Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK

Skin regimen I trust…

It feels great to be 43 and often complemented on the health of my skin and asked what my skin regimen is.

However, before I say what actually goes ON my skin, it is impossible to talk about skin health without talking about overall nutrition…

Healthy skin is a lot more than just skin deep, so nourishing your skin starts from the inside first. No cream or skin regimen will be a good substitute for a bad diet or lack of sleep and rest.

One does not need to be a skin health specialist to say with confidence that what we eat and drink will show itself on the outside too.

From personal experience, the moment there is more sugar in my diet, more fat or processed food, especially lack of water or good night’s sleep – my skin will feel it too, not just my overall body, be it digestion, energy levels or else.

It is also well known that teenagers who suffer from skin conditions like spots and acne almost always benefit and see skin improvement when decreasing saturated fat and sugar in diet, starting with replacing sugary cereals in the morning with healthier and more balanced breakfast options.

So, my top nutrition tips for healthy skin are: