Debbie front image weight loss testimonial

Debbie’s Weight Loss Transformation is so much more…

“12 months ago my life was very different… I had been very overweight for 14+ years and recently found myself separated from my husband of over 17 years.  It was time for me to get my life back on track! 

My best friend Hayley introduced me to Herbalife and I had my first consultation with Sanela and weigh in on 4th January 2020. Since this date, all aspects of my life has changed for the better!

I am more outgoing, with positive attitude, healthier, fitter and wake up looking forward to what the day will bring! Other diets worked for a small amount of time but as soon as I fell off the wagon, which always happened, the weight, plus more went straight back on. 

Herbalife Nutrition and its ethics stuck with me.  I understood the changes I needed to make in life and way and, for the first time, my weight was never the figure I focused. Instead, I focused on my health, especially the visceral fat, striving to bring this figure down to bring out the healthier person I knew was hiding deep down inside me.  

A lot has happened in 2020, virus has impacted everyone in one way or another, but I’ve not let this stop me! I am happy to say that I am one of the minority whose weight has gone in the right direction! Life is very good, my journey continues! I look forward to seeing what the next year will bring and know that Herbalife Nutrition will be in my life forever.

I simply cannot see me ever waking up and not having a shake for breakfast!

Love, Debbie”

More about my work with Debbie

I can not express enough how proud I am of Debbie.

During the entire year we worked together, I could see her transforming not only physically, but internal shift that was taking place was astounding.

I know Debbie has big plans for 2021, but let me reflect on her progress in 2020:

  • 25 kg or 55 lbs weight loss (4 Stones)
  • Visceral Fat dropping from dangerous 13.9 to 8.8 – which is around 3 litres of internal visceral fat lost.
  • Body fat went from 51% to 42%, which is still high, but Debbie is getting closer to healthier range.
  • Debbie’s lean muscle went from 46% to 55% of her body. She has not lost ANY lean muscle in the process suggesting that meal plan she is on is fully balanced for her unique body composition to keep her metabolism high.

Statistics aside, I have seen Debbie’s confidence grow with each month passing by, she truly is not only feeling healthier, but noticeably happier, she even bought a new house this year and has completely changed her life in the past 12 months.

Even in lockdown, Debbie and I stayed in touch and kept working on a 1-2-1- basis, but Debbie was also part of our 4 Week Challenge that kept inspiring Debbie to stay daily on track with her nutrition and fitness.

Debbie understood very soon that she did not sign up for a diet, but a Way Of Life, which already sets her apart from anyone just going on a “diet”!

Because she was ready, she was also teachable!

I LOVE what I do for all the people I meet and help and believe me when I say that I do understand that everyone is on a different journey and at a different point of readiness, which can not be rushed.

When we are not ready – there is just too much resistance and self-sabotage is a daily struggle.

Debbie was completely ready when she started 12 months ago, she kept being accountable to me even when we could not see each other during several months of the lock down.

Many used lockdown as an excuse to “take a break”. No judgement here, please. Remember, we are all on a different journey and a different point of readiness to change!

Debbie’s results just gave her more fuel and motivation to keep going and she truly achieved necessary mindset shift in 2020 needed to not only achieve results, but keep those results.

Debbie may as well be my absolute Star Client of 2020, however, I am a proud coach of all my client! Because it is our differences that make us unique in who we are.

I am hoping that Debbie’s story will inspire you to get started on your own journey and make 2021 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER.

Because you CAN and you are worth it!

Do not let circumstances dictate what you can achieve or not! You’ve got this and I’ve got you too!

If you feel you are at the point of readiness, let’s work together! DM me for details!

Until we meet again,

Wishing you a Healthy & Happy New Year 2021!

Yours in Health,


Free Wellness Evaluation

Do you have a clear vision for your health?

As a Health Coach of over 15 years, I absolutely love helping people understand how, in order to reach your health goals, it is not just what you eat, but also how you feel & think that it translates into your daily actions and, ultimately, results.

Most people come to me for help because they need more energy and to control their weight believing that a nutrition plan I give them will get them to their goal.

The truth is, whether it is me or one of the million other coaches available – what everyone seems to be searching for is a tool that will solve their health problems, help them lose weight and … happy days. So, they search and search and select one plan that appeals to them the most, that fits their vision of health.

And some end up with me and I am honoured each time it happens.

Many truly believe they want a lifestyle change and what they soon discover over the coming weeks & months of coaching, support and education is that building new habits is not as easy as they thought and that having a long term view requires more than just a plan to follow.

Meal plan is just a tool, an external point of reference to what we should be doing and it only works while we do. Even the most nutritionally optimal & balanced meal plan is just a tool.

In order to develop sustainable healthy, active lifestyle – it becomes about something far greater than just a plan that we follow. It becomes more about developing a vision for our long, term health into which we can THEN incorporate the plan. Tool has its great purpose, but, without investing our whole mindset into it, it will not work. Not long term.

Having a vision also helps us ride the storms and handle better the curve balls that life will throw at us and so that we can give up the notion that circumstances and conditions need to be perfect for us to be & keep healthy.

Life long health quest can seem as a long journey, especially when we are young… To a 30-year old – it is preparing for the next 50 years and beyond. We are just not taught to invest in our health in each decade of our life for the next decades to come. Not in the same way as we are taught to invest ourselves in our education and career.

When we have a vision for our health & fitness, something deeper within us that inspires us each day to live the best version of ourselves – that is where the real transformation happens and it touches all aspects of our health – physical & mental health.

We plan holidays, we plan our finances & career, we plan our social life, education, etc. however, we are falling short of developing a vision and strategy for our long term health – how we want to show up not only now, but when we are 60, 70, 80 and beyond.

What we do is once or twice (or more) a year we attempt to diet so we can look better for a holiday or some other occasion. Or we have “detox” once a year believing it is enough to reset our health to some kind of a starting point. Or we get ourselves to the point of developing health conditions and only then look for remedies.

All short term fixes and tactics. However, I applaud anyone even doing the above as it shows we want to feel good and that we came to realise that health matters.

How about going deeper in order to go further?

How about learning to look after our health and planning for it in the same way we look after our homes and gardens or our cars? Or how we plan holidays and our future, in general?

How about, once we start feeling better, instead of abandoning the plan that was clearly working for us and making us feel better, instead of allowing complacency to set in (because we now feel better) – we develop a different strategy that will keep us inspired to keep going and investing in our health?

How about developing internal dialogue about what we want for our health about a month, a year or even a decade from now and use that vision to fuel us?

I see often clients losing traction exactly at this sweet point, after weeks, months or even years of creating this lifestyle and going through so much effort – because they reached their goal… and are unable to see beyond.

We tell ourselves stories that we worked so hard so we deserve a break… and then we find it hard to get off that same break.

Without a clear vision ahead – how we want to come up in the world when it comes to health & fitness – it is way too easy to lose the grip on what is best for our physical & mental health.

Could it be that we simply lack the understanding that, to feel good every day – we need a daily health strategy… for the rest of our lives.

Or could it also be that to develop and stick to a long term strategy, we first really need to be inspired to do so by digging deeper and creating a vision for ourselves when it comes to our health & fitness and why it is important to us to become the best version of ourselves.

It all comes, it seems, to an inner work again. Our mindset.

The truth is, the relationship we have with our bodies and ourselves in general will directly impact the thoughts and relationship with food & exercise that we have and those are the catalysts for our health… or lack of it.

Our thoughts about ourselves, our beliefs, will fuel our daily choices and this relationship will either set us free or make our life very difficult.

Furthermore, state of our health will have an impact on energy we bring into any other category of life – our work & career, relationships, etc.

“Health brings freedom very few realise… until they no longer have it!”,


Many set financial & career goals, only to lose health in pursuit of wealth. Sometimes to the point of no return. Many times same pursuit undermines our relationships with most loved ones and cause relationships to break. We feel lonely, isolated, hurt, guilty, etc. How long before it starts effecting our work too?

It is all interconnected. Because our life is made up of many components and it is about learning to balance them all. We somehow need them all within our view point. And that takes real effort.

Where do we start?

I say – health & fitness! Because how we feel about ourselves, energy we have, confidence we feel – has a direct impact on how we show up in most other spheres of our lives.

If you start winning here, it will show up elsewhere too.

I have been recently inspired by one of the online masterclasses to create vision and strategy for myself for all important categories in my life.

This is where this breakthrough came from for me. From a simple awareness what is required to have an exceptional life – to look at the life as a whole, not just one aspect of it disregarding others, which then creates an imbalance in another area.

What a concept, I thought!

To create a set of daily intentions that truly helps us play our best game – that nourishes our relationships with loved ones, makes us a better parent as well as a more caring & romantic partner, allows us to work smarter rather than harder by doing our life’s work with purpose, have a social life that creates meaningful connections with like minded people, etc.

To understand that lack of vision, purpose & strategy in any one single category will cause one or more to eventually break down.

I don’t know about you, but I aspire to this. I aspire to showing up in the world better than I am right now. And I am enough and worthy of this. My life is. My children are. It is a worthy legacy. Who knows where it could lead and to what impact on the world it could have.

It all starts from a believing that all this can be achieved!

And it all starts from your health & fitness vision

Because, when you have your health & fitness under control and are operating at the highest level – you will have more energy, you will think more clearly and will be more attractive, I am not necessarily talking about being physically attractive, but your vibrancy & energy will be attractive to people and that will open new opportunities and bring power and efficiency to your daily work…

Let me guide you through the process as I understand it and as I have done it for myself:

BELIEFS: Start from asking yourself what your current beliefs are about health & fitness. Where are you right now? What are the beliefs that are driving your current behaviors? What behaviors are serving you and what are not serving you? Who do you spend time with? How influenced are you by the behaviours of the people you spend most time with? What have they got you doing, thinking, believing?

Do you even believe you can reach the health of your 20s or 30s even when you are 60, 70 or beyond?

So, we start from figuring out where we are right now and what our beliefs are. All the good stuff that we can keep and and all that does not serve us and that has to go!

VISION: Imagine your life & health in the next 3-5 years. How do you ideally see yourself. This is your vision of your best YOU! How does it feel? This is the place to get very clear what you truly want, even if it feels impossible right now.

We sometimes set goals that are way too achievable and, therefore, goals that do not inspire us either.

So, dream big!

PURPOSE: “Motivation pales in comparison to purpose!” – because when we know our WHYs – we are self-fueled and do not need motivation or blame the lack of motivation for the lack of progress. No one needs to push us either!

We only have a lack of motivation because we lack purpose!

Ask yourself why your vision is the way it is. How your life would be different if you were at your very best health & fitness? Who would it impact? Go within and then some further more. Until you get to your why that makes you cry!

STRATEGY: It is only when we know what we want and why we want it – we can then develop a strategy that we can follow – set of daily actions – that will essentially make all the difference and help us reach the transformation! This is the point where meal plan becomes a useful tool.

Once you invest time & effort to put the framework in place – this will help steady the course and help you develop long term habits until they are automatic, like brushing teeth is.

I don’t know about you, but I got so excited about this.

This sort of exercise makes us take full responsibility for our life and, whilst some might find this difficult as it is easier to blame others or circumstances – think about it differently – it puts us in control and in a driving seat of our life.

And do not worry about HOW you will achieve it – when your WHY is strong enough, how will come to you in a form of inspiration or even certain people and coaches that will suddenly drop into your life when you start paying attention.

When the student is ready – teacher appears.

Now the only thing left to do is to get excited and start setting your vision around your health & fitness!

Let me know how you do and if you would like me to facilitate the process and help you on your journey, give me a shout!

Until next time, yours in health,


“Health is never owned, it is rented and the rent is due every day!”

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK

Lessons and Blessings from my Second 90 Day Challenge

As my second 90 day challenge is about to finish, of course I am inspired to share my insights this time too. Many times down the line I thought I made a mistake for joining as I already got to my goal in the first challenge and I doubted that I will have the same resolve as I did in the first wave from January until April this year. Almost 90 days later, I am so very glad I did.

What was my goal?

Mainly maintenance. I think I secretly wished to be ready for The Next Level, but, I knew, while I had such strong resolve in the first wave, this time I was not as hungry for results as I already got the result that satisfied me. It is true when they say – the biggest enemy of great is good. And sometimes, good will just have to be good enough, as long as the purpose remains to be happy, healthy and strong.

Anna's herbalife nutrition story

Anna & Phil’s Story

Anna & Phil’s Inspiring Health & Nutrition Testimonial

One of the highlights of 2017 has been meeting Anna, who then also introduced me to her husband Phil. I was very interested in Anna’s work as a Pranic Healer and we soon both realised we needed what the other one offered in order to increase our well-being to the next level.

Anna is a wonderful, gentle soul and I am proud to call her my friend too. Anna and her husband have been coming to see me for about 6 months now and they have remained open-minded, keen students of improving their general health & nutrition, eager to apply what I suggested, so no wonder they had such great results. Here are their stories…

Anna’s Story:

“I will always remember the day I met Sanela at a Well Being Retreat Day run by World Health Heroes, I had a Pranic Healing stand and Sanela a Herbalife stand.

We soon got talking and realised that each of us had just exactly what the other needed! I was overweight and my eating habits although full of goodness was also full of comfort and binge eating tendencies!

Feeling quite low in my self-esteem as far as my weight was concerned. Sanela caught my attention as she was clearly passionate about her subject but knew exactly how to approach a delicate subject when it came to standing on the scales and discussing the rather negative results!

I became avidly interested with a bio age of 68, yikes I needed help! Sanela has been a wonderful support and coach. I have felt nurtured and respected all the way, no pressure to buy the products, an all round positive and encouraging experience.

Myself and my husband continue our monthly visits for our assessments, a trip we always look forward to. I am now feeling wonderful about my body, feeling confident and so positive that you feel like shouting from the rooftops! Yeah we did it!

I have lost over 2 stone and my hydration, muscle mass, visceral and body fat our improving month by month, I am now in the healthy sector (unlike before!) and my metabolic age is 27 years lower.

The shakes and protein bars are our favourite, yummy treats and still loosing weight! I have recommended Sanela to many friends who are now going through the same process and having a wonderful experience.

Sanela has a zest for good health and a positive lifestyle, this is reflected in her ever dedicated work with Herbalife. I am so privileged to be working with such a wonderful person. I would recommend Sanela to anybody who would like to make some life changes concerning their diet, you will be transformed!


Phil’s Story:

“Having been to various gyms, pop out for a run once or twice a week I felt quite comfortable in the knowledge that my 14.5 stone 6 foot frame was ok, and although there was a slowly increasing waist line from 34 inch ( first married, playing rugby ) to current 40 inch 33 years married there was no problem as my runs would enable me to eat and drink what I like with no worries. Or maybe not…

Anna my wife came back from a Well Being Retreat Day run by World Health Heroes one Saturday and began to tell me about this remarkable lady she met namely Sanela who though her work helps and advises people with nutrition via a product called Herbalife.

My wife starts to explain her findings ( I quietly sit and listen, which I have learnt it’s best to do through married life ! ! ) and to be fair she was quite shocked with the initial tests and results. would I be interested ? well maybe and so went along to meet Sanela.

Sanela has proven over time since we first met to be a totally enthusiastic, happy and very professional fountain of knowledge regarding nutrition and the Herbalife program, guiding you through the best approach to help you achieve a more healthy lifestyle without any pressure being applied.

My initial results were not too bad really ( he says smugly ) apart from my Visceral fat which was high and this being the main focus for reduction. Now I am skillfully guided via a monthly visit to Sanela who alongside my wife produce a more healthy eating way forward. I now eat more than I used too… a balanced shake for breakfast instead of a large bowl of salt and sugar cereal, a midmorning protein bar, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second shake if I go for a run.

So the net change over several months is I am now a 36 inch waist 12 stone 12 pounds, still the same height 🙂 my runs are 10 minutes quicker, and feel so much lighter.

Without doubt I have been educated (never too old) to a different way of thinking, along with the positive results and encouragement it’s a huge thank you to Sanela.


I have personally always been open to alternative health practices and Pranic Healing and meditation have found me at the point in my life when I was seeking more spiritual connection with the world around me and within myself.

Pranic Healing is an energy medicine system that manipulates body’s vital prana or force in order to facilitate neccessary healing. It has also made me realise the greater role we all play in increasing the health and energy of the world in which we work and live.

I believe we are all energy, spiritual beings having a human existence and what we think, eat, do will have an impact on our own energy as well as an effect on the world around us.

Pranic Healing helps me balance and cleanse my energies, while I work daily on my physical well-being regarding choices I make on how I treat and nourish my body as well as my spiritual and mental well-being regarding what thoughts and experiences I choose to feed my mind with and what feelings I choose to cultivate.

Together they work to achieve energy balance, vital for our well-being. Anna is a great Pranic Healing therapist and I recommend her highly. She can be contacted on 0751 650 0569 or visit for more information.

For help with nutrition and general health, please do not hesitate to contact me and see ways in which we could work together.

CobraFIT Bath Community

No need to diet… EVER AGAIN!

The four main factors that influence our weight and how we feel are*: Nutrition: 75%, Environment: 11%, Hereditary: 8%, Stress: 6%. (*Source:, so, good news is – we can change a lot through a change in lifestyle!

Through science, we have learnt that Nutrition plays a major role when it comes to not just Weight Management, but also our Heart Health, Energy Levels, Immunity & Aging process, Skin Health and so on.

Losing weight does not always equal health if balanced nutrition is missing!

Most diets you may hear about will usually restrict calorie intake or types of food you can consume. This means, your body may still not be receiving the nutrients it needs – not just for a healthy weight, but for a healthy life – strong immune system, healthy bones, healthy digestion, healthy heart, healthy skin and so on…

Losing weight can be hard. Right? It is a FACT, actually!

Statistics show that among those who succeed in losing weight, two-thirds return to their original weight within a year.

Within 3-5 years only 3% of those who have lost weight maintain this weight loss. Of the remaining 97%, 15% return to their original weight and the majority (82%) put on even more weight.

These statistics may alarm you. Furthermore, contributing factors to these statistics are: