Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Salmon with Spinach and Asparagus

I saw this recipe at Tasty and really fancied making it as it was incredibly simple to prepare, literally it took a few minutes and once it is baked, all one had to do is to enjoy it…

I can see this dish being great for one person but also to impress a few guests too as a choice when entertaining… It was very tasty, simple and did I mention also quick to prepare?

The link to Tasty explains the recipe in full, but, if you prefer to stay on this page, here it is:

  • Oil the baking dish and toss in it some spinach and asparagus and add some salt and pepper and mix it all together.
  • Put fillets of salmon over it, break one egg per person over the spinach too and add more salt and pepper to the fish and egg (Next time I may add some chilli flakes too)
  • Bake on 200 C for 30 minutes and then serve with some lemon juice over the salmon
  • Enjoy, it is an order!

I added some asparagus for better balance of veggies and fibre as there isn’t much in spinach unless we eat a huge amount of it…I used ocean caught salmon from Waitrose as we all know the dangers of farmed salmon by now. Now you just have to try it yourself!

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast with a creative difference

When people ask me how can I have the same breakfast every single i.e. our Formula 1 shake, I look at them not sure what they mean. obviously, I keep forgetting that people who ask don’t probably know much about Formula 1 (otherwise they would not be asking this question). Of course, I will put aside the fact that their own breakfasts of toasts and cereals is probably what THEY have every day, but, no, I will not go there! (Unless they want me to! LOL)

So, this post is a collection of creations of my breakfasts that all include Formula 1 Healthy Meal just to showcase rather interesting notion that, apart from doing the right thing for the body and giving it all the nutrients it needs every single day, this thing is not just delicious (delicious enough for my boys to love it from since they were tiny for their breakfast, snack and drink before bed time), but they are so versatile – I can go though several months without having the same shake… well, below are whole month worth of them…

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Get Spiralising

This was a very simple lunch today… I spiralised 1 courgette each for my husband and myself, mixed in some peas that were left after dinner last night, vegetarian sausages and red Thai curry sauce into it. Very, very delicious. 20gr protein under 350 calories.

Spiralised courgette can be used instead of pasta as courgette are very low in calories (well, it is a vegetable afterall), high in nutrients and moderate amount of fibre. Just add some protein, perhaps another one or two vegetables and perhaps some clean sauce and you are getting a deicious meal that, if pasta was used instead in the same amount it would be in hundreds of calories.