Immune Booster Formula 1 Shake with Apple, Ginger and Lime

Immune Booster Apple, Lime, Ginger & Formula 1 Shake


  • 2 scoops of Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake: Vanilla, Banana Cream, Strawberry Delight or Summer Berries would all go well.
  • 250 ml of non-fat milk OR 1-2 scoops of Protein Drink Mix (Vegans – use 250 ml of soya milk)
  • 1/2 an apple, diced,
  • 1/2 a fresh lime or lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
  • Optional: 3-5 ice cubes

Blend all well together and enjoy as a healthy breakfast, snack or replacement to any other meal.

All our Formula 1 Shakes are Vegan and Gluten Free.

The Power of the Shake

This shake combination of 2 x scoops F1 Nutritional Shake Mix, 2 x scoops of PDM (Protein Drink Mix), together with 1 x Formula 2 Vitamin & Mineral Tablet for Women (or Men), provides:

  • 24 grams of plant protein, key element in immune health
  • 6 grams of fibre, add Oat Apple Fibre for an additional 5 grams of fibre
  • Following vitamins and minerals that support immune function:
    • 130% NRV of Vitamin A
    • 240% NRV of Vitamin C
    • 150% NRV of Selenium
    • 130% NRV of Zinc
    • 280% NRV of Vitamin D
    • 110% NRV of Copper
    • 130% NRV of B6 & B12
Immune Health & Weight Management

Managing weight and taking care of our immune health has never been more important

As I write this, Covid-19 is about to officially reach 1 million infected and 50,000 deaths worldwide. Situation is unprecedented and it is not over yet. And numbers are telling us that it is going to get much worse before it gets better.

As we are all adjusting to our new way of life for now, resilience and hope implanted in us all is telling us that “this too shall pass” and that most of us will see this through and come at the other end.

Saying that, life may never be the same again and it will be a long road to recovery for most of us – not only financially, but emotionally too because Corona is leaving trauma in its tracks.

Whilst most are recovering from the virus, way too many are not. They are taken into hospitals and some never to be seen again. In lock down, there is no such thing as locking arms and hearts together to grieve. So many families are left behind to grieve on their own and not even able to attend a funeral. This is trauma.

Whoever is lucky enough not to have this experience by now, or yet, is taking it seriously and taking precautions.

We all know by now that social distancing, staying at home and personal hygiene are essential to stop the virus from spreading.

However, what will save us is not just avoiding the virus, but beating it by strengthening our body’s chances to beat it!

Because, it is now a known fact that this virus is here to stay.

And we can not all hide forever.

Statistics show that most vulnerable are those with existing health conditions, especially those with respiratory conditions, then those who are obese and/ or already have compromised immunity due to conditions such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular illness.

Dr David Heber from the UCLA released his own series of online videos about Covid-19 and his message that stuck with me was the one regarding Obesity and Diabetes being identified as risk factors for COVID-19 infection by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This is a problem for most of the Western countries. 65% of adults in the UK alone are overweight or obese and it is hitting them the most.

Here is a great explanation by Dr David Heber, world renowned expert in cardiovascular health and obesity, why this is a challenge in relation to Covid-19 that specifically attack the respiratory tract in the critically ill:

Upper body and abdominal fat restricts the inflation of the lungs through mechanical pressure both on the sides of the lungs and below the diaphragm which moves down when you breathe in opening the lung passages and allowing air into the lungs as they expand.

Abdominal obesity also reduces lung function through inflammation from substances released by fat cells and the actions of the Microbiome causing narrowing of small airways in the lungs. There is an association of obesity and asthma especially in obese children where spasm of airways due to increased smooth muscle cells in airway walls makes them react to airways.

With so many people around the world overweight or obese, we can all do something to fight COVID-19 through Balanced Nutrition and a Healthy Active Lifestyle which will reduce the effects of excess abdominal and body fat on lung function!”

So, what we should NOT be doing right now is eating through our emergency reserves of high in sugar and salt canned foods, increasing alcohol consumption (because it is all too depressing) and worry-eating through stacks of biscuits and other unhealthy snacks…

Well, I can not tell anyone what one should or should not be doing, however, I hope anyone who falls into the higher risk category recognises by now that this is not only an opportunity, but a necessity to take care of their health.

I have been so inspired by so many people taking this time to re-invent themselves, learn new skills or to find the creative streak in them they never thought they had. Social media is full of them and they are brightening our day each day!

Same with our health – we may never have a better opportunity to truly focus on building some healthy habits, strengthening our immunity and even losing some weight whilst in the lock down.

Because it really is a question of necessity and survival for many and an opportunity many have been waiting for, if you can see it like that.

So, let’s not waste time!

I have been so impressed by many of my clients who are sticking even more firmly to their habits, and some old clients I have not heard from in years that contacted me, wanting to stock up on our nutritional products.

Penny has already dropped for many – health is the only thing within their control.

And the only thing that matters right now.

No money in the world can save us if our health is poor!

An interesting study has just come out from Italy where a hospital in Italy has added “10 grams of vitamin C intravenously in addition to conventional therapy” to be given to “patients with COVID-19 pneumonia admitted to ARNAS Civico-Di Cristina-Benfratelli, Palermo” hospital. (This is a registered trial of 500:

A meta-analysis of five trials just got published in the Journal of Intensive care showing that oral Vitamin C shortens time needing a ventilator by 25%:

“471 patients requiring ventilation for over 10 h, receiving an oral dosage of 1–6 g/day of vitamin C shortened ventilation time on average by 25% (P < 0.0001).” (…/s40560-020-0432-y)

Bravo, Italy!

But also, let’s be clear – this is not a new science! Nevertheless, a welcomed one.

Because, the truth is, our body is a miracle and when we give it what it needs, it knows what to do! And benefit of nutrition for that very purpose should not be ignored.

Strengthening our immunity has always been about reduction in recovery, not necessarily being totally immune to all the viruses that come our way.

Weight loss has always been about developing healthy habits that not just help reduce number on the scales, but nourish the body rather than deprive it further as many “diets” tent to do. Which leads us back to Immune Health.

If the Covid-19 vaccine does not materialise very soon, and even after it does, these two areas – weight management & immune health – will become even more important as a way forward for all of us, whether we are within risk category or not.

So, what does it look like taking care of ourselves right now.

Firstly, try not to panic as our emotions play a huge role in food choices we make. Meditate, learn breathing techniques, do not feed yourself with Covid-19 news all day long, instead – read a book, watch inspiring videos, anything to stay calm and positive.

Increase fruits and vegetables in diet and use this time to cook. We all know by now, once the initial supermarket panic was over, that there is enough produce in the stores.

If you are not great at cooking – use this time to learn to cook some simple meals.

Plan your meals. Small portions spread over 5-6 meals a day will be perfect to sustain your energy levels. Focusing on combination of protein, complex carbs and healthy fats to get the balance on your plate will ensure your blood sugars are stable, so are your hormones and hunger and cravings are kept at bay.

Instead of sugary cereals for breakfast, have a yoghurt with some fruit and seeds, or stock up on our vegan Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast that is loved by adults and children alike and will give the body the start it needs while nourishing the body.

You can even use our Formula 1 to make a porridge based breakfast that is more balanced and nutritious, if porridge is your thing!

For supplements, check out our Vitamins, Minerals & Phytonutrient supplements that will help give body nutrients it may not be currently getting. Formula 2 Multivitamin & Mineral complex for Men/ Women is a great place to start.

Feel free to stock up on some pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C and take 1000mg per day.

Stock up on your Vitamin D stores too as we will all be lacking some sunshine.

Above all that, use your allowance to go outside for a walk or a run, catch up on sleep, hydrate well, introduce more fruits, vegetables and lean meats into your diet…

However, remember that all the above is futile if you do not drop added sugar and other sweets in your diet, eliminate juices from carton, fizzy drinks and processed foods especially processed meats, cut out alcohol, reduce smoking (here is your chance to cut it out completely!).

Above all, stay positive, hopeful, solution oriented.

We can not control what will happen, but we can control what we each do in our own little worlds.

There has never been a better time to honour our bodies as that may just be the one thing in our control right now, which is a blessing.

Whatever happens, we can, at least, say we are doing our best!

Stay safe and healthy!

S x

immune health

Boost your Immune System and ward off common viruses!

With season changes, especially during winter season when we spend more time indoors (when indoor air could possibly be even five times more polluted than outdoor air) – no wonder we are more vulnerable to viruses and lower immunity, especially if we have not properly recovered from previous colds and flu.

When we get stuffed up nose from having a cold, it is just our body alerting us that we are either not giving our body what it needs or exposing it to what it can not handle… The truth is, it is not us that get ill, but our cells, so, health of our body is dependent on the health of our cells.

To avoid getting ill, taking valuable time off work and even prolonging our time being ill, our best line of defense is always developing a healthy, active lifestyle. Feeding & protecting our cells on a daily basis will not only make our body stronger to face common viruses, but also minimise its exposure to free radicals that cause cell damage and make us age faster and develop more serious conditions…

Here are some strategies to keep your immune health strong:

1 Reduce stress and get plenty of sleep and rest: I would like to start with sleep and rest as, for me, this is the weakest link. 2-3 days of lacking sleep and I am in trouble despite the fact that I actually take really good care of my body.

There are many reasons for this, main one being that our body’s cells count on good sleep in order to repair & regenerate themselves. Lack of sleep can raise levels of fat storing hormone cortisol that impairs our food choices the next day, which have further repercussions on our energy levels, weight management and general health. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

2 Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables: A nutrient-rich diet is important as it is exactly the lack of nutrients that lowers our immunity.

Minimum five portions of fruit and veg a day are recommended. Plants are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and immune-boosting substances known as phytochemicals, which help protect us against disease.

Try to eat them raw to preserve their nutrient content, although some like carrots and tomatoes, have more nutrients when cooked slightly.

3 Protect your Digestive Health: This could easily be the most important point of all as scientists now believe that 80% of our immunity is in our digestive tract.

Bad digestion also impairs our immune health as absorption of nutrients is compromised and no amount of nutrient intake can help if those nutrients are not being absorbed by our cells.

4 Build an exercise habit: To keep colds and viruses at bay, it is very important to get active and start a healthy exercise program. It is worth noting that exercise, especially a lot of it, also causes free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage to our cells, so it is paramount that our exercise efforts go alongside a nutrients-rich healthy & clean diet that contains free radical fighting antioxidants.

This will strengthen body’s immunity and defenses as well as repair the damage exercise causes to our muscles. On top of that, you also get many benefits of exercise:

• Increases energy.
• Reduces stress.
• Builds stronger bones and muscles
• Improves Sleep.
• Improves strength, balance and posture.
• Opens us for great social opportunities and to meet new friends; gym classes especially are great ways of meeting like-minded people.
• Gives us pride and sense of achievement when we meet our goals.
• Helps depression.
• Helps weight loss/ management and tones our body.
• Encourages healthy competition: training with a friend can help you try even harder!
• Alleviates period pain!
• Reduces high blood pressure and the threat of coronary disease & a stroke.

5 Stop Smoking! We all know the facts now: smoking leads to many serious illnesses such as lung disease, so start cutting back now!

Only one single cigarette generates approximately one quadrillion free radicals. Can you even imagine this number?

6 Include a high quality supplement in your diet. This STILL seems to be a controversial point, which always puzzles me and I think it is because it is much misunderstood.

The “pro-supplement” case is very clear – nutrition in our plants is at least 4 times less than it was 100 years ago! These days we get oranges with no Vitamin C, Spinach with very little or no Iron, etc.

However, it is not as easy as just popping a supplement and that is not what is suggested here. Because not all supplements are created equal and majority of those on the market are totally useless.

An effective supplement is the one that contains many types of antioxidants combined properly and well absorbed by the body. Anything less than this is not effective if not even hazardous. The best instruction I can give is to avoid cheap supplements and go for pharmaceutical grade instead of just food grade available on our high streets & online portals.

If drugs (that are chemicals) work to regulate certain processes, there is no reason why naturally occurring & health essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (that are also chemicals that our bodies well respond to and depend on) would not work too. They are, however, not to substitute, but to supplement an already healthy diet if we want to see any results from taking them.

Cells that are healthy from a clean, nutrient rich & sugar free diet will absorb nutrients easier as well as there will be more to be absorbed from a quality supplement. This is a bullet proof combo!

Well rounded Vitamin & Mineral supplement is a great place to start.

These are the ones that my family and I use:

Formula 2 Vitamin & Mineral Supplement for Women

Formula 2 Vitamin & Mineral Supplement for Men

Other elements that cause free radical damage of our cells are prolonged exposure to sunlight, pesticides, pollution, medications, food additives, food (in particular processed food), etc. These all deplete our immunity and we can take measures to avoid or minimise our exposure to them.

Also, keep surfaces in your house clean and make sure you improve air circulation in your home by opening up windows regularly.

I hope the above was valuable and highlighted areas where you may need to pay extra attention in order to extra bullet proof your Immune Health.

In the mean time, stay strong & healthy and feel free to explore your current wellness and find out how well you may be doing and where you may be falling short by taking an online wellness test below…

Until next time, yours in health,


Wellness Evaluation Wellness4life

HOW HEALTHY IS YOUR DIET? Take a FREE Online Wellness Test

It takes only a few minutes answering some key questions in relation to your health, nutrition and lifestyle is able to give you ideas where you may be falling short in your lifestyle choices and how to improve it.

You then have an opportunity to reach out to me for support in areas where you are unable to make changes yourself…