• This Three Bean Salad is a healthy alternative to things like canned baked beans, notorious for their both salt and sugar content that can only compromise your immunity further.

Three bean salad


200g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed,

200g tin red kidney beans, drained and rinsed,

1/3 handful fine green beans, chopped, (if frozen, steam for 10 minutes beforehand)

1 shallot/small onion, finely chopped,

1/2 avocado per 1 teaspoon of olive oil for healthy fats if you have no avocados,

1/2 lemon, squeezed

Ground black pepper.

Fresh or dried coriander or other herbs


Combine the chickpeas, kidney beans, green beans and shallot/ onion together in a bowl.

Add the avocado or olive oil and squeeze the lemon over the salad.

Season with ground black pepper and coriander to taste. You can add some other fresh herbs too if you like!
