Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK

Vitamins & Minerals – tiny, but mighty!

My health education started when I was a teenager. I have always enjoyed reading about health, especially vitamins & minerals and their impact on our health.

I used to make smoothies with any edible plant that was available in and around the house, together with fresh raw eggs from a local lady and soya milk I would drive for hours on my bike until I found the store that stocked it.

Some teenagers smoked, I instead blended, juiced, shaked. This was not a norm in society at a time and neither is today. Certainly not for a teenager.

Hrbalife Nutrition Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member Bath UK

Formual 1 Chia Pudding

Here is a delicious way to enjoy Formula 1 Healthy Meal. There are a lot of recipes how to make a delicious chia pudding for breakfast, this one ultimately ticks all the boxes as it will have more protein, more nutrients and more fibre than your typical chia pudding and would be classified as a meal in itself so you can rest assured body is getting all the nutrients in a perfect balance.