Happy, healthy 2022

Reflections on my 2021 – The good, the bad and the ugly

Surprised to see me?

Well, good to see you too!

It has been several months since I have written a post and I am not quite sure if I am writing in this very moment because of the need to do so as it is my preferred form of expression and I enjoy it very much. Or is it because of the sheer feeling that I really should show my face as I feel I will disappear if I don’t. Because so many tell me they notice my absence.

And I have been so absent… this whole year.

So, let’s see give it a go…

If I can summarise the entire 2021 in one word, it would have to be – “stuck”.

To explain it – I must start from the middle of 2021 and then jump straight to an end before I can talk about the beginning(s).

The middle of 2021 is the ugly part.

Financial worry exacerbated by COVID followed by debilitating lower back pain that has been chronic for nearly two decades, since my first childbirth, but it reached its peak end of this year. There were moments I would stand and freeze as if I made any move, I felt my body would snap in two.

It took 4 months of my husband’s persuasion before I finally booked an appointment with a highly recommended specialist whose clients range from anyone regular like myself to Olympians.

So, I went to see Joni last month.

We talked. A lot. All the way from my back pain beginnings nearly two decades ago when my first son was born. She gently examined my movements and, to her disbelief – my back went into a wild spasm right in front of her and I ended on the floor struggling to move. It was painful to breathe. This was the worst back spasm in a long time, if not ever. It took almost an hour to make a 2-minute journey from her office floor to the car.

And she barely even touched me.

But she was about to change my world.

For the first time ever, I was told that the real problem had nothing to do structurally with my spine or back muscles.

Chronic pain is very complex and multifactorial, and, after my first childbirth when lower back pain started – my soft tissues have become very sensitised, and my spine has become very stiff as I learnt to avoid moving the lumbar spine as a form of protection that backfired as the muscles became extremely overactive and in a constant state of contraction.

I was told my lower back was like a plank of wood with no movement and no nutrition getting to it.

I lost my love for exercise months earlier and I blamed pandemic, grief, and state of my mind for the lack of motivation, and I felt guilt for not doing anything. I blamed lack of exercise for my back pain.

But my body knew better.

According to Joni, I did not need any stronger abdomen, I did not need any more strength training and pushing myself. Being hard on myself. My chronic pain came from over sensitive central nervous system, so what I really needed was rest, lots of rest, to relax my back, to relax full stop, to give my back heat, to be gentle with it, to be kind to myself in every possible way, so I can bring balance to my nervous system and so that my back can recover from the current pain and only then we can start the process of restoring its proper function and movement.

So, I started taking baths and longer hot showers, increased my sleep from 5-6 hours a night to nearly 8 hours, doing breathing exercises to calm my anxiety and, only one month later – I am finally pain free. Well, almost completely pain free. But getting there for sure.

If 2021 has thought me anything from this experience is that:

  • Seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but a necessary step to fast forward your results.
  • Without the know-how, doing it yourself is a trap that leads to frustration and prolonged suffering.
  • Even with the most expert help, the real work is done by us, in between the appointments, by following the advice and the plan (of an expert)
  • One truly must have a deep desire for the change to happen and be prepared to do the work, this can not be optional as, otherwise it will not get done
  • Body knows best, listen to it.


The beginning of the year always marks birthdays of both my sons and my husband’s. In between their birthdays is now also an anniversary of my mum’s passing as well as my mum and dad’s birthdays. Six key dates in six weeks make celebrations of all their lives clearly mixed with grief and sense of loss. And I hope I am getting better at breathing through it.

Last Year 2020, the year of pandemic, left me and, I know, so many others rather deflated, so, it was the first year I made a point of not setting any New Year’s resolutions for 2021, but just to try instead to be better each day.

Well, it went worse before it got better.

This roller coaster of emotions at the beginning of the year mixed with the continued effects of the pandemic has made me, once a very focused and authentic health coach of over 17 years, now addicted to certain foods and habits that were going against everything I believed in and was advocating.

Feeling like a fraud, anyone?

I skipped meals, I ate carbs I never used to eat, I gained weight, I slept very poorly, binged on Netflix… Well, I basically lost it. And I just seemed not to be able to turn it around.

This is the first time I am really talking about it.

I am admitting it to myself and coming clean to all those who felt my void.

I knew everything intellectually but failed to show up in action. My mindset was not in the right place.

And You cannot show up for others when you are failing to show up for yourself.

Not if you want to stay honest.

So, I slowly drifted as I lost the clarity of where I was going.

I stayed committed to the existing clients, but I stopped building. And we either build and grow or we go backwards. No such thing as staying still.

This scared me.

However, although I felt stuck, thanks to being solution driven, feeling stuck is not where I wanted to stay at.

I started my own journey of discovery, trying to understand what was going on. I started reading more, learning from different experts on health, nutrition, mindset, mental health, etc.

All was pointing to the fact that, in the light of everything that happened to me in the past, especially last two to three years, I no longer had a grip on my thoughts and emotions. Only recently I realised I lived in a state of chronic stress for some time. At some point even contemplating if my life insurance covered suicide. Only for a split second, but this thought scared me as my glass used to be always full.

When faced with such emotions, some turn to alcohol or some other substance or worse – instead, I was eating my way out of it. When you think negatively, you change the biochemistry of your brain as well as your body.

I was thinking differently than I used to, my mindset was unrecognisable. And this stress and anxiety was showing up as a food/ sugar addiction as I could not resist some trigger foods and was gaining unwanted weight.

Luckily, I was between an early and middle stage when I gained this awareness whilst many people go through it for so long that they completely lose control, which is followed by psychological, social as well as medical effects and consequences. And they are completely unaware of what is going on.

They go from one diet to another, not realising that what they have is an addiction and that most diets are simply not equipped to help them long term as it takes way more than just a meal plan or diet per se to achieve complete food freedom.

Do not even get me tarted on how many meal plans I have seen around are questionable as they fail to provide the right balance of nutrients as well as fail to eliminate ingredients known to feed the addiction.

The silver lining of my research was the realisation that the food addiction is real and is the reason why some of my own clients are struggling.

But I learnt that there are two sides to it.

While I believe I have a great plan for my clients that addresses nutrient balance and food cravings and other issues linked with the substance addiction part, i.e. processed food addiction, helping them feel better physically – I had no tools or even an understanding that that was not enough for at least half of my clients.

It is not enough because for many of them it is the addiction to the process itself of consuming those trigger foods that is the other part of the problem – the addiction to the actual behaviour and what it represents.

This is where the right plan and support will help you also develop peace and freedom around food. When you gain your sanity. When that maddening internal chatter of always wanting more is extinguished.

This was a big insight. “Huge!”, as the Pretty Woman said.

It no longer was just about me.

I felt I was at a start of an exciting journey where I had no option but to dedicate myself to learning all I could about the addiction to the actual behaviour side of overeating and food addiction. It was clear to me that was the main cause of why so many fail or get stuck even after following a great programme that has been personalised for them.

Suddenly, I no longer was looking at my downfall in 2021 as a failure, but the best thing that has happened to me as it led me on a journey that felt like a destiny, it helped me find answers and allowed me to grow from it and, eventually, it will help me make bigger impact in the future.

So, out of frustration and feeling stuck, new, and exciting path opened.

I became a student once again and, over the course of ten months, I qualified as an Advanced Clinical Weight Loss Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioural Technique Coach as well as The Food Addiction Coach. And I gained a few other minor certifications.

The more I learnt, the more I realised how little I knew.

I did all that while I was dealing with the above-mentioned chronic pain and anxiety on a daily basis as well as battling with food cravings and lapsing. Also, daily. Feeling like a fraud. But the excitement kept me going, despite the frustration.

Of course, it is not enough to know things just at an intellectual level.

No change happens at that level. But, the awareness is a great start.

I had to accept and love this new me before I could help myself. Because new me needed to be loved more than ever for things to change. I had to tell myself this often. Especially when I did not like myself at all and doubted everything.

Part of that love was to seek help. Reluctantly, I did.

And it wasn’t until Joni unmasked the source of my problem, my fight and flight response to my circumstances that I now know was the cause of my chronic pain and ultimately my hormonal imbalance and my erratic eating – that is when I finally knew the true meaning of hope. Not just for my chronic lower back pain, but if I mastered my emotions, I could bring balance to everything else.

This is when it all came together for me and I was thankfully, with all these new insights gained in 2021, on the right path to recovery.

Because it is not about the food, but the fact that I ate to feel better, to escape from something or to protect myself. Which, of course, is short lived, but it does not stop us acting irrationally as well as causes the vicious cycle of the same.

Year 2021 was the year when I had to disconnect to find the true connection again. It was a year when I got stuck, but also a year when I found answers and clarity to my path too.

If I am to define 2022 in one word, I want it to be “Reboot”. Reboot to a better version of me, to a transformed me thanks to all the lessons and blessings of this year. Reboot to my lifestyle because lifestyle is truly everything. How we are thinking, sleeping, hydrating, moving, and eating will determine whether our body, brain and mind will function optimally or not.

Also, a reboot to how I show up to my existing and future clients. Not to mention a reboot to how I show up to those I love.

And I must keep up with this burning desire to show up as a better version of myself because the drive must always come from within us. No one else can keep us going. Others can only get us started or keep us in check to a certain extent. But, most of it – we walk alone.

Well, I am excited as I can, once again, be at the giving end. Once my well is full.

So, with a clearer path, it is easier to set goals and resolutions for the New Year 2022 and make them linked to the journey where we wish to see ourselves over the next 10, 20, 30 years.

One single year is only 3% of the future 30 years, so, make it a steppingstone to a greater vision of the future.

Pandemic might have taught us that plans can change out of our control, but we can always be in control of our thoughts, mindset and we can learn to feel different emotions about ourselves, our life, and circumstances.

This will ultimately be the difference between the success and what is only perceived as a failure, but perhaps it is time to finally see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow from it, then to pick ourselves up and start again.

We would not know light if we did not know darkness.

So, always look for silver linings.

My wish for you is a better version of you in 2022, whatever that is for you.

(P.S. BTW, just so you know, I really enjoyed writing this and it was for me as well as for you. 😊)

The cost of DIY

Be aware of the DIY trap!

I remember what feeling stuck felt. Looking back into the mirror and not recognising my body.

I was still me, but, at the same time, person looking back at me did not feel like me. Even energy about me was different.

To make things worse, my actual energy seemed to have abandoned me too, went MIA. There was none at any point of the day. How is that even possible?

For someone who never even thought of weight before and has all her life felt really comfortable in her skin, this was a new territory.

And I wasn’t loving it. Far from it.

This was me, after giving birth to my first son (Yes, the one that is leaving home this month to go to Uni). I was 30 years old at a time.

Of course, having my first child was magical, but I also wanted to feel good in myself and about myself. Extra pounds were not helping my health, my back was the first casualty, and it did nothing for my confidence. Like I had put a body suit on, and I was hot and uncomfortable and very aware of it.

My son was 18 months old when I finally had enough and felt ready to take care of the weight that I accumulated in pregnancy and post birth. It wasn’t much, but it was too much for me.

I have always had such great relationship with food and health, thanks to my mother, who, from my early age, taught me to value health. Because there was a point when I was around eight years old when we almost lost her to breast cancer.

Boy, did she fight! Yes, with chemo, but also with blenders, juicers, plants (and in the 1980s) and, above all, with an unshakable will to live and see me grow up… and beyond.

And she did.

So, having found myself at a place where many women are after giving birth – I was overwhelmed and confused and did not know where to start. However, I was a smart cookie 😉 as research took me to a nutrition coach who helped me start on my journey and, in a few months, with her help, encouragement and a solid plan, I was at my goal weight, getting really educated about nutrition and the science about metabolism, feeling amazing and even training to help others with their weight management.

Because it is hard not to get excited when something important happens and you find a solution to something that you struggled with knowing that you can make a difference.

It is a human in us all. Some recommend a movie they loved, I changed a career path 🙂

That was my apple falling from a tree and hitting me on my head. Eureka! I have found my calling!

That was 17 years ago this September. And well over 2000 happy clients in the process (“well over” as I stopped counting few years back – really no need to count any longer as I have put in my 10 000 hours).

So, this month is my 17th Anniversary and I have nothing less than an immense gratitude for everyone who was and/or still is part of my journey and allowing me to be part of theirs.

It is an honour. Truly.

And, boy, isn’t it a journey!

What I wanted to share with you this week is that the best lesson I learnt from my clients who came to me after years of trying on their own is that “I will figure it out myself!” is a path that can cost you:

  • Being even more hopeless, lost and confused
  • Gaining even more weight, putting further risk on your health
  • Having existing beliefs, patterns, habits even more ingrained & much harder to break
  • Going in circles and feeling frustrated
  • Spending more money on buying clothes in different sizes.

However, the biggest cost is a social isolation when you stay stuck and not fulfill your greater calling, miss out on the opportunities, relationships, etc. due to lack of confidence and joy of life.

Not to mention living in unnecessary pains and poor health.

There is a better way, and you deserve to be the best version of you so that your body can move, feel great, enjoy life!

I was glad I did not fall into the trap thinking I know it best and “I will figure it out!”. Well, I might have figured it out by myself eventually, some do, I have a friend who did it all by himself after suffering a heart attack, but not without trials and errors, and seriously hat off to him, but majority does not.

Because you never know what you don’t know. And staying stuck is costly.

And losing weight is not easy. Because it is so much more than just “eating less”. It is a whole science. If it wasn’t, everyone would be at their ideal weight shortly after they wish for it.

Mainly because of the food addiction that is hard to break without knowledge, help and support. More about it next time. This is the most exciting subject for me.

Going back to DIY – I have truly nothing against the DIY – like to build something you have never built before; you develop a new skill and it can truly be fun. We should do more DIY stuff! It is good for us!

But our biology is complex and DIY-ing your health without skills and sound knowledge can cost us further our health.

That is why crash diets can run havoc to our metabolism and general health.

I sometimes wonder where life would take me if I did not take that leap and got help when I needed it.

Certainly, I would miss out having all my dear clients in my life. So many friendships and connections. Meeting so many people who are so special in my life today and will be for a long time.

And, one thing is true now as it was then – most people struggle to achieve their health and weight loss goals because they do not how to do it safely so they can lose body fat, maintain their lean muscle and metabolism, and achieve energy and shape that makes them feel good about themselves. Not crash diet. Not start, stop, start again, then stop, etc. and off we go in circles, forever on.

If you recognise yourself in this, I encourage you to give yourself a permission to show up for yourself. If you don’t, nobody else will.

Think about reasons why you should start (or continue with your efforts).

It could be so you are able to stay active around your children or grandchildren, or because it is a time you start loving yourself again in the photos (You are beautiful already, but why not also loving who you desire to be?), perhaps because you need a confidence to get back dating or looking for a dream job. All you need is one great reason to start and keep going.

Perhaps you just want to feel good in your skin!

Because now more than ever it is essential to invest in a healthy mind and body.

That includes foods you eat, wellness daily practices, how you feel and talk to yourself and practice self-care – isn’t it a time you look and feel your absolute best?

Because you are worth it.

I would like to invite you to take a leap and book a Discovery Call with me and we can take it from there. It may be just the best thing you did, and I cannot wait to accelerate your success so you can stop going in circles and finally get you losing weight in a healthy, sustainable way.

See you at the other end or, until next time,

Stay safe, healthy and nourished!

Yours in health,


P.S. Choose yourself, always!

Focus 4 Four Week Chllenge Transformations Weight Loss

Our 4 week challengers are feeling Springtacular

This week we saw yet another challenge finish and, as usual, some of the results are off the chart. It never seems to fail to surprise me what can be achieved in a single month! However, it is not the pictures, but the stories behind them that fill my heart with joy.

“I love seeing everyone fantastic results today, brilliant. It was my first focus4 and I have loved every minute of it. The support I have had from my coach and all the other ladies has been amazing. I have lost 19lb and 93cm over the last 28 days which is mind blowing and I look so different. The massive thing for me is that I feel so different both physically and mentally. I cried tears today but not the sad dispearing tears I normally cry when it comes to my weight/body, but happy tears. I sleep better, I have so much energy, my blood pressure is better. I can’t explain what this last month has done for me. I feel so lucky to have found this amazing group of people and look forward to the next challenges thank you all!”, Karina

Then I absolutely loved Helen’s results as well as the fact that she was doing it with three of her friends. In case you have not picked up my article on Eating Patterns and Social Contagion and how who we spend time with can influence our eating behaviors and ultimately how our health shows up. Our chance of becoming obese increases by 57% if our friend is obese, but if the friendship is mutual, the obesity increases by 171%, particularly for the same-sex friendships, so, it works the other way too – by surrounding yourself with community of people who are on the same mission as yourself – even more powerful if you have your own circle of influence joining too.

“Not only my first F4 challenge but also 3 friends joined me and absolutely smashed it. Although not quite ready for personal recognition I can confirm that A.A. lost 62cm and really close to her target weight; L.R.L. lost 15lbs in weight and is getting to grips with the tape measure ready for next time; Z.A., after a really busy month, is yet to add up all totals but delighted with her losses. All of us have loved the process. I’d like to congratulate them on sticking with it and believing in me.” Helen John

“Absolutely proud of myself… I have achieved so much in a month. I’ve pushed myself everyday to get to my goal but there’s a bit more to go yet… It’s been hard going sometimes but I managed to pick myself back up… I feel so much better in myself I think I need a new wardrobe! Anyone can achieve something if they put their mind to it & only yourself can change, no one else can do it for you!”, Tam

“Hi guys, this was my first month of doing this and really happy with the way its gone. 71 cm loss. This month for me was more about getting used to eating better foods and at the right times. And having a structured plan too follow. Not much exercise was carried out, but I do intend the change that for next challenge. I can’t wait for the next challenge now!”, Liam

“If i look back at first pictures from January Focus 4 after I had a few months just before Christmas of eating way too much and not exercising as much, I piled weight on… My problem area is definitely my stomach after having 3 children and I can have trouble with bloating but the change is massive after 2 challenges so I need to give myself pat on the back really and keep going until I’m where I want to be… I want to be lean but I want muscle tone and curves”, Tanya

Absolutely over the moon with my results in just 4 weeks! Massive thank you to my coach and all the team for the support and guidance. It’s been better than I could ever have imagined. So here’s my 4 week results:

💚 25.5 inches off
💚 9lb 2oz weight down
💚 Skin feels amazing and redness of Rosacea reduced HUGELY
💚 Fitness levels improving
💚 Confidence and self-esteem growing day by day

Loads more personal results achieved in the last 4 weeks, we’ve had some tough times in the family during this time but stuck with it and so glad to have that focus actually. Still a way to go but it’s a marathon not a sprint and I’m fully committed to doing the right thing this time rather than quick wins, faddy diets etc. You get out of your body what you put in and I feel great on these products. I can’t wait to start the next Focus4!”, Lia

“Hey guys, these are my results: I lost 21.5cm; Gained 2lb muscle; Body fat down; 1.7 Visceral fat down to 4.5; Water is up; Metabolism has increased; Metabolic age dropped 4 years; I’m happy with that as my goal was to build muscle on this challenge.”, Alicia

It has not all been weight loss as, Kirilee has been working on her body composition really hard over the past year!

Here are my results from focus 4: I’ve been bulking, filling out and growing muscle for my body building competition in July, while shredding body fat slowly using our challenges.

This is the first time I’ve been brave enough to wear a bikini for the challenge photos. As a coach, I’m super super proud of everyone involved and you have all been so amazing its so emotional”, Kirilee

Congratulations are also in order to Susannah who won our Step Challenge, Stacey who won Sleep Challenge by increasing her average sleep by 1 hour as well as to Natalina who is our Bake Off Winner!

Oh, it has been a total fun getting our competitive nature get the very best of us and £1600 was given away in total to all the most remarkable transformations, although, they are all winners in my heart!

While there are too many result to be able to mention them all, here is one that stands out for me. It is our coach Dee:

“Just finished my 6th Focus 4 and the smile on my face says it all. I have managed to shrink to a size 6-8 from an 18. Down to 20% body fat & getting amazing results that always leave me flabbergasted with this plan. Trust the process, set your goals & go for them!”, Dee

Dee’s transformation is remarkable on many levels. She is a customer who turned coach because it is that Transformed People Transform People. She is not in my team (I wish!), but I love the fact that we all work together, we are one team and proud of each other’s achievements. Dee shows the commitment to her progress and health and her progress is a testament of the power of the community and what “one challenge at a time” can do if you just embrace the journey and commit to long term progress! I had to personally congratulate Dee and she responded:

“Sanela, I remember my first Focus 4 watching the welcome videos being so excited. I literally could not wait because I knew how great this was going to be for me & it has truly saved my life!” (Dee).

Indeed, when opportunity presents itself, you must feel it in your gut, trust that feeling, believe in yourself and go for it!

Here are some other of our March 2021 4 Week Challenge results ad congratulations to all the participants:

Our next 4 week challenge starts 5th April 2021. If any of these testimonials and results have inspired you to join, let me know. You can also read more about 4 Week Challenge.

Until next time,

Here is to you & your health!


eating habits and social influence

Social influence on our eating habits is real

Are your eating habits contagious and if they are – how can you use them to your advantage?

I think it may be a stretch for many to accept that one can “catch” eating behaviour and that that we may be susceptible to the influences of others without us even knowing.

In “Stop blaming your will power when making food choices”, I explored and referred to some studies that show that sleep deprivation, exercise, stress levels, hunger levels, food marketing and gender influences all play part in our food decision process.

However, social element is absolutely huge.

Have you ever noticed that you made different food choices when around different people or in order to match someone you know?

Studies around this are numerous and here are some incredible statistics that may shock you as much as they surprised me:

32-year long study by Christakis & Fowler from the University of California:

  • Study on 12,067 people concluded that obesity seems to be “spread” through social networks, including friendships, siblings and spouses
  • Our chance of becoming obese increases by 57% if our friend is obese, but if the friendship is mutual, the obesity increases by 171%, particularly for the same-sex friendships.
  • One sibling’s chance of becoming obese increases by 40% if other sibling is obese, also more true for siblings of the same sex.
  • Amongst married couples, when other half becomes obese, the spouse is 37% more likely to become obese, wives even more so, 44%.

Here are some other results of different studies:

  • Cambridge Study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2012 concluded that “unhealthy eating partner may determine the choice and consumption of healthier low energy dense foods” and that people generally eat more and similar foods in the company of friends and relatives than when alone and that matching food intake is driven by the our integration needs and the desire to be socially acceptable.
  • Another study published in Health Psychology 2014 (Robinson, Fleming, Higgs) suggests that exposure to social norm messages which suggests that other people are eating healthily may be more effective than health messages per se.

In other words – “Don’t tell me what I should do, but what others do!”

  • Results of a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2014 concluded that social identity is a portion of our self-identity that is derived from a sense of belonging to a group we identify with and that can influence what we eat and how much.
  • Study has found that when participants knew about either low-calorie or high-calorie food choices made by others – it significantly increased their likelihood of making similar choices.

So, what this suggests is that eating habits of people we identify with may influence our own eating behaviour as conforming to the eating habits of a social group or community can reinforce our sense of identity.

This, I am sure, may not come as a surprise as our need to belong is a fundamental human motivator!

The same study also suggests that we may sometimes make food choices (either good or bad) when we wish to avoid social association with an undesirable group, which is a very interesting twist!

Team based weight loss is on the rise, especially internet based interventions, groups and challenges.

  • A study in 2012, published in The Journal of Obesity (Leahey, Kumar, Weinberg, Wing, 2012) found that online teammate enhances weight loss outcomes and that those groups with higher team environment show better results.

So, it appears that weight loss success can be socially influenced as well.

Those that work with a support of someone else, like a support group or a coach, or a partner or teammate – tend to be more successful than those who work in isolation and one of the explanations of this could be the social transmission of eating habits and food choices.

Being exposed to the information about the eating behaviours of those around you, particularly those “on the same mission as you” or those you identify with – can influence what and how much you eat.

So, if our food choices can be contagious, we can indeed use it to promote healthy behavioural changes and having the support in the process seems to be the key as it provides the social proof needed to help us make better food decisions.

Studies also show that these social mechanisms that influence our food decisions are ongoing, regardless whether we eat alone or are with others and regardless whether we re aware of it or not.

  • One final study I wish to mention is by Dr Susanne Higgs, Ph.D., published in the Appetite journal in 2015 concluded that eating pattern can indeed be “caught” and is more effective when we learn what others eat (not when we are told what we should and should not be eating) as long as we feel a sense of shared identity with those “others” (and not if we dislike them or do not wish to be associated with them).

I have been running weight loss groups and challenges since 2008 (as well as worked with clients on a 1-2-1 basis) and, in my own experience, I find our online support and challenges with a high element of support and motivation invaluable, especially to those who have struggled in the past to reach their wellness goals:

  • Some clients prefer to work on a 1-2-1 basis and many make incredible and continued progress, however, it is a fact that participants of our online challenges perform better than the same amount of 1-2-1 clients do.
  • 1-2-1 clients who join challenges start making faster progress once they join, which is why I encourage all my clients to join online groups… and to truly immerse themselves in the whole experience.
  • The higher the bond between participants, better the engagement and better results too of each individual.
  • Those individuals who show participation and enthusiasm during the challenges are likely to do well themselves as by “inspiring others” – they feel inspired themselves. They are also likely to continue making progress, one challenge at a time.
  • Those individuals that prefer to stay back and participate less (or not at all) usually make less progress, which make them quit midway or not join the next challenge – unless they are highly motivated and already live in a supportive environment or have some support element in their environment.

So, if you are sat reading this and thinking about your own environment and realising that you need more positive influence in order to change your health habits – this was written with you in mind!

I often wondered what makes some people do well and reach their goals, whilst some continue to struggle even when we eliminate all the physical impediments and balance their blood sugar levels, increase exercise and sleep, eliminate hunger, etc. Of course, mindset and their own belief system plays a huge part and that is where community is able to help.

We are social beings and I have seen with my own eyes many thriving in the right group environment whilst they simply struggled to make progress on their own. And, more they are involved, more they are motivated and better results follow.

Here are some tips on how to use this research to your own benefit:

  • You can not change your family or friends and you should not, however, if you do not have a positive influence around you when it comes to healthy eating habits, those that you look up to and can ask for support – then you need to find a tribe of people, a community, that will help you in that respect, people on the same mission as you.
  • Working with a coach or a group (or both) will increase your chances three fold, so, trying to do the whole thing on your own without the necessary health knowledge and without support & encouragement is not going to work – your environment is going to win each time! So, keep seeking for associations with people who are already walking the walk you wish to walk. And perhaps talk the talk one day too!
  • Follow people you look up to who already have eating habits and behaviours you want to identify with and adopt some of their habits. Do not shy away from connecting with them and asking them for advice or help. People love to help. Sometimes, when we are stuck, we can not see the whole staircase and that is OK, we just need to be pointed in the direction of the next step. Sometimes it can be just asking a health conscious friend to go for a run with you or help you shop.
  • Have patience, Rome was not built in one day, so it may take time to find what works for you. But, you must make your priority surrounding yourself with people who support your healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Work on yourself and your health knowledge as well as your mindset. Involve your family and friends too. Try to cook a healthy meal together. Or go outdoors more and stay active together. Of course, you will need a proper plan to keep with it, however, starting no mater how small is exciting.

Just imagine the effect YOU could have on other people’s eating patterns and behaviours?

I hope this was helpful and, if you would like to reach out, please do, I would love to hear from you. It could be a simple question you may have that I would be more than happy to find answer for you and here is also what I can offer you to explore to help you get started:

Until next time, yours in health,


4 week challenge testimonials

Our January 4 Week Challenge is all the rave right now…

Congratulations to all our 4 week challenge participants

Most people who join transformation challenges do it so they can lose weight and/or get in shape and get support doing it.

Rarely they count on a deeper transformation that is taking place and the sense of belonging to a supportive community that is making big difference, especially to those who lack support in their every day life.

When I look at the participants, most of whom I have never met before and do not know about their lives prior to the challenge, I see lot of moms, many are stay at home moms, many are nurses, teachers and everything else in between who are trying to improve their health so they can feel better and perform better at work and have more energy for their family once they get back home after work. We have many husbands who joined their wives in an effort to get healthier and in a better shape together. Many mum and daughter teams too and those are truly heart warming…

Everyone is excited when they join, with a dose of self doubt as many have not been successful at sorting their health and weight before, so it gives me and all of us coaches such a joy to see the results and testimonials coming through.

The truth is, once someone has done it once, they know they can do it again!

As one participant said: “Rolling back the 2020 Covid belly one Focus 4 challenge at a time!”

What many are not even realising is the impact their weight loss/ fat loss and eating “cleaner”, anti-inflammatory foods have on their overall health. When their energy is up, they do not even know how that energy increase is a combination of excitement, energy in the group as well as their healthier habits and the effect that has on their immune and digestive health that is sending sparks to their eyes.


Here are some of the best testimonials we received…

“I’ve really enjoyed this challenge especially the pre-recorded work out sessions as I was able to do them early in morning before my kids got up, I’ve worked really hard and the results are my reward. Lost 1st 5lbs and 47cm in total. Well done everyone your results are awesome. I’m defo in the next 1 to help push me to my target and and I’m super chuffed I can zip up my favourite jeans again”, Stephanie

“Absolutely loved this challenge 🥰 total loss 52.5cm & 10.6lb and my husband.. 34cm & 12.8lb. Loving our before and after pictures 🥰… so pleased! Well done everyone!! Xxxxx”, Katie

I still can’t believe my results! 56cm off in total! Want to say a special thank you to Lisa Lloyd Davies ⭐️ Thank you for your continued support and for always believing in me.. you really are an inspiration to everyone ⭐️ Looking forward to the next challenge already!”, Hannah

Mine and my amazing mum Julies clothes transformation photos.
I’ve tried squeezing into these jeans for the last 10 years (yes I have kept them for that long) then 28 days with the support from you guys and BOOM!!! This was my mum’s first time ever on the products and I think we can clearly say she smashed it!!! Well done Mum!!!! Huge thanks Kate Russell for putting up with my endless questions!”,
Jacqueline and Julie

“Still awaiting my comparison photos but I’m an epic 34cm smaller and have shifted my mindset massively. Hoping to get on the exercise side of things in the next challenge too. My overall eating habits are much better and now baby is settling into something that may well be a routine one day I’m making the most of cook once eat twice+ philosophy…managed to knock up 4 meal pots for myself last night (4 varieties same base ingredients so glad I won’t be eating the same stuff in a loop) and 3 for hubby. I’ve also managed to batch cook and lamb and veg soup today and feed the kids something decent too… that is most certainly a win! X”, Ce’Nedra Gayle

“Hey everyone! I’ve been seeing everyone’s pictures and it’s incredible how amazing you all look… I just want to share a little of my story and would love to hear yours!

So, 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, at 21 this was life changing for me and a bitter sweet moment! Not only have I now got a life long condition but I finally had answers after years of misery! Before I stumbled upon Focus 4, I was in constant pain everyday, not knowing if it was going to be an alright day or a bad day (never had good days), most days crippled me and was bed bound, off and on medication to try and ease the pain and symptoms. No life for a young person!

Weight always fluctuates because of the horrible steroids I have to go on and thought I can’t live like this anymore. Then I found my feet with Herbalife Nutrition.. and, with such amazing and supportive people a few challenges later… I’m fitter, healthier and most importantly in no where near as much pain as I was just a few months ago!

I never thought I would be able to get through a day without pain, but now I’m having a lot more of them! Thank you, Herbalife Nutrition and you amazing people, specially Gemma Louise Bowen, for your encouragement and a new lease of life I never thought possible!” Charlie

“As everyone else has been brave enough I may as well join in, here are my first focus4 results, 17cm off between my waist and my hips and 8lb lighter, roll on the next one!”, Rowena

“Thank you everyone, without your love and support I wouldn’t be here!!
You all make me proud! 40cm down and working on the rest now until the next challenge. No more fizzy pop just water or tea goes in my mouth! Here’s to the next one!
, Kerry

“1st Focus 4 done! Impressed with my results, 47.5cm lost and a I am amazed by the difference in photos too!”, Alfie

“Took my weight measurement on the scale. Total loss = 8.5 lbs. Took my body measurements. Total loss = 43 cm. Not bad as I couldn’t work out for the last two weeks. Boom ♡!”, Sarah

“My RESULTS are in: My Weight loss – 13.5 pounds. My CM loss – 69.5cm. My Total loss since 14th Nov 2020 (including a Christmas break). My Total Weight loss – 22pounds. My Total CM loss – 100cm. ⭐️ I.am.Absolutely.over the moon!”, ⭐️ Charlotte

“Tomorrow is my final weigh in, measure up and fabulous Herbie photo shoot. In all honesty, with a new baby in tow plus 3 kids and a man child, I’ve not been my most dedicated, but I’ve seen progress none the less. Not only do I look better but I feel better too, physically and mentally. I don’t have the time I’d like to meal prep. With a newborn I typically look at hot food and it seems to be mandatory that I eat it cold and drink cold tea. Having shakes and protein snack on hand ensures I have the nutrients I need not only to nourish myself but to feed my daughter. It means I’m not so starving I devour the contents of the kids junk cupboard. I had so much support that even my wobbles didn’t destabilise my progress. My macros were tailored to my new body and breastfeeding requirements. I learned how to turn shake into healthy yet naughty snack to itch my sweet tooth and my milk production is awesome. It took away my midnight sugar cravings, I’ve gained some awesome quick recipes for my cookbook and I already look better than I did pre-baby. Genuinely looking forward to the next challenge.”, Alley

“It’s been so inspiring to share the journey with everyone and feel the highs and lows together, rooting for each other after fantastic results and supporting each other when things didn’t go quite as we wanted to.”, Isabel

“I’m feeling very proud of myself! I’ve lost 1stone 1.8lbs (have a lot to lose) and 50cm!! I’m so so happy. Thank you all for this group and amazing support xxx”, Amy

“Loving reading all the positive results/mindset from this challenge.
It’s my first time using HL products & taking part in a challenge. I was a little hesitant, now I’ve no idea why! I have loved cooking the recipes & using the products. I too will be sticking to plan. I am buzzing with energy & to top it have lost 16” & 12 lb -it’s a no-brainer! Thank you to you all, especially Caroline Griffiths for the gentle encouragement to give it a go. Will definitely be joining the next challenge! X”
, Layla

“14 and a half inches lost which is 36.83 cm. I’ve eaten so much lovely food, i feel so healthy, my skin is nicer, i have more energy Very thankful i joined this so i can’t wait for the next one and I’m carrying on with this plan until then and until i reach my goal”, Tanya

They are amazing, aren’t they? Wait until you see actual transformations (scrawl below)

If you have been inspired by the testimonials, head over to 4 Week Challenge page to read all what you will get when you join the challenge and you could be a success story at our very next Focus 4 Challenge!

If you have Questions, I have the Answers! Contact me…

And, until next time, stay safe, healthy, nourished and energized!

Yours in Health,


Sanela happy healthy new year

Happy, Healthy New Year 2021

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday and, as the New Year is nearing, I woke up this morning with a couple of insights I really wanted to share with you.

If 2020 has taught us anything it is that things do not exactly work out according to plan. Sometimes. And that we have to remain flexible and focus on our blessings.

Sounds like a cliche, but it does not make it less true.

I was thinking this morning about goals for 2021 and two concepts run through my mind that may fare better than any goal we can set in the current (or any) circumstances:

1. Only Love Gives Great Health.

Instead of setting up health and weight goals for 2021, work on yourself and your personal growth more than you ever worked on your health or your diet. Because healthier mindset will lead you straight to  healthier and happier you.

I hope you enjoy Debbie’s story who did just that in 2020 and look where it got her!

2. Work Is Love Made Visible.

“Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference, you make a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distills a poison in the wine.
Ad if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.”

Kahlil Gibran

My wish for you in going forward into 2021 is to find what makes your love shine through… and to learn to approve and love yourself unconditionally so you can truly achieve your best health and become the very best version of yourself.

Happy, Healthy New Year 2021.

Yours in Health,


Debbie front image weight loss testimonial

Debbie’s Weight Loss Transformation is so much more…

“12 months ago my life was very different… I had been very overweight for 14+ years and recently found myself separated from my husband of over 17 years.  It was time for me to get my life back on track! 

My best friend Hayley introduced me to Herbalife and I had my first consultation with Sanela and weigh in on 4th January 2020. Since this date, all aspects of my life has changed for the better!

I am more outgoing, with positive attitude, healthier, fitter and wake up looking forward to what the day will bring! Other diets worked for a small amount of time but as soon as I fell off the wagon, which always happened, the weight, plus more went straight back on. 

Herbalife Nutrition and its ethics stuck with me.  I understood the changes I needed to make in life and way and, for the first time, my weight was never the figure I focused. Instead, I focused on my health, especially the visceral fat, striving to bring this figure down to bring out the healthier person I knew was hiding deep down inside me.  

A lot has happened in 2020, virus has impacted everyone in one way or another, but I’ve not let this stop me! I am happy to say that I am one of the minority whose weight has gone in the right direction! Life is very good, my journey continues! I look forward to seeing what the next year will bring and know that Herbalife Nutrition will be in my life forever.

I simply cannot see me ever waking up and not having a shake for breakfast!

Love, Debbie”

More about my work with Debbie

I can not express enough how proud I am of Debbie.

During the entire year we worked together, I could see her transforming not only physically, but internal shift that was taking place was astounding.

I know Debbie has big plans for 2021, but let me reflect on her progress in 2020:

  • 25 kg or 55 lbs weight loss (4 Stones)
  • Visceral Fat dropping from dangerous 13.9 to 8.8 – which is around 3 litres of internal visceral fat lost.
  • Body fat went from 51% to 42%, which is still high, but Debbie is getting closer to healthier range.
  • Debbie’s lean muscle went from 46% to 55% of her body. She has not lost ANY lean muscle in the process suggesting that meal plan she is on is fully balanced for her unique body composition to keep her metabolism high.

Statistics aside, I have seen Debbie’s confidence grow with each month passing by, she truly is not only feeling healthier, but noticeably happier, she even bought a new house this year and has completely changed her life in the past 12 months.

Even in lockdown, Debbie and I stayed in touch and kept working on a 1-2-1- basis, but Debbie was also part of our 4 Week Challenge that kept inspiring Debbie to stay daily on track with her nutrition and fitness.

Debbie understood very soon that she did not sign up for a diet, but a Way Of Life, which already sets her apart from anyone just going on a “diet”!

Because she was ready, she was also teachable!

I LOVE what I do for all the people I meet and help and believe me when I say that I do understand that everyone is on a different journey and at a different point of readiness, which can not be rushed.

When we are not ready – there is just too much resistance and self-sabotage is a daily struggle.

Debbie was completely ready when she started 12 months ago, she kept being accountable to me even when we could not see each other during several months of the lock down.

Many used lockdown as an excuse to “take a break”. No judgement here, please. Remember, we are all on a different journey and a different point of readiness to change!

Debbie’s results just gave her more fuel and motivation to keep going and she truly achieved necessary mindset shift in 2020 needed to not only achieve results, but keep those results.

Debbie may as well be my absolute Star Client of 2020, however, I am a proud coach of all my client! Because it is our differences that make us unique in who we are.

I am hoping that Debbie’s story will inspire you to get started on your own journey and make 2021 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER.

Because you CAN and you are worth it!

Do not let circumstances dictate what you can achieve or not! You’ve got this and I’ve got you too!

If you feel you are at the point of readiness, let’s work together! DM me for details!

Until we meet again,

Wishing you a Healthy & Happy New Year 2021!

Yours in Health,


the one about metabolism

The One about Metabolism

This is the first video in Health Weight Management series as knowing how to eat to boost your metabolism as well as what to avoid that busts your metabolism is one of the most important healthy weight management know-hows…

Hope it was of a value! Please feel free to share!

Would you like to find out my take on some other aspect of weight management? Let me know!

Until next time,

Yours in health,


The One about My Story

The One About My Story

I am very excited about breathing a breath of fresh air to my blog posts as it has been a while since I posted, mainly as I was focusing on redesigning this site during the lock down.

Now that the site is redesigned, I am excited about pouring more energy into growing this section and this time, instead of regular written articles, I am going to bring you all the knowledge and experience over the past almost two decades via series of videos. Vlogs, they call them. 🙂

I hope you find them of a value and, first things first, here is my story, where it all started almost 40 years ago, and why I do what I do and with such passion.

I hope you find it of a value.

Thank you for watching.

Yours in health,


Herbalife Nutrition Aloe Mango Healthy Hydration

Intermittent Fasting v Balanced Nutrition & Healthy Breakfast

I am being asked about Intermittent Fasting a lot these days.

So, what is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is simply taking a break from eating for 14 to 48 hours.

In my experience entirely, interest seems to come primarily from two groups:

  • Teenagers who might see it as a trend and may want to combine it with Veganism that they know very little about in terms of how to incorporate it in a balanced and nutritionally optimal way, although their intention may come from all the right reasons. This all is a worry as certainly in case of Intermittent Fasting, if ever advised, it would be for healthy adults and certainly not recommended for growing teenagers.
  • Adults who wish to implement it as a way of losing weight: less opportunities to eat leads to consuming less calories and, naturally, it will boost your weight loss. Question is, what is that weight loss made of (muscle tissue or actual fat loss) and whether it can ever be considered as a lifestyle?

I find it interesting that same people who might object to the concept of nourishing and science backed meal replacement shakes (taken once or twice a day as part of eating 5-6 times balanced meals each day with at least 1500 calories and optimum amount of all the nutrients) thinking they will “starve”, are more than open to the idea of, well, starving.

Without doubt, the appeal to Intermittent Fasting is real and I had to look into it more closely. It seemed fair to start with an official disclaimer aimed at Intermittent Fasting:

Fasting is not recommended for pregnant/lactating women, diabetics, active athletes and those following a structured training programme, if you are under 18 years of age, persons with an eating disorder or a BMI under 18.5, and anyone with an illness, a medical condition, or following a medical treatment. Also, medical supervision is recommended for any fast over 24 hours.

So, it does leave out quite a large part of the population, suggesting it is not entirely safe, certainly not for those who fall into the above categories. This advice certainly should be followed.

What does the research tell us about Intermittent Fasting?

Some research into Intermittent Fasting shows that when you fast, it causes your insulin levels to decline, that there is a benefit to the human growth hormone as it increases and that your cells also initiate important cellular repair processes and change which genes they express.

So, overall, great great news and, naturally, I want all this for my body too, right?

As a matter of fact, fasting is very common in many religions and customs, it is an ancient and powerful method that can promote healing and regeneration and, if done correctly, can be very good for our health, as even modern science now proves it.

But, fasting once a month or being it an annual practice like it is for Muslims during Ramadan, is slightly different from those who wish to live by it. Hence, the long disclaimer above.

As a believer in having breakfast, I can not just ignore the science and research behind Healthy Breakfast, “breaking the fast” from the moment we wake up as our empty tanks require nutrition to run effectively!

Certainly if you’re diabetic, hypoglycemic or pregnant, breakfast is essential to maintain glucose levels, but, what about these important and well researched benefits for the rest of us:

  • Improved energy levels & metabolism.
  • Provision of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre (compared to no breakfast).
  • Stable blood sugar levels, which effects our hormones responsible for weight management, reduces hunger and cravings, reducing our chance of over-consuming high calorie foods later in the day.
  • Improved memory and concentration.

So, if Intermittent Fasting can indeed improve our present health and future longevity and while Healthy Breakfast has already well researched benefits for our metabolism, weight management, concentration, moods, etc – can those two be combined?

I was glad to hear that Dr David Heber, Chief, Clinical Nutrition Director, Nutritional Medicine and Obesity Professor at the UCLA, certainly thinks so:

“In ancient times, humans did not do intermittent fasting as a weight loss diet. They had no choice as there was little or no food available in many environments from cold caves to hot deserts. Today with fast foods and street foods everywhere, many people only stop eating at night and while sleeping.

I am sure many can relate to this is as sometimes we’re not even listening to our body signals because we’re mindlessly stuck in our habits around eating as we are so used to having food around us all the time.

Dr David Heber suggests that “eliminating after dinner binge eating of snacks after 5 PM and not eating for 14 hours until 7 AM qualifies you as an Intermittent Fasting Dieter.”

So, it does not have to be a big deal and there certainly is a safe way for everyone to benefit from Intermittent Fasting during the night when body is generally regenerating and cells are given the space and time to get the DNA debris and waste products out, but without missing out on ever so important Healthy Breakfast, an opportunity to fuel body for the day ahead.

Dr David Heber continues:

Your body goes through a change in metabolism every night while you are sleeping and not eating. These changes are the adaptation to starvation which allows you to survive long periods without food. You lose body protein and muscle during long-term fasting which has to be restored with more protein when you resume eating a healthy diet without high fat/high sugar snack foods.

I don’t recommend fasting for many days as this will lead to losing muscle, lowered metabolism, and weight regain. The body normally adapts to fasting and breaks down fat to spare protein being used to keep blood glucose up while you sleep.

Amino acids from protein account for half of glucose production while you sleep with the other half coming from glycogen breakdown in muscle and liver. Ketone bodies formed from fat in the liver rise while you are sleeping and are used for energy by your cells and organs.

Having a Protein-Rich Shake at breakfast (The most important meal of the day) helps to restore your muscle protein lost during sleep and will lead to healthy weight management in combination with resistance exercise and a Healthy Active Lifestyle!

I share his views that behaviour of Intermittent Fasting as, while it works for some and is seen as a lifestyle choice for many, it is not as good as combining Balanced Nutrition and Healthy Active Lifestyle.

Certainly not as a way of life.

But, if you must try it or if you desire to implement it for the benefits of cell longevity and all other researched benefits of IF – consider taking Dr D. Heber’s advice and building a habit of an early dinner, eliminate snacking after dinner and having your Healthy Breakfast when you wake up, which would allow at least 12 -14 hours for body to fast – giving body a break from food during the evening and night when body is naturally resting and regenerating.

This would also solve mindless snacking in the evening that many have an issue with and certainly make it possible to have the best from both worlds, after all.

Yours in health,


Free Wellness Evaluation

Diana’s Testimonial

Diana’s Testimonial

“I have known Sanela for many years. However hard I try to describe Sanela, I do not think any words would do her justice.

Sanela is great. She is not just a nutritional therapist. She is an amazing human being who has invested her life into in-depth study of human character, meaning of life… And this, combined with her expert knowledge of nutrition, the mechanics of weight loss, and physiology of the human body makes her approach very unique to addressing the issue of weight.

Because it is not actually about weight. It is about health in its entirety. Both physical health and mental health. This cannot be separated in fact.

Sanela’s holistic approach to health enables her clients to embark on a journey where losing weight is not a drag and living healthy becomes a way of life. Not because one has to but because he/she wants to.

Being mindful of what is good for our bodies and choosing healthy options is a powerful way of self-care.

Sanela’s message “Get excited about choosing health & living healthy” is key to a changed mindset which will ultimately lead to weight loss which will be sustained.

I highly recommend Sanela to anyone trying to lose weight or improve their health. I really think she is the best in her field as I continue to work with her on my own journey to wellness.

Diana, Bath (Health Care Professional, Bath)

Herbalife Nutrition success stories and testimonials

Hayley’s Story

Hayley’s Success Story

Hayley is a mum of two young girls here in Bath and came to see me after being referred to me by her mother-in-law, Fran, who has been my client since 2017. We did the Wellness Evaluation with full body composition analysis, had a great chat about her current challenges.

At the end, Hayley was excited to start with our basic Herbalife Nutrition plan and was given a full Nutritional Manual to follow with recipes for her other meals, shopping ideas, meal planning ideas, exercise, etc. I took her through it and, to my surprise, Hayley did not need much to set off on her journey changing her breakfast for our Formula 1, changing balance of her meals, serving sizes, meal frequency and soon started feeling better as well as ending losing 22 lbs to date in total.

Hayley implemented some recipes within both her own and her husband’s lifestyle, which caused her husband to lose some body fat and feel much better too. I do not think we appreciated how much progress Hayley made until she sent me the photo in a blue jumpsuit that she bought herself for their wedding anniversary break. She looks absolutely stunning.

Here is to Hayley’s continued success.

Avocado fruit that just keeps on giving

Avocado – fruit that just keeps on giving… Enjoy these simple recipes

Who would have thought that avocado is “a large berry with a single seed.” It is one of my favourites, although I almost exclusively use it in savoury recipes, unless mixing it into my breakfast Formula 1 smoothie.

Avocados are also a great source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, lutein, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Healthy fats should be 30% of our diet and, well, part of every meal and avocados are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids – the exact type of healthy fats we should be consuming.

Avocados are also a fabulous source of an all-mighty fibre, essential for healthy digestion, heart health as well as effective weight management. One serving of 1/2 a medium avocado packs around 5 grams of fibre.

Although most of the calories in avocados come from fat, one does not need to shy away from them – those are essential for our health and even weight management, when eaten in moderation.

Enjoy those recipes as a great healthy & balanced snack or even a meal!



  • 2-3 boiled eggs,
  • 1/2 a medium ripe avocado,
  • 1 tablespoon of low fat yoghurt or cottage cheese,
  • 1/2 lemon juice,
  • 2 Rye or Rice cakes
  • parsley or coriander as garnish
  • salt & pepper
  • chilli flakes


Boil eggs, peel and mix in a bowl with yoghurt, avocado flesh, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Serve on ryvita or rice cakes or even one wholemeal toast or even 1/2 medium sweet potato, as an alternative.

Garnish with selected herbs and chilli flakes.

Enjoy as a healthy snack or lunch!

Home Made Guacamole

Home Made Guacamole


  • 1 ripe tomato, chopped and reseeded,
  • 3 ripe avocados
  • 1 chopped onion
  • juice from 2 limes
  • chopped coriander
  • salt & pepper
  • chilli flakes


Mix it all up or whizz in a blender and serve with a couple of eggs for a perfect balance of protein with healthy fats.

Serve couple of tablespoons on a wholemeal toast or a couple of rice cakes or ryvitas for a delicious snack or even a light meal

Store remaining Guacamole in an airtight container in the fridge with a stone of one or two avocados that will prevent it from going brown.


These recipes are one of many our clients get as part of their Personalised Meal Plan. If you would like help with reaching your wellness goals, please do not hesitate to reach out…

Zingy Formula 1 shake with celery juice

Zingy Celery Juice Formula 1 Wellness Shake

If you love green smoothies, you will love this one:


  • 2 scoops Formula 1 vanilla
  • 1-2 scoops PDM – Protein Drink Mix
  • Handful of spinach 🌱
  • 1 kiwi 🥝
  • 1/2 green apple 🍏
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ginger
  • 300 ml cold water or juice of a whole celery

Method and benefits

You would never eat all those vegetables and fruits for breakfast, but in a smoothie you are packing in so much goodness.

Herbalife Nutrition ensures body gets all important complete plant based protein (18-24gr), fibre (5-10gr) and all the essential nutrients on top of benefits of all the added plants – so you can actually call it a MEAL!


Products you will need

Protein Drink Mix – use instead of milk with F1 or as a high protein snack
Immune Booster Formula 1 Shake with Apple, Ginger and Lime

Immune Booster Apple, Lime, Ginger & Formula 1 Shake


  • 2 scoops of Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake: Vanilla, Banana Cream, Strawberry Delight or Summer Berries would all go well.
  • 250 ml of non-fat milk OR 1-2 scoops of Protein Drink Mix (Vegans – use 250 ml of soya milk)
  • 1/2 an apple, diced,
  • 1/2 a fresh lime or lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
  • Optional: 3-5 ice cubes

Blend all well together and enjoy as a healthy breakfast, snack or replacement to any other meal.

All our Formula 1 Shakes are Vegan and Gluten Free.

The Power of the Shake

This shake combination of 2 x scoops F1 Nutritional Shake Mix, 2 x scoops of PDM (Protein Drink Mix), together with 1 x Formula 2 Vitamin & Mineral Tablet for Women (or Men), provides:

  • 24 grams of plant protein, key element in immune health
  • 6 grams of fibre, add Oat Apple Fibre for an additional 5 grams of fibre
  • Following vitamins and minerals that support immune function:
    • 130% NRV of Vitamin A
    • 240% NRV of Vitamin C
    • 150% NRV of Selenium
    • 130% NRV of Zinc
    • 280% NRV of Vitamin D
    • 110% NRV of Copper
    • 130% NRV of B6 & B12
Immune Health & Weight Management

Managing weight and taking care of our immune health has never been more important

As I write this, Covid-19 is about to officially reach 1 million infected and 50,000 deaths worldwide. Situation is unprecedented and it is not over yet. And numbers are telling us that it is going to get much worse before it gets better.

As we are all adjusting to our new way of life for now, resilience and hope implanted in us all is telling us that “this too shall pass” and that most of us will see this through and come at the other end.

Saying that, life may never be the same again and it will be a long road to recovery for most of us – not only financially, but emotionally too because Corona is leaving trauma in its tracks.

Whilst most are recovering from the virus, way too many are not. They are taken into hospitals and some never to be seen again. In lock down, there is no such thing as locking arms and hearts together to grieve. So many families are left behind to grieve on their own and not even able to attend a funeral. This is trauma.

Whoever is lucky enough not to have this experience by now, or yet, is taking it seriously and taking precautions.

We all know by now that social distancing, staying at home and personal hygiene are essential to stop the virus from spreading.

However, what will save us is not just avoiding the virus, but beating it by strengthening our body’s chances to beat it!

Because, it is now a known fact that this virus is here to stay.

And we can not all hide forever.

Statistics show that most vulnerable are those with existing health conditions, especially those with respiratory conditions, then those who are obese and/ or already have compromised immunity due to conditions such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular illness.

Dr David Heber from the UCLA released his own series of online videos about Covid-19 and his message that stuck with me was the one regarding Obesity and Diabetes being identified as risk factors for COVID-19 infection by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This is a problem for most of the Western countries. 65% of adults in the UK alone are overweight or obese and it is hitting them the most.

Here is a great explanation by Dr David Heber, world renowned expert in cardiovascular health and obesity, why this is a challenge in relation to Covid-19 that specifically attack the respiratory tract in the critically ill:

Upper body and abdominal fat restricts the inflation of the lungs through mechanical pressure both on the sides of the lungs and below the diaphragm which moves down when you breathe in opening the lung passages and allowing air into the lungs as they expand.

Abdominal obesity also reduces lung function through inflammation from substances released by fat cells and the actions of the Microbiome causing narrowing of small airways in the lungs. There is an association of obesity and asthma especially in obese children where spasm of airways due to increased smooth muscle cells in airway walls makes them react to airways.

With so many people around the world overweight or obese, we can all do something to fight COVID-19 through Balanced Nutrition and a Healthy Active Lifestyle which will reduce the effects of excess abdominal and body fat on lung function!”

So, what we should NOT be doing right now is eating through our emergency reserves of high in sugar and salt canned foods, increasing alcohol consumption (because it is all too depressing) and worry-eating through stacks of biscuits and other unhealthy snacks…

Well, I can not tell anyone what one should or should not be doing, however, I hope anyone who falls into the higher risk category recognises by now that this is not only an opportunity, but a necessity to take care of their health.

I have been so inspired by so many people taking this time to re-invent themselves, learn new skills or to find the creative streak in them they never thought they had. Social media is full of them and they are brightening our day each day!

Same with our health – we may never have a better opportunity to truly focus on building some healthy habits, strengthening our immunity and even losing some weight whilst in the lock down.

Because it really is a question of necessity and survival for many and an opportunity many have been waiting for, if you can see it like that.

So, let’s not waste time!

I have been so impressed by many of my clients who are sticking even more firmly to their habits, and some old clients I have not heard from in years that contacted me, wanting to stock up on our nutritional products.

Penny has already dropped for many – health is the only thing within their control.

And the only thing that matters right now.

No money in the world can save us if our health is poor!

An interesting study has just come out from Italy where a hospital in Italy has added “10 grams of vitamin C intravenously in addition to conventional therapy” to be given to “patients with COVID-19 pneumonia admitted to ARNAS Civico-Di Cristina-Benfratelli, Palermo” hospital. (This is a registered trial of 500: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04323514.)

A meta-analysis of five trials just got published in the Journal of Intensive care showing that oral Vitamin C shortens time needing a ventilator by 25%:

“471 patients requiring ventilation for over 10 h, receiving an oral dosage of 1–6 g/day of vitamin C shortened ventilation time on average by 25% (P < 0.0001).” (https://jintensivecare.biomedcentral.com/…/s40560-020-0432-y)

Bravo, Italy!

But also, let’s be clear – this is not a new science! Nevertheless, a welcomed one.

Because, the truth is, our body is a miracle and when we give it what it needs, it knows what to do! And benefit of nutrition for that very purpose should not be ignored.

Strengthening our immunity has always been about reduction in recovery, not necessarily being totally immune to all the viruses that come our way.

Weight loss has always been about developing healthy habits that not just help reduce number on the scales, but nourish the body rather than deprive it further as many “diets” tent to do. Which leads us back to Immune Health.

If the Covid-19 vaccine does not materialise very soon, and even after it does, these two areas – weight management & immune health – will become even more important as a way forward for all of us, whether we are within risk category or not.

So, what does it look like taking care of ourselves right now.

Firstly, try not to panic as our emotions play a huge role in food choices we make. Meditate, learn breathing techniques, do not feed yourself with Covid-19 news all day long, instead – read a book, watch inspiring videos, anything to stay calm and positive.

Increase fruits and vegetables in diet and use this time to cook. We all know by now, once the initial supermarket panic was over, that there is enough produce in the stores.

If you are not great at cooking – use this time to learn to cook some simple meals.

Plan your meals. Small portions spread over 5-6 meals a day will be perfect to sustain your energy levels. Focusing on combination of protein, complex carbs and healthy fats to get the balance on your plate will ensure your blood sugars are stable, so are your hormones and hunger and cravings are kept at bay.

Instead of sugary cereals for breakfast, have a yoghurt with some fruit and seeds, or stock up on our vegan Formula 1 Healthy Breakfast that is loved by adults and children alike and will give the body the start it needs while nourishing the body.

You can even use our Formula 1 to make a porridge based breakfast that is more balanced and nutritious, if porridge is your thing!

For supplements, check out our Vitamins, Minerals & Phytonutrient supplements that will help give body nutrients it may not be currently getting. Formula 2 Multivitamin & Mineral complex for Men/ Women is a great place to start.

Feel free to stock up on some pharmaceutical grade Vitamin C and take 1000mg per day.

Stock up on your Vitamin D stores too as we will all be lacking some sunshine.

Above all that, use your allowance to go outside for a walk or a run, catch up on sleep, hydrate well, introduce more fruits, vegetables and lean meats into your diet…

However, remember that all the above is futile if you do not drop added sugar and other sweets in your diet, eliminate juices from carton, fizzy drinks and processed foods especially processed meats, cut out alcohol, reduce smoking (here is your chance to cut it out completely!).

Above all, stay positive, hopeful, solution oriented.

We can not control what will happen, but we can control what we each do in our own little worlds.

There has never been a better time to honour our bodies as that may just be the one thing in our control right now, which is a blessing.

Whatever happens, we can, at least, say we are doing our best!

Stay safe and healthy!

S x

Joanna’s Testimonial

Joanna’s Testimonial

“Last September I began feeling cross because many of my buttons would just not fasten and I felt exhausted much of the time.  I have a friend who kept going to the dry cleaners to have her clothes taken in and she told me about Herbalife and Sanela.

I immediately called Sanela to book an appointment and from then on my life has improved.  I think the Formula 1 shakes are delicious and I enjoy whizzing them up with fruit; the snack bars really keep one going and above all I like the challenge.  I have lost over a stone now and feel so much better, enjoy my weekly trip to Sanela and her magic scales though I now will see her once a month for a wellness check-up as I reached my goal.

I found it a bit expensive at first as you get supplies for a whole month, but as it works out less than £5 a day for 2 nutritious meals, a healthy protein snack, supplements and an energy drink – Sanela made me realise that a lot of people pay that much just for a sandwich out and a fizzy drink, so it is important to understand the value. Sanela has since made me a member and I now order independently at a discount.

You are sometimes tempted when you are cooking for your family and I did find it difficult to drink enough water but you have your evening meal to look forward to and the joy of looking and feeling better!  This is such a painless way to lose weight and improve your health. I don’t know why more people don’t do it.  I would recommend everyone to just – Go for it!”

Joanna Cacanas, Bath

Happy Healthy 2020

Letting go of 2019… Hello Happy, Healthy 2020

2019 has been a tough year by all counts, but I am coming out into 2020 smiling, hopeful, with love in my heart, grateful for all I have as well as all I lost, ready to leave behind in 2019 all that does not serve me… and to serve again…

As a Health Coach and a Weight Loss Specialist, I am committed to my clients and their transformations and breakthroughs many so desperately need. 

I believe in body positivity and loving yourself just the way you are because we can only move beyond our limitations if we love and appreciate all that we are first, irrespective of our shape and size, because we are more than our bodies.

Yet, we need our bodies to thrive in health and other areas of life.

Life is not joyful when our health is compromised! Anyone lacking health in their life right now will vouch for that!

And when we have love & appreciation for all that we are, we naturally start taking care of ourselves. Love within shines on the outside too. It can not be helped. The first building block is always – taking care of our bodies,.

Body is our engine where results in energy can be visible the quickest, which fuels motivation and developing long lasting healthy, active lifestyle habits.

If we lack energy, feel sick and do not generally like how we come up in the world – inertia becomes our second nature. So, inner work always comes first, but taking care of our bodies is the spark we need to begin the process.

I help my clients understand how to nourish their bodies in the right way to balance their hormones, increase their metabolism and achieve results they thought might never be possible for them again. Results that go way beyond weight loss alone.

Because, despite the best intentions – lack of know-how and support will leave you frustrated and without results to show for and it does not need to be like that!

Getting yourself to a good place feels so incredibly good.

The only thing that feels even greater is taking people with you (or inspiring them to take action, sometimes without you even knowing until later)!

This is what makes me love my work.

If improving health or weight loss is your goal for 2020, I have a plan and support system that worked for me and hundreds of my clients for the last 15 years… 

Contact me to get stared…

Or check out common mistakes my clients used to make and see if you can relate… https://www.wellness4life.co.uk/common-mistakes-when-weight-loss-is-your-goal/

From my heart to yours… Happy, Healthy 2020!


Get Healthy With Sanela: Journey to Myself

Journey back so self…

I have recently read a quote “Success is never owned, it is rented and rent is due each day!” 

This can not be more true when it comes to health as for most things in life.

While I have always managed my weight, with a little help of Herbalife Nutrition after my first pregnancy back in 2004, it was only in 2018 when I got myself into truly the best shape I have ever been in through increasing my exercise efforts (nothing too drastic, just effective) and zeroing-in on my nutrition even further.

My progress inspired many of my clients to take the same journey.

But, as I found out, nothing is ever final, we never reach a goal and are able to just keep it forever. We may reach a milestone, but we still need to do the work to stay there!

Has it ever happened to you that You got to your goal and then took your foot off the gas thinking it will last forever and it did not?

Or has life just happened?

It was the latter for me…

It is 10 months since my mum passed away as I write this. Her passing has triggered emotions and thought processes that went beyond her passing as I started questioning everything in my life… and, in the process, I lost myself as well as my health focus.

It is only now that I do feel like I am taking control back, voluntarily, happily.

Out of love for myself, not fear.

There is a need in me again to be the best version of me. For me.

I finally have a vision again how I wish to come up in the world. It is clear that I finally am able to stop myself from eating what does not serve me, what I did not manage last few months. I was hoovering everything in sight.. healthy and… not so much!

I took an honest look t myself and decided to do my 21 Day Challenge, starting on 1st Dec.

What a month to start, season of parties and events, but it was clear to me I was not prepared to do any more damage and, luckily, I do have the know-how to get back there. 

What is even more important is that I am more clear on what matters in life and where I need to direct my energy for my family and myself to thrive in all areas, starting with health.  

Health & Fitness, or lack of it, is where everything else starts breaking down too.

My finances, relationships and mental health suffered as a result in a short few months o losing my focus, but, the moment I started taking care of myself – everything else starting mending very quickly, which is when I knew I was going towards a good place again.

Energy flows where focus goes…

I do not regret anything I went through last 10 months. It was an important part of my journey. I have allowed myself a time to grieve and it was an an experience that has taught me so much about myself.

Sometimes you have to break things before you are able to build something new, something better.

I love Japanese art of Kintsugi. 

It is a skill of fixing broken pottery with lacquer and powdered gold. It is meant to embrace the flaws and imperfections, and to treat breakage and repair as part of the beautiful history of an object rather than something to be disguised.

It is about choosing to embrace our struggles and to repair ourselves with love as we become more beautiful for having been broken.

And being broken and hurting, then dusting yourself off and getting up again is what makes the climb to the best version of you incredibly satisfying. 

When you are inspired by the quiet voice within you to take action and use all your know-how to climb back up again and act in your own best enlightened interest is exciting. An adrenaline in itself that pushes you forward.

Everyone is looking to be motivated. The truth is, unless you are your own best motivator, everything and everyone else is just a crutch that can be taken away any moment. 

It is an illusion that someone can motivate you.

The truth is, someone CAN inspire you, but taking an inspired action comes from you, from deep within.

That is so clear to me now, in case it has not been before.

My wish for you is to never stop growing towards the best version of yourself, whatever that is for you.

Because you are worth it. Because it is worth it.

Because it has a positive effect on others around you too who may be in a desperate need for some inspiration. And this feels incredibly good.

Remember, whatever the challenge – you matter, you are enough and you are worth it!

With love & respect,


Iced Coffee High Protein Herbalife Nutrition

When coffee is actually REALLY good for you: The Power of High Protein Iced Coffee

Coffee is a staple of most diets these days. Iced coffee in particular is currently popular, especially to younger consumers, which is why it is being introduced in most of the coffee shops.

I grew up in a big coffee culture. Most of my family members and friends can not imagine life without their daily coffee fix. Many of my clients used to drink 5-10 coffees a day and it took a while to build healthier habits by reducing such large intake and replace it with healthier alternatives!

So, as much it can be a part of tradition, it can also turn into quite an unhealthy habit trying to get the energy boost from coffee and other caffeinated drinks in order to keep going; for most part energy lack originates from unhealthy nutritional habits.

Snacking is another big part of everyone’s lifestyle and major brands are investing into healthy snacking ranges as consumers are becoming more health conscious, which is truly great.

Our High Protein Iced Coffee is a great alternative to high street brands giving a coffee fix while it also offers great amount of health benefits, including quality protein, making it a great healthy snacking option as well.

Why choose our High Protein Iced Coffee?

  • Convenient – just mix with water – and take it with you anytime and anywhere – take it to work, take it to town, take it to the gym…
  • 85 Calories per serving – 60 calories are from protein!
  • Great for Weight Management as this low calorie, low fat, low sugar, high protein healthy snack is a way healthier alternative to high street coffees
  • 80 mg of caffeine per serving to help improve concentration especially before exercise or while at work
  • It is creamy, but with a bold coffee flavour from 100% real Robusta bean
  • Perfect as a mid-morning/ mid-afternoon snack!
  • It features only 6 ingredients: no nasty stuff of excess sugar, fat and artificial ingredients you find in many high street coffees: great for those who are health conscious and looking for a clean label snack
  • Fantastic for those who are fit & active as it is high in whey protein – perfect for an indulgent post workout shake.
  • It is a scientifically a cutting-edge product

One may be reluctant to give up their morning coffee, and you do not necessarily have to at all, but, how about trying to replace it with something that will still give you the coffee boost, while it will also give your metabolism a healthy kick start and boost any time of the day whether it is before and after a workout, at work, etc. … and see how you feel…

Herbalife Nutrition High Protein Iced Coffee

High Protein Iced Coffee Features:

  • High in protein – 15 grams per serving of whey protein that is a complete protein containing all essential amino acids, high in BCCAs and supports muscle protein synthesis, muscle recovery
  • Low in fat
  • No added sugar – sweetened with naturally sourced Stevia
  • 80mg of caffeine from real Robusta coffee beans, not an artificial coffee powder, same caffeine content as an espresso shot
  • No artificial colours
  • Coconut creamer for a creamy texture
  • Vegetarian friendly
  • Sea salt to help boost flavour
  • Available in Latte Macchiato & Mocha flavours

So many people consume high amount of calories, fat & sugar through coffee drinks, and our High Protein Iced Coffee makes a perfect alternative!

If you are looking to manage your weight, are health conscious, looking for a clean label snack with only a few ingredients or fit & active and looking for a healthy snack high in protein to boost your daily protein intake – do not look any further – our High Protein Iced Coffee is just for you and worth giving it a go!

Herbalife Nutrition Testimonial client Wendy Bath UK

Wendy’s Testimonial

Wendy’s Testimonial

“I have had the pleasure of knowing Sanela since 2009 and in that time she has been a real tower of strength, She has been a wonderful coach through many harrowing attempts to get control over my weight and understand my relationship with food.

Not only does she lend a listening ear to my excuses (my word not hers) she has a way of, always gently leading me back on track with encouraging words, stories and facts.

What she doesn’t know about health and well being is, quite frankly not needed to know. Saying that she always keeps her clients up to date with any new developments.

What is especially noticeable about Sanela is that she is kind even when “tough love” has been required. I go away feeling refreshed revived and ready to start again and not a failure and ashamed as can so easily happen in the world of health and fitness.

Sanela is able to get to another layer and her clients can remain human and empowered. This is just one of the qualities which I believe makes her unique in her field and I’m not biased as I have been through many programmes in my 50 years.

I have often arrived on her doorstep depleted and down to be welcomed with energy and warmth which she radiates, leaving me skipping down the steps with hope in my heart and that is something that can’t be bought or taught. Thank you my marvelous friend, you are a treasure.”


Linda’s Testimonial

Linda’s Testimonial

“Thanks to Sanela and Herbalife my life has changed. I knew there was something wrong when I always woke up tired with a lack of energy and a feeling of lethargy. I was recommended by a friend to call Sanela. I did not feel I needed to lose weight but I did want to feel more positive. I only weight 9 and a half Stones, so not massively overweight, but was carrying a lot of body fat around hips and stomach.

Sanela made me reassess what I was eating and drinking and I quickly realised I needed to respect myself enough to change my nutrition. I needed Sanela to help me see the link between food and my mood and to realise I needed to eat more protein and less carbohydrate, lose alcohol, caffeine, crisps and gain a balanced diet.

These are things we might already know, but do not put into action due to excuses of time and life’s distractions.

I ended up losing 18 lbs as I stuck to the suggested program of 2 shakes, snacks and 1 balanced evening meal. The shakes helped the brain and body crave and need good nutrition. It helped me reduce my stomach size and expect less food, food that the body does not necessarily need.

Support from Sanela is fabulous with her words of wisdom, encouragement, knowledge and support. The whole process for me was guided by the thought that I am gaining something which was a healthy body with lots of energy rather than loosing food.”

Linda Mallory, Bath

first birthday without my mum

First birthday without mum

I love birthdays.

I love them because they are about celebration of life.

And I love life.

Every day should be a celebration of life, but we do not stop and “smell the roses” as often as we should. So, birthdays are there, as are any anniversaries, to stop for at least a moment and appreciate the day in life when it all started. A new life, a new love, a new union…

I will be 46 in less than a couple of weeks time. And it is stirring up all kinds of emotions just thinking about it.

It will be 248 days without mum on my birthday… and there is so much to miss…

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK

Emily’s Testimonial

Emily’s Herbalife Nutrition Story

Sanela, I want to say a massive thank you to you.

I met you about three years ago by our mutual friend who kind of coaxed me into seeing you. She made a few comments about my weight over the time I knew her. One of which was ‘you’re lovely looking but would look even better if you lost some weight’! How charming is that!!

I’ll admit the first time I saw you, although I understood Herbalife and the routine I needed to make for myself, I was not committed. Working with people who aren’t exactly the healthiest, I would be easily lead into having a MacDonalds or something to that fashion. It was a bit like I didn’t want to be left out, or that’s what I’ve told myself.

I tried to do your Weight Loss Challenge and again failed. I could blame lots of things for this but really it was my lack of motivation, there isn’t a real excuse. At the time I probably blamed work. I learnt from you though. I understood but didn’t put any of it into practice. It was like I was going to the lessons but not taking the exam.

I then tried other things, but it was not for me.

I’ve always followed your Facebook posts and read you emailed newsletters. Each night I would go to bed thinking, I’m going to start tomorrow being healthy, I know what I’m doing, I’ll go for a run after work. Then when the next morning comes it would be ‘can’t be arsed with that’.

I used to love running and the gym. For some reason something has made me lazy. There has been a fair few life hurdles I have had to deal with over the last 2 years but who hasn’t! It’s how we deal with them that makes us stronger and shouldn’t be making us lazy!

Then one morning, I woke up and rather than thinking ‘can’t be arsed with that’, I text you. Arranged to see you. A dose of your energy was all I needed to re-inspire myself.

I’d forgotten the simplicity of Herbalife and how it fits so well into my daily life. Our time is precious and we should be making the most of it. Not spending hours making food for the next day and having to think about all the nutrients we need from it and having to weigh everything out. Now I can have my shake, which I enjoy and know is doing me good and a hell of a lot better than my previous lunchtime munchings!

Not only that but I have noticed the saving on my food bill!

After my first 10 days I have lost just under 3lbs and 1 litre of visceral fat! I need to continue this! I feel amazing. More energy and have had people commenting on the difference. One being that I was more full of beans than usual!! Must drink more water mind!!

Thank you again for your time and inspiration. It’s taking me a while but it’s now the right time for me. I will do this and I now what to share what you have taught me! Herbalife all the way!

Lots of love my friend!

Emily xxx

Get excited about losing weight again

How to get excited about losing weight again…

Most of us are programmed to think about what we will be missing out on when we have a big task ahead to complete rather than what we will gain in the process. So, we talk ourselves out of it!

Weight loss is one of these things we struggle seeing through!

It is one gigantic mission for many! Mission that many start and not complete or are on a roller coaster throughout life of completing and re-completing over and over again.

We know we should because it cuts down the health risks. But, it takes too much effort, too much time and, quite frankly, you might not even know where to start!

Most do not realise that if they perceive weight loss as hard – maintenance is even harder as it requires a whole new mindset shift.

I know, I have just made this whole thing rather depressing. LOL.

But, I encourage you to read on.

We come up with all the possible excuses why now is not the right time, how we have not found the plan that works for us, etc. Like most of it is not just common sense – drop added sugar and processed foods, increase water and exercise, make portions smaller and you are half way there already.

Yes, only half way as there is more to it and everyone’s understanding of what this really implies can vary. But, half way is always good enough place to start.

Beats not starting any time, right?

I know! It is all easier said than done!

Partly because food industry has made us addicted to sugar, flour and salt and we are just digging the hole even deeper and unable to get ourselves out of it.

Did you know that the food industry invest billions on research linking their products to happiness?

They bring in special experts who make combinations of salt, sugar and flour so perfect that we are addicted to the high it gives us from the first “hello”! And then we are so hooked that we keep seeking that same high… Which is why we sometimes eat even without thinking!

So, they play with our minds and body chemistry making us addicted to consuming way beyond our energy requirements. And way below our nutrition requirements.

This also means that it is time to stop blaming yourself for having a few pounds extra… or a lot more… System is clearly rigged and designed to keep us addicted and sick.

And I really believe this. There are forces out there who profit on our addictions and sickness. And are allowed to do so.

However, knowing this does not diminish our personal responsibility and the power I believe we have!

I believe when human mind is open to receive the knowledge it also has the power to make different decisions for themselves. And one decision at a time can have a compound effect on our future life.

Did you know, that if you have a smart phone these days – you have access to more information and knowledge than what President of the United States had 20 years ago?

I heard this over the weekend and I believe it. And I love it.

So, no excuses!

When eyes see things and ears hear new information – you can never undo it! When your mind expands with knowledge, it can never be retracted.

There is nothing that we can not do!

We just need to be willing to learn and seek knowledge!

And, how to be excited again about losing weight?

First, do not make it about weight loss! That is the first rule!

Because it truly is not about losing weight!

Second rule is figuring out what drives you to be HEALTHY instead?

How would your life be different? What could you do that you are unable to do now? What would you be able to wear? How would that make you feel?

What do you worry about when it comes to your health? You know weight is big part of those worries. Because you understand the risks. So, figure out how good would it feel not to have those worries.

If you come from a family that is overweight or obese, let me tell you… It is NOT in your genes! We can live to be 100 and have six pack well into our 60s or 70s or even 80s with the right lifestyle practices.

That is a fact!

OK, you don’t want a six pack! And that is more than cool!

Good news is – six pack is not a requirement for a long and happy and healthy life!

But right lifestyle practices and routines are!

Get excited because of how amazing it would feel to have the energy to face all the life’s challenges!

Without nourishing and looking after our bodies – it simply will not serve us well or to our full potential.

With health – we can achieve anything! That is why our health is our biggest wealth!

And if you think that it is easier to be healthy when you are wealthy… well, maybe you are right, but how about turning this on its head and think:

… if I achieve my best health, it is way easier to achieve wealth I desire!

If that is what you desire, of course!

Anyway, does the idea of being at the best shape and energy excite you?

Seeing and feeling how your life would be different is a good place to start because you must find what excites you about achieving (and keeping) great health in order to ever be able to achieve weight loss and keep your weight off!

Weight loss is just a by product!

Can you see that to be the case?

Mindset shift on getting excited about having a healthy, active lifestyle that will inspire you as well as the others around you is the key!

Then you just get through the motions of creating a brand new YOU and, you’ve guessed it – leaner figure just happens.

You can not solve the problem with the same mind that created it. And I am not the smart cookie that said this. But, I use it often as it is one of the fundamental truths around!

Stop worrying about weight as that will just keep you chained to a weight loss prison!

Get excited about health and let the vision of your NEW YOU make you take an inspired action!

Then, you need to get consistent and develop resilience, but that is another topic.

For now, just get excited and take some steps. Because when you are excited, truly excited and able to hold that vision – even if you do not see the whole road ahead – you will be less likely to give up.

So, drink more water.

Stop skipping breakfast.

Have a nourishing breakfast that is low in sugar and high in protein.

Eat regularly.

Exercise more.

Start somewhere. One healthy habit at a time and solutions will present themselves.

Because, if you change nothing – nothing will change!

We all had to start somewhere!

I believe in you!

Yours in health,


Nutritional Therapist and a Herbalife Nutrition Health Coach