turkey bolognes with sweet potato

Vegetable packed Turkey Bolognese with sweet potato

This is one of my favourite meals as I love heart health promoting potassium and fibre rich sweet potato with virtually anything. Whilst you can serve bolognese sauce with a spiralised courgette as the latest culinary trend for those in need to reduce starchy carbohydrates and manage their weight more effectively, I find sweet potato instead a lot more satisfying.

Here is a great make over turkey bolognese recipe that contains three times less saturated fat than beef, packed with vegetables for extra fibre and nutrients. Vegetarians and vegans can instead use quorn.

WHAT YOU NEED (Serves 4)

400 gr Turkey mince ( or size and thickness of palm per person)

4 teaspoons of coconut or olive oil,

1 onion,

1 large carrot

1 red peppers,

2 tablespoons of tomato purée, 

1 can of chopped tomato,

200 ml water,

2 handfuls of chopped spinach,

4 medium sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed or halved,

2 teaspoons of ground cumin

Chilli flakes to taste

1 x low salt Kallo cube

black pepper


Heat the oil in a pan, add the onion, carrots and peppers and cook until just soft.

Add the mince and cook until browned, then add the tomato purée, chopped tomato, generous amount of black pepper, cumin and 1 x low salt Kallo cube dissolved in water. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Towards the end – add spinach until wilted.

Serve with mashed sweet potato or on a jacket sweet potato, sprinkled with some chilli.

This recipe is full of protein, fibre and nutrients and, if you follow the serving sizes, it is ideal as a balanced and low calorie lunch or dinner that whole family will enjoy!

Bon Apetit!

february a healthy heart month

Heart Health – right at the heart of our health…

Officially, February is a Healthy Heart Month and having lost both mum and dad to heart disease, this is a topic very close to my own heart. Heart disease happens to be our leading cause of death and virtually everyone nowadays will know someone who either has suffered, or still is suffering from some form of heart disease.

Heart disease primarily comes from the build up of fatty deposits in our artery walls, which eventually block the blood flow, leading to a heart attack or a stroke.

Treatment of heart disease nowadays is merely through the prescription drugs. However, heart disease is a lifestyle disease and, as such, preventable and even reversible with the change in lifestyle, which could mean, for many, longer, quality life without prescription drugs, enjoying long, quality life with loved ones…

Whilst age, gender (men are more likely to develop Coronary Heart Disease), family history of heart disease and ethnicity are unmodifiable factors in developing a heart disease – risks factors that are known to influence development of CHD are smoking, diet, lack of physical activity and psychological stress and disease risk is particularly elevated in cases of stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, renal disease.

Science shows that exercise and what we eat and drink play the biggest part in heart health prevention as it helps us maintain healthy weight.

Say NO to Heart Disease: Nitric Oxide (NO) and Heart Health

So, you exercise, maintain a healthy diet, keep your weight down, manage stress, but there is one more component you should add to your healthy heart regimen… and that is increasing your levels of Nitric Oxide.

Nitric Oxide (NO) is a signalling molecule produced organically in our bodies by the intake of right kinds of foods and supplements and it helps to control blood flow to every part of our body.

It supports overall vascular health by helping blood vessels to dilate, which supports healthy blood pressure levels and healthy circulation.

NO was discovered by Dr Louis Ignarro, PhD, world renowned heart health expert, who I had a pleasure of meeting and being trained by on many occasions and who was awarded a prestigious Nobel Price for the discovery of Nitric Oxide and what it could mean to the humanity in reduction of heart disease.

Dr Louis Ignarro believes that Nitric Oxide, this single molecule that is produced by the body itself, may be the single factor that contributes to all major illnesses and, at the same time, the key to living a longer, healthier life…

In itself, Nitric Oxide is a gas that acts throughout the body as a messenger and influences the functioning of virtually every organ in the body, including the lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, genitals and, of course, heart by inactivating so-called “oxygen radicals” (free radicals) in the body that can contribute to cell damage.

  • The cardiovascular system uses Nitric Oxide to control blood flow to every part of the body. Not only can Nitric Oxide relax and dilate (enlarge) the blood vessels, thus ensuring that blood can efficiently nourish the heart and tissues of the entire body, Nitric Oxide can also support healthy blood pressure levels.
  • The immune system uses Nitric Oxide to combat toxins, providing a strong internal deffence system.
  • The brain relies on Nitric Oxide to store and retrieve long-term memories and to transmit information within the nervous system.

A deficiency, therefore, of Nitric Oxide, can have a dramatic impact on our health. A total lifestyle approach to supporting Nitric Oxide levels including a healthy diet, exercise and nutritional supplementation, provides a wide range of benefits throughout the body at the cellular level which can improve circulatory, immune and nervous system function.

Here are just few things you can do to boost your Nitric Oxide production and support your Heart Health:


If you are at least 15% heavier than you should be, than your excess fat is stressing your heart and blood vessels. Your endothelial Nitric Oxide production is diminished, and your susceptibility to a host of diseases is increased. Losing weight is not about vanity, but your health. Managing your weight is important, so is choosing a weight loss plan that will not damage further your health as many fad diets do, but will contribute towards your heart health.


Whilst fat needs to form 30% of your daily calorie intake, it is important it comes from the right sources, so avoid Trans fats you will find in many off the shelf items like biscuits, cakes, ice creams, etc, but also avoid most of your fats coming from saturated fats from especially animal produce such as sausages and other processes meats… more about Healthy Fats


Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oils help reduce total blood fats, reduce bad cholesterol and raise HDL good cholesterol. Also, fish oils benefit the heart by keeping arteries being clogged up, contributing to heart attack and stroke. The recommendation is to include oily fish in your diet at least twice per week, especially fish like sardines, mackerel, salmon and fresh tuna. Research shows that the production of Nitric Oxide increased within minutes after exposure to omega 3 fatty acids.


Many associate fibre with healthy digestion, but actually, our heart benefits too. Studies have suggested that soluble fibre can perform a tasks of lowering blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels and increasing HDL cholesterol – by binding with cholesterol particles in your digestive system and moving them out of the body before they’re absorbed – thereby protecting the endothelial cells where Nitric Oxide is manufactured.

Scientists now believe that it is not just eating fat that causes the build up on the inner surface of the arteries, but eating those fats that have been oxidised, which makes it more sticky therefore adhering to the inner artery walls more easily.

Antioxidants neutralise free radicals in the body and reduction in free radicals will also reduce the risk of the free radicals oxidising the fat and making it stick to the artery wall.

We are now coming to believe that fibre works through substances called phytonutrients, which seem to have the antioxidant advantage when it comes to guarding NO. Higher fibre foods, in particular vegetables and fruits, also tend to contain other nutrients like vitamin C and E, powerful antioxidants that stimulate your production of NO.

Daily recommended amount of fibre is minimum 25 grams per day and statistics show that many are struggling with achieving even half of this amount, which is affecting not just heart, but also digestive health of the population.


Soy has been a staple of the diet in Japan for many years and heart disease is amongst the lowest in Japan, and at least the part of the credit belongs to soy.

Soy is filled with phytonutrients that function as antioxidants and fight everything from cardiovascular disease to cancers of the breast and prostate. In particular, soy substance called isoflavones interfere with the oxidation of blood fats, preventing free radicals from being formed and from causing endothelial damage that interferes with Nitric Oxide production.

There are plenty of ways to incorporate soy into your diet such as through soy yogurt or milk or tofu as a substitute for meat dishes. I personally consume it through my Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast smoothie and it provides, apart from a complete plant protein, also all the vitamins, minerals my body needs as well as the fibre – up to 10 grams of it just per breakfast.


Green tea has been known in China as a powerful healing agent for at least 4000 years. Green tea contains powerful antioxidant, which appears to kill cancer cells without harming healthy ones and it combats oxidative stress and protects your endothelial cells from invading molecules, thereby safeguarding Nitric Oxide production and improving your cardiovascular health.

Green tea also seems to speed up the rate at which the body burns up fat, making its consumption supportive of weight loss. It is very important how tea is manufactured to ensure its potency once it reaches the consumer, so I have my own brand that I trust that will not go through alcohol during manufacturing process as most supermarket teas do.


Last but not the least – increase your Nitric Oxide production by boosting your fitness… Benefits of exercise are tremendous in getting our overall health, in particular cardiovascular. So, get more active!

I hope this article has been of a benefit and wishing you all a Healthy Heart Month of February! Please do check out Dr Lou Ignarro’s superb book “NO More Heart Disease”, my clients borrow it from time to time and find it refreshing and packed with not just research but also advice that can be easily implemented.


I dedicate this post to my mum…

Heart disease is a silent killer because there are no obvious signs or symptoms, and many people don’t realise they have it.

Yet, unless it was fatal, it is a totally reversible disease and our lifestyle has direct impact on its development in the first place.

Take care of your heart, because it is literally at the heart of your health.

I love you, mum, miss you every day and wish you were still with us. Rest in peace, you are forever in my heart…

If you would like to reach out and see how you can support your heart health through Herbalife Nutrition and making lifestyle changes, please do not hesitate to get in touch…

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    Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

    Here is how you can show your heart, brain and eyes that you care

    I don’t think I have ever been excited as much as I was when Herbalifeline Max was announced to be released in Winter 2016.

    I remember a training few years ago when one of our leading medical doctors mentioned that whilst our Core Nutrition, helps us reach optimum nutrition as part of a healthy eating regime, one other thing they would highly recommend adding to our daily nutrition intake are Omega 3 fish oils in form of a supplement on top of a healthy and balanced diet.

    To most people I speak to, thinking of fats as healthy seems to go against nearly every piece of nutrition advice they have ever had in the past, but, this sentiment is slowly changing as nutritional science is discovering more and more benefits of healthy fats.

    There are certain types of fats that are considered healthy and that are actually essential to the body.

    You see, our body requires a small amount of fats that help our bodies to function properly. Some fats are healthier than others and Omega 3 that are unsaturated (polyunsaturated) are considered to be better for us as they are proven to keep blood cholesterol within normal range, amongst other benefits.

    Herbalife Nutrition Philosophy recommend getting 30% of our daily calories from fat with special emphasis on optimising our daily intake of healthy fats.

    Getting more fats from saturated sources can lead to health problems including weight gain. Research shows that the intake of saturated fats in adults in the UK often exceed recommendations, with average intakes ranging from 9-26% of daily calories intake. (Source: EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies, EFSA journal 2010)

    Healthy fats are found in fish, nuts, olive oil, avocados, to name a few main sources. Different types of fish have different amounts and to ensure we get those good-for-us Omega 3 oils, it is recommended we consume at least twice a week oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

    However, studies show that some Western diets are very low in long-chain Omega 3 fatty acids.

    The European Food Safety Authority recommends adults to consume 250 mg EPA and DHA per day, however, this can be difficult to reach, which is why a dietary supplement is recommended and can be helpful in helping us gain the benefits of EPA and DHA (omega 3 fatty acids) to keep our heart heathy and maintain normal brain function and vision, as well as maintenance of normal blood pressure and normal blood triglyceride levels.

    Our Herbalifeline Omega 3 supplement contains 250 mg of EPA & DHA and I have been consuming it for years. However, company went a little bit further with the release of NEW Omega 3 Supplement – Herbalifeline Max:

    • It contains even higher levels of EPA and DHA per capsule, which delivers even greater heart, vision and brain benefits:

      • One capsule contains 1063 mg of fish oils, out of which Omega 3 fatty acids: 375 mg EPA & 250 mg DHA
      • Four capsules contains 4253 mg of fish oils, out of which Omega 3 fatty acids: 1500 mg EPA & 1000 mg DHA
      • Five capsules contain 5315 mg of fish oils, out of which Omega 3 fatty acids: 1875 mg EPA & 1250 mg DHA
    • New formulation comes with key claims:

      • Taking 1 tablet per day contributes to the normal function of the heart (daily intake of 250 mg of EPA & DHA), normal vision (daily intake of 250 mg of DHA) and normal brain function (daily intake of 250 mg of DHA)
      • Taking 4 tablets per day contributes to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels (daily intake of 2g of EPA & DHA)
      • Taking 5 tablets per day contributes towards the maintenance of normal blood pressure (daily intake of 3g of EPA & DHA)
    • New sustainably sourced fish oil is accredited by Friends of The Sea, supporting the same respectful values for the marine habitat

    • It is a new vegetarian gel capsule, suitable for vegetarians and also contains the exclusive combination of essential oils from thyme and peppermint to eliminate any aftertaste.

    So, one capsule per day and so many benefits. Exciting or what? Please do not hesitate to connect should you wish to find out more.

    Remember also that if your body composition goal is to lose fat, this does not mean that you should stop consuming fats. On the contrary…

    More about Herbalifeline Max...