Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK CLient Testimonial

Sebila’s inspiring story: Going all the way…

Sebila was recommended to me by one of my clients in Washington, who also happens to be my oldest friend from childhood, Maida.

I made the plan for Sebila based on her body composition and joined her to the Eat Clean Herbalife US Support Group on WhatsApp where we daily communicate daily goals, challenges, meals, recipes and offer general support to each other.

We soon found out that Sebila and my very good friend Sandi from London are cousins (I know, small world!), so I felt even more responsibility for the plan to work for her. Here is her story so far on the plan …

“I started the Herbalife program with Sanela in September 2016, and in a short space of time I already feel better, have already lost 15 lbs and more importantly, for the first time in my life, feel like I can actually achieve my goal weight and live a much healthier lifestyle.

First, the supplements and shakes – they are truly amazing. If you are a busy mom of 2 with a meaningful full time job, a husband and a long commute, you don’t have time to spend all Sunday or hours every day preparing complicated meals. The shakes are truly the best thing for me in terms of time and commitment. They are easy to prepare and you don’t have to think about what you are going to make for breakfast or lunch, you know it’s a shake and you get on with your life. So easy!!!

Second, the online chat group. Well those ladies are truly what keeps me going. Every day, I can’t wait to check in with my food and calorie intake, because I feel like we are all in this together. We share our ups and downs and they are all here to keep me on track.

My life is full of people at the office trying to get me to eat the leftover lunches from meetings or friends who always want to go to dinner to catch up, and the online group helps me navigate those, helps me realize that I have to control myself and keeps me accountable. I feel like I owe them my commitment and it keeps me going every day.

Last, Sanela. What can I say about her that many probably have already said? She is amazing, supportive, knowledgeable and efficient. I am not sure how many clients she has, but to me it seems like I’m the only one and that is truly amazing; that she is able to always take the time to guide me, help me and hold my hand during the rough times.

The fact that she also drinks the shakes and takes the supplements makes me feel much better about the fact that she trusts the products to use herself every day, and she looks amazing.

I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I had settled on losing a few pounds here and there thinking that I’ll never be back to my pre-wedding or pre-pregnancy weight.

Now? My goals are much bigger, I’m not going to get down to just that wedding weight, I’m going for high school weight. And the best part about it, is that with this program and the support I get, I can actually visualize myself achieving them and I know I will!”

Sebila Raubacher, Washington, USA

Thank you so much, Sebila. It is such a pleasure to support you. I am delighted how focused you are and you truly have poured your life and soul into this. I love your attitude. Daily attitude, but what delights me, is seeing that you are dreaming big, as we all should, and planning to go all the way. THAT is truly something. It will be tough, but it will be worth it and all I can tell you – I am with you every step of the way. Thank you for trusting me.

6 months on and Sebila has made a tremendous progress and she is proud and confident enough to share on Facebook (below)

“While I may still have a ways to go, I did this pic today to inspire myself and hopefully others. With a Hypothyroid condition and a busy life, I finally said enough is enough. With the amazing advice from Sanela Harbas Mujakovic and the tough love from Maida Demirovic, Maida Heremic and my trainer Sarah Newhart, I have come so far and am looking forward to being happy and healthy for a long time to come!”

Well done, Sebila, you have been a tremendous team player in our accountability group and look forward to see you getting to your goal and beyond!

Sebila's 70 lbs weight loss with Herbalife Nutrition
Ruth's Herbaife Nutrition Success Story

Ruth’s Story

Ruth’s Success Story

Fit @ Fifty: Story of a body and health transformation

Ruth has been my client since July 2015. She originally came to trial our High Intensity Interval Resistance Training workout, CobraFIT, at the very new venue at the time, Bathford School in Bath that happens to be very close to where Ruth lives.

After a trial and a Wellness Evaluation that included Body Composition Check and Nutritional Consultation, Ruth decided to start on our 3 Day Nutritional Trial and after great results, decided to start on the plan that would include personalised meal plan to which she consistently added a CobraFIT class each week.

I was well aware that Ruth was getting great results and my other clients who happen to work with Ruth were also telling me how impressed they were with her obvious transformation, but when Ruth walked into the CobraFIT session last Thursday in her brand new skin tight fitness gear, everyone’s jaw dropped as she looked simply amazing and transformation was obvious. Here is her story:

“The change in my weight and body shape are now obvious for all to see.  Friends are stopping me in the street astonished at the amount of weight I have lost and it really is all due to following the Herbalife programme and changing my lifestyle habits too.