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Common mistakes when weight loss is your goal

Whether you are reading this as the New Year is approaching and you are making Weight Loss part of your New Year’s Resolution, or whether you are, in general, trying to control your weight… this is for you. This article is created without an expiry date in mind because, without doubt, you are not alone as weight loss is one of the goals for a huge majority of people worldwide at any point during the year.

Weight loss is a science and without the right know-how – something many struggle with for many reasons… here are some.

1.Thinking that being motivated right now will be enough to carry you through! According to the clinical psychologist Joseph Luciani – 80% of the people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions and only 8% achieve it. This is very much true for all the goals we set in life and main reasons for such low rate of success are lack of planning and setting unrealistic expectations. Simply put – the excitement at the prospect of hitting the goal one day gets better of you… and initial motivation can soon take a nose dive when reality hits.

2.Thinking that you know it all and fail to engage a support system! You have a weight management goal in mind, you read a related article about a specific hip new diet that everyone is raving about, it sounded simple enough, it also made sense, it is fresh & new and you are excited and off you go… A month down the line, if you are lucky to last that long, you realise it is not as easy, there are circumstances you have not planned for, questions specific to you that you do not have an answer for, challenges you are not equipped to deal with, you may even not have results to show for – you feel alone and you hit the wall….

3.Underestimating time it will take to achieve your goal. This is also about unrealistic expectations & lack of planning. Most people overestimate what can be achieved in a month and totally underestimate what change and progress a whole year can bring. Stop thinking short term weight loss and start thinking long term health.

4.Focusing on “weight loss” alone and ignoring or not understanding the science! Skipping meals, eating skimpy salads, counting calories, watching those scales like a hawk, making your life miserable every time scales do not show progress, etc – is a sure way to give up eventually. Your goal may be weight loss, but you will have far more success by focusing on health, developing healthy habits that give you long term health as long term weight loss will be a guaranteed side-effect.

5.Giving up when going gets tough. Old habits are indeed hard to break. But, the truth is – if change is not hard – it is not real change! Being realistic at what to expect and having a support system in place is everything when going gets tough to pull you through the challenging times.

If you see yourself in any of the above, your weight loss efforts will hit the obstacle at some point, it will leave you frustrated, without visible results and, even if some weight loss is achieved, frustration will get the better of you and, if you decide to give up at that point, you will most likely gain back what you lost, if not more.

This is disheartening and makes many lose faith and give up altogether. Until something new comes along.

And the process, in most cases, repeats itself.

This is just the fact and I am here to tell you that it is not your fault. You are only doing the best you know and the best you can.

The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.

Because, going back to the beginning – weight loss is a science!

Unless you invested time in studying it or were helped to understand how your body works, the effect of food on weight management, hormones, metabolism, etc. and were fully supported in the process – it is a losing game for majority. If it was easy – we would not have an epidemic at hand.

I am here to give you hope as there is a way to fix it all, get your weight management in control and keep your unwanted pounds forever off.

What you need is a plan you can stick to long term.

I feel better in my mid 40s than I did in my 30s. I have now been successfully managing my weight since 2004 and it was only after I understood how our body works and with the right support and plan.

It has helped me to live healthier & happier life thanks to the energy and vitality that I feel and being healthy has influenced all other areas of my life. Because, when you feel good about yourself – life feels good too.

And it is exactly my transformation that made me excited about helping others on their journey!

When you are zapped of energy and do not feel good about yourself – it will have an effect on your happiness and the way you come up in the world – the relationship with your family, your social life, career, etc. Not because the number on the scales matters – but because how you FEEL about yourself matters.

Health is a state of mind and it starts from nourishing your body first.

So, how would you FEEL if you were the best version of you?

Don’t you think you are worth it? Don’t you feel it is time?

I am here to tell you that you CAN have the results you desire and that you are worth it!

Work with me

As someone who has helped hundreds of people in the past 15 years to become the best versions of themselves, I would like to help YOU!

The questions to ask yourself are:

  1. Why do I want to make the change, what am I to gain?
  2. Is my goal concrete and measurable?
  3. What is my exact plan?
  4. Who can support me as you work toward change?

If you are ready for the most unbelievable journey of becoming the better if not The best version of yourself, but do not have a plan and support – I have a clear plan, and support system that works and now is the time to take action that your future self will thank you!

It is time to stop winging it!

You have nothing to lose but your weight… and to keep it off for good!

Here is to you and your health & wellness,


Get Healthy With Sanela: Journey to Myself

Journey back so self…

I have recently read a quote “Success is never owned, it is rented and rent is due each day!” 

This can not be more true when it comes to health as for most things in life.

While I have always managed my weight, with a little help of Herbalife Nutrition after my first pregnancy back in 2004, it was only in 2018 when I got myself into truly the best shape I have ever been in through increasing my exercise efforts (nothing too drastic, just effective) and zeroing-in on my nutrition even further.

My progress inspired many of my clients to take the same journey.

But, as I found out, nothing is ever final, we never reach a goal and are able to just keep it forever. We may reach a milestone, but we still need to do the work to stay there!

Has it ever happened to you that You got to your goal and then took your foot off the gas thinking it will last forever and it did not?

Or has life just happened?

It was the latter for me…

It is 10 months since my mum passed away as I write this. Her passing has triggered emotions and thought processes that went beyond her passing as I started questioning everything in my life… and, in the process, I lost myself as well as my health focus.

It is only now that I do feel like I am taking control back, voluntarily, happily.

Out of love for myself, not fear.

There is a need in me again to be the best version of me. For me.

I finally have a vision again how I wish to come up in the world. It is clear that I finally am able to stop myself from eating what does not serve me, what I did not manage last few months. I was hoovering everything in sight.. healthy and… not so much!

I took an honest look t myself and decided to do my 21 Day Challenge, starting on 1st Dec.

What a month to start, season of parties and events, but it was clear to me I was not prepared to do any more damage and, luckily, I do have the know-how to get back there. 

What is even more important is that I am more clear on what matters in life and where I need to direct my energy for my family and myself to thrive in all areas, starting with health.  

Health & Fitness, or lack of it, is where everything else starts breaking down too.

My finances, relationships and mental health suffered as a result in a short few months o losing my focus, but, the moment I started taking care of myself – everything else starting mending very quickly, which is when I knew I was going towards a good place again.

Energy flows where focus goes…

I do not regret anything I went through last 10 months. It was an important part of my journey. I have allowed myself a time to grieve and it was an an experience that has taught me so much about myself.

Sometimes you have to break things before you are able to build something new, something better.

I love Japanese art of Kintsugi. 

It is a skill of fixing broken pottery with lacquer and powdered gold. It is meant to embrace the flaws and imperfections, and to treat breakage and repair as part of the beautiful history of an object rather than something to be disguised.

It is about choosing to embrace our struggles and to repair ourselves with love as we become more beautiful for having been broken.

And being broken and hurting, then dusting yourself off and getting up again is what makes the climb to the best version of you incredibly satisfying. 

When you are inspired by the quiet voice within you to take action and use all your know-how to climb back up again and act in your own best enlightened interest is exciting. An adrenaline in itself that pushes you forward.

Everyone is looking to be motivated. The truth is, unless you are your own best motivator, everything and everyone else is just a crutch that can be taken away any moment. 

It is an illusion that someone can motivate you.

The truth is, someone CAN inspire you, but taking an inspired action comes from you, from deep within.

That is so clear to me now, in case it has not been before.

My wish for you is to never stop growing towards the best version of yourself, whatever that is for you.

Because you are worth it. Because it is worth it.

Because it has a positive effect on others around you too who may be in a desperate need for some inspiration. And this feels incredibly good.

Remember, whatever the challenge – you matter, you are enough and you are worth it!

With love & respect,
