Eat well and sleep well to be well

Eat well, sleep well to be well!

I do not think that we talk often enough about rest and sleep and their connection with our general health and weight management. Not only that they are connected, but the way we eat, our nutrition, can also influence not only our weight management, which is not a big news to anyone, but it can also influence how well we sleep. It is called Sleep Nutrition.

An average adult should get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per day.

So, how well are you doing?
Do you have difficulty falling asleep?
Are you perhaps waking up a lot during the night and then finding it difficult to fall back to sleep?
Are you waking up tired and feeling unsettled or irritable throughout the day?

If any of this is you, I hope this article will be able to shed a bit of light and, ultimately, help.