Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day

Rethinking Valentine’s Day

I hope you believe me when I tell you that I honestly do not celebrate Valentine’s Day.

It seems to be a big thing in the West and I simply come from the culture where we did not have it. Even three decades of living in the UK did not get me “into it!”, although, one of the reasons for that may be that I married someone who comes from the same part of the world.

Saying all that, I think it is a wonderful thing to celebrate love.

We can only thrive when surrounded by love regardless of age.

They say that everything we do is out of the two basic emotions (and hundreds, if not thousands, of shades of each in between) – Love & Fear. Only those two.

What is also true is that – to be able to accept & give love, we need to first find it within ourselves.

This is very similar to having gratitude for what we already have – for more of the good stuff that we love, appreciate and desire to be able to show up in our world.

Which is why I wish to rethink Valentine’s Day and our quest for love and re-frame it in the context of health.

In my years of working with clients, nearly two decades now, helping them become better versions of themselves, one is for sure:

Being slimmer and appearing healthier does not necessarily mean we are any happier.

It is only when healthier body is achieved through love for themselves that serves a higher purpose – that the results & habits stick and become a sustainable, long term affair a way of life.

Of course, this is easier said than done as it is as complicated issue as it gets, but this kind of quest for love will bring much more fruits in the long run.

It may come as a surprise to you, but when we do not love ourselves, when we think that we are not enough and/ or even hate our bodies and the way we are – science shows us that those emotions send such powerful stress signals to our bodies and the following happens:

  • Stress increases our cortisol levels priming body to store fat,
  • Our body fat & body weight increase,
  • Food digestion & nutrient absorption is compromised
  • Body is not efficient at building or maintaining lean muscle,
  • Our metabolism decreases, and more…

This is the very reason why they say that “diet’s don’t work”!

I would argue and say – every diet works, however, not ever diet is healthy (in a “way of life” concept that I believe our criteria for a diet should be), and no diet, not a single one, will ever work long term until you start working harder on yourself than on your diet.

Furthermore, diets can only create more issues, more stress and anxiety that perpetuate the above metabolic issues, if we leave underlying issues undealt with, unresolved and bottled up.

Whatever the reason or trauma for our relationship with our bodies and food, until we heal those hurts, nothing will improve long term.

So, this Valentines and beyond, go on a path of learning to love yourself first so you can heal and find your first love – YOU – which then allows love to find us…

One of the first steps to take is to notice the language you use to describe yourself and your body – what stands after “I AM…” is what becomes us.

Working on your relationship with yourself is the most important work you will ever do and, if you want to go further – seek support. It is worth the journey!

You re a gift, you are enough and, with a love like that – everything is possible – love, health and happiness…

You are worth it!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Yours in Health,


Sanela happy healthy new year

Happy, Healthy New Year 2021

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday and, as the New Year is nearing, I woke up this morning with a couple of insights I really wanted to share with you.

If 2020 has taught us anything it is that things do not exactly work out according to plan. Sometimes. And that we have to remain flexible and focus on our blessings.

Sounds like a cliche, but it does not make it less true.

I was thinking this morning about goals for 2021 and two concepts run through my mind that may fare better than any goal we can set in the current (or any) circumstances:

1. Only Love Gives Great Health.

Instead of setting up health and weight goals for 2021, work on yourself and your personal growth more than you ever worked on your health or your diet. Because healthier mindset will lead you straight to  healthier and happier you.

I hope you enjoy Debbie’s story who did just that in 2020 and look where it got her!

2. Work Is Love Made Visible.

“Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference, you make a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distills a poison in the wine.
Ad if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.”

Kahlil Gibran

My wish for you in going forward into 2021 is to find what makes your love shine through… and to learn to approve and love yourself unconditionally so you can truly achieve your best health and become the very best version of yourself.

Happy, Healthy New Year 2021.

Yours in Health,


first birthday without my mum

First birthday without mum

I love birthdays.

I love them because they are about celebration of life.

And I love life.

Every day should be a celebration of life, but we do not stop and “smell the roses” as often as we should. So, birthdays are there, as are any anniversaries, to stop for at least a moment and appreciate the day in life when it all started. A new life, a new love, a new union…

I will be 46 in less than a couple of weeks time. And it is stirring up all kinds of emotions just thinking about it.

It will be 248 days without mum on my birthday… and there is so much to miss…

Maida's herbalife nutrition success story

Maida’s Story of Perseverance: Thriving with her Health Tribe

It is then true when they say: “If you want something done, give it to a busy person!”.

Here is my oldest friend, Maida, when asked to write just a few lines about how well program and support are working for her, Maida, in between running a busy office at the major University in the United States, packing for her trip home to Europe in 48 hours, and everything else in between – finds time to also pour her heart and soul into this wonderful story that is so inspiring and brought a tear to my eye.

It is also a testament of a great friendship as one really has to love you to trust you enough to follow your lead and ask for help with something so personal, and then live to tell such incredible story…

“Sanela and I go way back. A long time ago when there was no Herbalife and we were just kids and best friends, Sanela was all about healthy, organic nutrition and exercise. I was probably one of her first clients and faithful listeners because not too many people at the time talked about food so much. She was always so passionate about it. It was only natural to join Sanela on my Herbalife journey.

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

My mother, my inspiration

My parents have been my inspiration throughout my life, each of them for different reasons…

My father died when I was 19 from lung cancer and I grew up feeling that he was destroying his life with smoking and an unhealthy life in general. My mother, on the other hand, whilst having gone through breast cancer treatment herself, has always been very aware of the power of nutrition, has always taken care of her health…

She made nutritious concoctions using plants and herbs, sought after ancient health recipes, even drank raw quail eggs daily to recover after her breast cancer treatment (I only discovered as an adult that they are full of anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fats), amongst other things. I am talking Bosnia & Herzegovina, in 1970s… Not modern Britain… 🙂