Increase Healthy Fats in your diet

Herbalife Nutrition Omega 3 Healthy Fats Solution

Typical Western diet supplies far more total fat and saturated fat than we need and, as fats are very concentrated source of calories, it is essential to find the right balance and increase the amount of healthy fats in a diet for better weight management as well as our Heart health, better Vision and Brain function.

Healthy fats include those found in fish, nuts, olive oil, avocados. To ensure you are getting good-for-you Omega 3s, aim to consume fish at least twice per week, including one portion of oily fish as salmon and mackerel, as part of a healthy balanced meal.

Dietary supplement such as Herbalife Nutrition’s HerbalifelineMax can be also very useful in making sure your body gets enough of beneficial fatty acids.


Sustainable sourced fish oil high in Omega-3 fatty acids

A food supplement that contains sustainably sourced fish oils (accredited by “Friend of the Sea”) high in Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) HIGHER levels of both per capsule, which delivers heart, vision and brain benefits:

  • Taking 1 tablet per day contributes to the normal function of the heart, normal vision and normal brain function
  • Taking 4 tablets per day contributes to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels
  • Taking 5 tablets per day contributes towards the maintenance of normal blood pressure
  • Vegetarian Gel Capsule

Herbalifeline Max’s exclusive combination includes essential oils from thyme and peppermint to eliminate any aftertaste and is encapsulated in a unique gel capsule that makes it suitable for vegetarians.

Herbalife Nutrition HerbalifelineMax Omega 3 Supplement

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