diet, sometimes low energy levels and excess body fat that they simply are unable to shift.

All of these issues are sorted with our personalised nutrition plan that targets what they might lack in their diet – protein, plant protein in particular, and micro nutrient intake.

Whilst eating wholefoods can have remarkable good effects on the body, it is a well-known fact that, according to World Health Organisation, UNICEF, UK Ministry of Agriculture and Royal Society of Chemistry – vitamin and mineral depletion of our soil is a global problem with up to 72% depletion of nutrients in fruit and vegetables in Europe alone over the past 60 years.

Supplementation with pharmaceutical graded supplements can make a massive difference in energy levels of anyone, even those who already follow a healthy diet, Vegetarians & Vegans included who would greatly benefit from more macro nutrient balance in their diet.

Protein for Meat Eaters

Whilst protein is an important macro nutrient – meat eaters should take this information with caution.

Meat and dairy can cause high acidity in the body, that leaches nutrients from your muscle and bones and therefore deplete your energy levels and immunity, therefore meat protein must be well-balanced with plant protein.

Whilst getting THAT beach body will require eating personalised amount of protein each day (around 1 gram of protein for each pound of lean muscle – more if exercising and/or building muscle) in the right balance and frequency – you will do more damage on a cellular level if trying to get it all from animal sources.

My goal with clients who are meat eaters is to increase their protein intake whilst balancing plant with animal sources as well as increase their micro nutrient intake.

Generally, once there is a better balance of proteins v carbs & macro nutrients v micro nutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) established, in the right frequency, blood sugar levels are stable, cravings diminish, energy levels increase and we are more likely to have a sustainable fat loss.

Good Carbs v Bad Carbs

We need to stop thinking that carbs are our enemy. Body relies on carbohydrates for fuel, however, they are not all equal. The least processed carbs such as fruit and vegetables are extremely beneficial as they deliver all important nutrients, vitamins & minerals, to the body, together with powerful antioxidants and fibre.

To get that beach body, if that is what you desire, now that we drink more water and include protein in each meal whilst balancing plant with animal protein – we need to combine some Good Carbohydrates with that protein.

That means having a colourful diet of fruits, vegetables, legumes each and every day.

Bad Carbohydrates will go against our efforts to slim down, feel and look healthy and reduce our body fat. Bad carbohydrates are those highly processed and refined foods such as sugars, pastries, cakes, sweets, cereals, white pasta, white bread, sugary drinks, just to name the few.

They do not boost, but rather bust your metabolism, leaving you craving for more, whilst storing excess calories as fat, depleting your energy levels as they are usually void of nutrition.

They may also compromise your digestion and therefore, absorption of nutrients which has an effect not only on energy levels and immunity, but will be a contributing factor to weight gain too.

Fibre Factor

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate and one of THE most important dietary factors for helping support healthy digestion. Fibre is found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and plays a big part in keeping our bodies healthy.

Adults are recommended minimum 25 grams of fibre each day for healthy digestion, so including high-fibre foods and fibre supplements in your diet can greatly help improve your digestion.

Fibre rich foods are slow sugar releasing and, when combined with protein, they keep your blood sugar levels stable and fuller for longer.

Most of the clients I see struggle to get adequate amount of fibre in their diet. If not sure, MyFitnessPal is a great tool to check if you do. I use it to check my own fibre, protein, Calcium and fat levels occasionally.

I teach clients to use it, if they wish, in addition to my support which we use as part of the education process so they see how getting perfect balance of 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat intake within personalised calorie intake gets them results.

The moment they step out of the equation and there is less protein and more carbohydrates, the results are less visible at their weekly body composition check, or there are no results at all. Penny drops every time as they learn more how food balance and frequency affects us.

Should we count calories?

Calories are not all created equal. 100 calories of vegetables is not the same on a cellular level and on the level how body processes it and it’s affect on the body when compared to 100 calories worth of chocolate Maltesers (which, by the way, are NOT lighter than air).

I use client’s Resting Metabolic Rate to calculate the calorie ceiling they need to be under in order to lose weight, using a simple formula, however, because my personalised weight management solutions are already calorie controlled, my clients do not need to necessarily count calories.

They would just need to follow the prescribed meal plan that includes some great recipes, use their hand to determine portion sizes of macros and, sometimes, write a food diary as a great way to gauge daily food intake and those that do – have a better result.

They also learn how what they consume in any given week relates to changes in their body composition. All part of the education process and raising the awareness on how certain foods effect us. The moment they skip snacks or meals or eat unbalanced meals and snacks – they see decline in muscle, just as one of the examples.

Calories are important or rather learning about them, to help us become more conscientious about our food choices, but, balance in macro nutrients is even more important because not all calories are created equal.

Skipping dinner because we blew our calorie ceiling during the day (or any other meal or snack for whatever reason) is surely not the path to health OR healthy weight loss (or rather, fat loss) and improved body composition.

Get more active

Now that we drink more water, focus on lean and/ or plant protein and good carbohydrates with plenty of fibre, whilst banning all refined sugary carbohydrates – it is time we need to get more active if we want to see some great results! Remember, results come best from 80% nutrition and 20% exercise plan.

Believe it or not, we all have the six-pack muscles, but most people have it all hidden under the layer of abdominal fat. It is time to unwrap it! If you are not used to exercise, start with walking more and then find the local class that you enjoy, perhaps build it to a couple of classes a week.

The science shows that the best form of fitness that help you get into shape in less time is any form of High Intensity Interval Resistance Training. It is a combination of a little bit of cardio with resistance and weight training, all in one single workout. It not only burns a lot of calories during exercise, but it has the highest after-burn with up to 1000 calories burnt in 38 hour window post-exercise.

Try to find your own HIIRT or HIIT class near you or create a program that you can do at home.

Now that we have most of it covered and you are more aware what is needed to get you started on the journey of becoming the best version of yourself, I would like to remind you of the first point I made – start today!

Get the picture of yourself when you were at your best and get emotionally connected to that vision of yourself. Let it be your guide, your North Star.

If not sure how to start or if anything inspired you in this article, do get in touch, drop me a line. I would love to help. Free Evaluation offer stands, it can be slightly daunting starting on your own and you, whilst will need to do it by yourself, you do not need to be alone in the process. As many as 75% have better success when having the right support.

Until then, life is colourful, make your diet colourful too and feel the difference! Afterall, life is much more fun lived in colour!

Get excited about losing weight again

How to get excited about losing weight again…

Most of us are programmed to think about what we will be missing out on when we have a big task ahead to complete rather than what we will gain in the process. So, we talk ourselves out of it!

Weight loss is one of these things we struggle seeing through!

It is one gigantic mission for many! Mission that many start and not complete or are on a roller coaster throughout life of completing and re-completing over and over again.

We know we should because it cuts down the health risks. But, it takes too much effort, too much time and, quite frankly, you might not even know where to start!

Most do not realise that if they perceive weight loss as hard – maintenance is even harder as it requires a whole new mindset shift.

I know, I have just made this whole thing rather depressing. LOL.

But, I encourage you to read on.

We come up with all the possible excuses why now is not the right time, how we have not found the plan that works for us, etc. Like most of it is not just common sense – drop added sugar and processed foods, increase water and exercise, make portions smaller and you are half way there already.

Yes, only half way as there is more to it and everyone’s understanding of what this really implies can vary. But, half way is always good enough place to start.

Beats not starting any time, right?

I know! It is all easier said than done!

Partly because food industry has made us addicted to sugar, flour and salt and we are just digging the hole even deeper and unable to get ourselves out of it.

Did you know that the food industry invest billions on research linking their products to happiness?

They bring in special experts who make combinations of salt, sugar and flour so perfect that we are addicted to the high it gives us from the first “hello”! And then we are so hooked that we keep seeking that same high… Which is why we sometimes eat even without thinking!

So, they play with our minds and body chemistry making us addicted to consuming way beyond our energy requirements. And way below our nutrition requirements.

This also means that it is time to stop blaming yourself for having a few pounds extra… or a lot more… System is clearly rigged and designed to keep us addicted and sick.

And I really believe this. There are forces out there who profit on our addictions and sickness. And are allowed to do so.

However, knowing this does not diminish our personal responsibility and the power I believe we have!

I believe when human mind is open to receive the knowledge it also has the power to make different decisions for themselves. And one decision at a time can have a compound effect on our future life.

Did you know, that if you have a smart phone these days – you have access to more information and knowledge than what President of the United States had 20 years ago?

I heard this over the weekend and I believe it. And I love it.

So, no excuses!

When eyes see things and ears hear new information – you can never undo it! When your mind expands with knowledge, it can never be retracted.

There is nothing that we can not do!

We just need to be willing to learn and seek knowledge!

And, how to be excited again about losing weight?

First, do not make it about weight loss! That is the first rule!

Because it truly is not about losing weight!

Second rule is figuring out what drives you to be HEALTHY instead?

How would your life be different? What could you do that you are unable to do now? What would you be able to wear? How would that make you feel?

What do you worry about when it comes to your health? You know weight is big part of those worries. Because you understand the risks. So, figure out how good would it feel not to have those worries.

If you come from a family that is overweight or obese, let me tell you… It is NOT in your genes! We can live to be 100 and have six pack well into our 60s or 70s or even 80s with the right lifestyle practices.

That is a fact!

OK, you don’t want a six pack! And that is more than cool!

Good news is – six pack is not a requirement for a long and happy and healthy life!

But right lifestyle practices and routines are!

Get excited because of how amazing it would feel to have the energy to face all the life’s challenges!

Without nourishing and looking after our bodies – it simply will not serve us well or to our full potential.

With health – we can achieve anything! That is why our health is our biggest wealth!

And if you think that it is easier to be healthy when you are wealthy… well, maybe you are right, but how about turning this on its head and think:

… if I achieve my best health, it is way easier to achieve wealth I desire!

If that is what you desire, of course!

Anyway, does the idea of being at the best shape and energy excite you?

Seeing and feeling how your life would be different is a good place to start because you must find what excites you about achieving (and keeping) great health in order to ever be able to achieve weight loss and keep your weight off!

Weight loss is just a by product!

Can you see that to be the case?

Mindset shift on getting excited about having a healthy, active lifestyle that will inspire you as well as the others around you is the key!

Then you just get through the motions of creating a brand new YOU and, you’ve guessed it – leaner figure just happens.

You can not solve the problem with the same mind that created it. And I am not the smart cookie that said this. But, I use it often as it is one of the fundamental truths around!

Stop worrying about weight as that will just keep you chained to a weight loss prison!

Get excited about health and let the vision of your NEW YOU make you take an inspired action!

Then, you need to get consistent and develop resilience, but that is another topic.

For now, just get excited and take some steps. Because when you are excited, truly excited and able to hold that vision – even if you do not see the whole road ahead – you will be less likely to give up.

So, drink more water.

Stop skipping breakfast.

Have a nourishing breakfast that is low in sugar and high in protein.

Eat regularly.

Exercise more.

Start somewhere. One healthy habit at a time and solutions will present themselves.

Because, if you change nothing – nothing will change!

We all had to start somewhere!

I believe in you!

Yours in health,


Nutritional Therapist and a Herbalife Nutrition Health Coach

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK

Lessons and Blessings from my Second 90 Day Challenge

As my second 90 day challenge is about to finish, of course I am inspired to share my insights this time too. Many times down the line I thought I made a mistake for joining as I already got to my goal in the first challenge and I doubted that I will have the same resolve as I did in the first wave from January until April this year. Almost 90 days later, I am so very glad I did.

What was my goal?

Mainly maintenance. I think I secretly wished to be ready for The Next Level, but, I knew, while I had such strong resolve in the first wave, this time I was not as hungry for results as I already got the result that satisfied me. It is true when they say – the biggest enemy of great is good. And sometimes, good will just have to be good enough, as long as the purpose remains to be happy, healthy and strong.

Free Wellness Evaluation

From 5-A-Day to Breakfast Everyday: Why You Should Make Time For a Healthy Breakfast

I am a firm believer in making breakfasts the most essential part of our daily routine and where we make a start when trying to change our lifestyle.

And once we have this healthy habit sorted – of not just having A breakfast as part of our daily routine, but THE breakfast – the right kind of breakfast – then we build the rest of the good habits on top of it, one by one.

With chronic diseases on the rise, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have finally recognised the importance of breakfast as a healthy behaviour that is one of the key factors in reducing health diseases across Europe.

“As a former teacher, I can spot straight away who’s awake and alert and who’s tired and distracted. And in my experience, one of the biggest factors that determines success in the classroom is so simple and so often overlooked: having breakfast every morning.”, says Jean-Claude Gonon, Secretary-General of the European Association of Teachers (AEDE).

World Health Organization (WHO) stated:

“A regular breakfast is part of a healthy diet, which in turn has traditionally been considered an important factor in a healthy lifestyle. Breakfast contributes to the quality and quantity of a person’s daily dietary intake, and breakfast-skipping has been linked to inadequate dietary nutrition in several studies. Breakfast-skipping also influences cognition and learning and consequently may impact on adolescents’ capacity to take advantage of learning opportunities provided by schools and families.”

But breakfast isn’t just important for children and young people. Making sure we eat breakfast in the morning is just as important for adults too.

“Missing breakfast has been associated with several other health-compromising behaviours, such as higher levels of smoking, alcohol and drug use and more sedentary lifestyles. Breakfast skipping has also been linked with the increased consumption of snacks low in fibre and high in fat later in the day and an increased risk of obesity.”, World Health Organisation.

Dangers of sugar addiction and how to kick it

Dangers of Sugar Addiction & how to kick it

Almost every single day, more and more studies are proving that sugar is addictive and it plays a major role in the development of many major diseases from heart disease, diabetes, cancers, Alzheimer’s, just to name a few.

So, everyone knows it is bad for us and yet we still indulge in it daily, some perhaps even unaware of its addictive properties.

So, what can we do about it? More importantly, dear reader, could you, perhaps, be one of many who is eating too much sugar?

Some obvious signs that you may be addicted to sugar are:

  • You constantly crave sugar and simple carbohydrate foods like bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits, coffee with sugar, etc…

  • You crave meat and salty foods (as a way for body to seek balance as you are eating too much sweet foods – and it works vice versa too),

  • You can not stop eating simple carbohydrates and “will power” simply does not work

  • You eat them so much and can get to the point of being sick from the quantity you have eaten?

If any of the above is YOU – yes, you indeed may be eating way too much sugar or simple carbohydrates, in general.

But, do not worry as you are not the only one and it can be changed.

I used to be the same. For years. Because I ate healthily the rest of the time, I convinced myself that it was OK. Everything in balance, right?

Well, wrong!

Feeling that I was not in control and could not stop was driving me crazy.

Nutella was the poison of my choice… I would sneak into the kitchen just to have “one little teaspoon”. And then I kept going for more, until I felt I was going to be sick or realising that in the space of two to three days it was all gone. Guilt galore!

The truth is, with that action, I was undoing all the great work I was doing the rest of the day. Because of the way I felt emotionally (guilty, frustrated, disappointed) as well as physically (possible diarrhea, stomach pain, occasional spots on my face), I decided to take action…

Most people have their poison. What is yours?

Whatever it is, I can assure you that it can be kicked.

The truth is, we all need a small amount of sugar to function.

Government has set daily adult sugar intake to a limit of 90 grams for adults (it includes natural and added sugars), whilst there is no guidance on children’s upper overall sugar limit intake.

There is, however, guidance on the amount of free sugars or added sugar. That limit for adults is 25 grams for women and 37 grams for men, whilst it is, on average, 25 grams for children (depending on the age, it ranges from 19 grams for 4-6 year olds, to 30 grams for children aged 11 and above.)

To put it all in perspective, one can of fizzy drink or a fruit juice is around 40 grams of sugar. So, just this puts us over the limit and you can imagine how much more we could be having if we have a cake or biscuit on top, start our day with cereals or pastries, put dressing on our salads or sauces over our food (that are high in both sugar as well as salt), etc. No wonder we are addicted.

On average, research shows that children, in particular, have three times more sugar than they should on a daily basis. Adults are right there too. It has been estimated that an average Brit is eating sugar by pounds, over 100 lbs of sugar per year.

Have a look what the health implications are for sugar over consumption:

  • Cycle of sugar highs and lows, which effect our energy levels throughout the day, focus and concentration as well as our moods.

  • Same cycle causes us to over eat and store excess weight, which, in turn, can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, just to name a few major conditions that have all been linked to sugar.

  • It lowers our immunity making us more susceptible to immunity related conditions.

  • It causes tooth decay that has become more and more common in children

So, given health implications, we must kick the sugar habit, like our life depended on it – because it does!

The science shows that eating sugar emits the same signals in our brain that drugs, such as cocaine, activate. It is easy to give a solution to a healthy, active lifestyle, but, given the nature of sugar, my experience tells me that it is easier said than done.

However, it CAN be done and you CAN do it, you must believe in this!

Here are some tips how you can start kicking the sugar addiction:

  1. Eat three meals and two to three snacks OR five to six small meals a day. For most people, if you don’t eat regularly, your blood sugar level will drop – hunger sets in and so does the craving for sugary/ carby snacks.

  2. Eating a good, balanced breakfast is essential to prevent sugar cravings. I recommend a very special Healthy Breakfast to all my clients that my whole family use that is easy, quick and nutritious and gives body all it needs in a perfect balance. The typical breakfast full of carbs and sugary or starchy foods is the worst option since you’ll have cravings all day (cereals/ bread etc.).

  3. Try to incorporate protein, fibre & fat with each meal. This helps control blood sugar levels. Make sure they are healthy sources of each. Example: Tofu or oily Fish combined with large salad made out of courgettes, carrots, tomato & pepper in a little olive oil and fresh lemon juice.

  4. Take a Pharmaceutical Grade multivitamin and mineral supplement, Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin D3. Nutrient deficiencies can make cravings worse and the fewer nutrient deficiencies, the fewer cravings. Certain nutrients seem to improve blood sugar control including Chromium, Vitamin B3 and Magnesium. Rather than buying them separately, Good quality Multivitamin & Mineral is preferable.

  5. Add naturally sweet foods to your meal: Use a little bit of raw honey rather than sugar is far better alternative. Squash & sweet potato instead of potatoes. In the evenings have plain yoghurt with some berries or some warm honey water. Have a piece of fruit instead of a cake!

  6. Cleanse Your Colon. There are parasites that live in the colon and feed on sugar, making us crave refined sugars and carbs even more. I recommend an amazing programme that helps cleanse colon –  Your skin will clear up, you’ll have more energy and retain less water, and pretty much everything in your body will feel and look better than ever, not to mention your sugar cravings disappearing.

  7. Spice It Up. Spices such as cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg, cloves & cardamom will naturally sweeten your foods and reduce cravings.

  8. Analyse. Write down when and why you are craving sugar to help you come up with what triggers are and a plan to break the cycle.

  9. Explore the emotional issues around your sugar addiction. We could be substituting an emotional need that isn’t being met with sugar.

  10. Get enough sleep. When tired, we often turn to sugar for energy. Also, it triggers cortisol, fat storing hormone that encourages weight gain.

  11. Break habits that involve sugar. Watching late TV, going for a coffee with a friend or to a party almost always involve some sugary food. Read a book instead, occupy yourself, plan your outing and commit before going out to what you will eat and drink and, of course, make a healthy choice.

  12. Practice Distraction. If it works with children, it works for adults too. It is said that cravings usually last for 10-20 minutes maximum. If you can distract yourself with something else, like going for a walk, it often passes. The more you do this, the easier it gets and the cravings get easier to deal with and you will develop habit how to deal with them.

  13. Get Active. Whatever form of exercise you do, be it yoga, walking, dance swimming – it will boost your energy & mood, relieve tension and decrease your need for a sugar high. Exercise has been found to have a positive effect on our blood sugar levels.

  14. No sugary snacks in the house or office. Out of sight – out of mind! Go cold turkey! Sometimes, this is the only way.

  15. Get Educated on food labels. Educate yourself about what you’re putting into your body. Learn to read labels. Food can be very cleverly marketed and that yoghurt that is portrayed as healthy could be loaded with sugar.

  16. Watch Hidden Sugars. Sauces, dips, soups, baked beans, etc… are all loaded with sugar (and salt).

  17. Watch Sugars in Disguise. Most of the complex carbohydrates we consume like bread, including whole wheat, cereals, bagels and pasta aren’t really complex at all – they are highly refined & act just like sugars in the body. Same with fruit juices. It is not a substitute for fruit. 330ml of fruit juice contain over 40 grams of sugar – like eating several bananas in one go! The same sugar content as in one can of coke.

  18. Drink lots of Water. Sometimes we are thirsty rather than hungry. Drinking water can help with the sugar cravings.

  19. Eliminate added Salt – as mentioned above, in the same way as too much sugar makes us crave salty foods and meats – also is true that too many salty foods and animal products, especially processed meats, will make us crave sugar as a body’s way of seeing balance.

  20. Work on your Mindset. This may be the final point, but do not underestimate it. It could be the one that makes all the difference. Your mind is powerful beyond measure. You can only achieve an idea if it is clearly planted in your mind and remains a daily focus. Where focus goes, energy flows. Focus on being healthy with vibrant energy and at your goal weight. Why? Because life is a lot more beautiful when you are not sick or lack energy or when can move effortlessly because you are not carrying excess weight. You already know what to choose in order to have that kind of health. It is not easy, but it is worth it! That is how you truly honour the gift you were given that is your body.

Here is to kicking the sugar habit! Because you are worth it!

You are sweet & beautiful already!

Thank you for reading!

Your Partner in Health,


Free Wellness Evaluation

If you are not getting the weight management and health results that you are after, Wellness Evaluation can help analyse your diet and find areas where you may be falling short and recommend solutions.

It will help you understand what changes need to happen and why in order to take your health to the next level in a healthy and balanced way…

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Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Our Gourmet Tomato Soup – taste and feel the difference

Winter is coming (and as a Game Of Thrones fan, it gives me a great pleasure to announce it)!

Our Gourmet tomato soup is a delicious way to enjoy a hot, balanced snack that offers 8 grams of protein and 4 grams of fibre. As you can see from below pictures, I can not help to add a few veggies to it as I love a bit of crunch too. This is probably my husband’s favourite product and he could have it every day. Unlike supermarket alternatives, apart from high protein and fibre (inulin) content, our soup is also low in sugar and salt too. Fabulous addition to your healthy snacking arsenal! Bon Apetit! 🙂

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Courgette and Feta or Goat’s Cheese Curls

Whether we need to lose weight or just mintain healthy metabolism and energy, science proves that eating  five smaller meals in proper balance and frequency is of what makes the difference. It certainly works for my weight management clients. Proper balance is reached where snack has on average 10 grams of protein and is under 150 calories. This is one of those examples. 3-4 courgette strips with a small cube or slither of goats or feta cheese, seasoned and then curled and baked for 10 minutes and served on its own or even 1-2 egg whites for even more low calories protein. This is very tasty and very easy to make. Also, could be a great party finger food. Enjoy! 🙂

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Chicken & Vegetables: Cooking does not need to be complicated

Cooking does not need to be complicated. What is important for any meal is for it to be balanced. I am not a cook book kind of girl, I have no interest in following long complicated recipes as life is too short and, while it seems that lot of my life revolves around food because I talk about it, help people with it, cook it, take pretty photographs of it (as photography is my second passion) and then talk more about it – I actually do not enjoy it when process is too lengthy. I cook completely the opposite way most people do. Most people might think what they will have or what meal they would like to cook after they see a recipe, get ingredients and then cook. I, instead, buy food making sure I have dairy, meat, meat free options, grains, fruit and vegetables (so, all major food groups)… I open up a fridge and it almost as if talks to me: “Have this!”, “Try this”, “Have that!”. I like my meals to be delicious, I strive for balance and high nutritional content, but also I aim for as little cooking time as possible. In my world – this is a true WIN WIN.

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Formual 1 Chia Pudding

Here is a delicious way to enjoy Formula 1 Healthy Meal. There are a lot of recipes how to make a delicious chia pudding for breakfast, this one ultimately ticks all the boxes as it will have more protein, more nutrients and more fibre than your typical chia pudding and would be classified as a meal in itself so you can rest assured body is getting all the nutrients in a perfect balance.

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast with a creative difference

When people ask me how can I have the same breakfast every single i.e. our Formula 1 shake, I look at them not sure what they mean. obviously, I keep forgetting that people who ask don’t probably know much about Formula 1 (otherwise they would not be asking this question). Of course, I will put aside the fact that their own breakfasts of toasts and cereals is probably what THEY have every day, but, no, I will not go there! (Unless they want me to! LOL)

So, this post is a collection of creations of my breakfasts that all include Formula 1 Healthy Meal just to showcase rather interesting notion that, apart from doing the right thing for the body and giving it all the nutrients it needs every single day, this thing is not just delicious (delicious enough for my boys to love it from since they were tiny for their breakfast, snack and drink before bed time), but they are so versatile – I can go though several months without having the same shake… well, below are whole month worth of them…