13 Reasons Calorie Counting is OUT

Many resort to calorie counting as the best way to monitor their food intake and, if you have not heard it before, I am here to tell you that those days are gone… for good… because calorie counting is not an exact science as you thought it might be both when it comes to the factors concerning calorie consumption as well as calorie expenditure.

And, I think this a good news as it can free us from endless measuring and counting. Life is too short, right?

Studies show up to 25% errors when counting calories on each side: 25% error on calories we consume and 25% error on calories we burn because of our own individual differences, industry as well as our own measurements errors.

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK Healthy Meals

How to ensure fast metabolism

Metabolism is THE word. It is the reason why one person can eat like a growing teenager and not gain a pound, while another person’s every indulgence shows up on their waist.

What is Metabolism?

It is the name for the chemical processes by which our bodies convert food that we eat into the energy that we need to survive and function. It powers all our chemical processes from breathing to blinking.

The minimum amount of energy your body requires to carry out these chemical processes is called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or resting metabolic rate (RMR).

What determines our metabolic rate? Or what determines how effectively we burn the calories we consume into energy?

The aim is to burn all the food that we eat and not to have any excess, otherwise body will be storing it as fat and that is how we gain weight.

So, what determines how fast or slow the process happens is the combination of one’s body size, age, gender and genes. Of course, foods that we eat and drink will also effect the metabolism as some support it and some hinder the process.

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK Healthy Meals

Trying to lose weight? It may be time to reconsider your drinking habit

While many of us can happily give up our fatty or sugary favourites, I find that certainly many of my clients find more difficult to give up alcohol, especially at weekends. It is built into our culture and it is a large part in how we enjoy time with friends and loved ones.

Apart from an obvious case where a person may be an addict, for vast amount of people alcohol has become a lot more than just an activity to partake when we are in social environment in order to perhaps celebrate something. Many use it to take an edge off a rough day, some do it almost on a daily basis. It has become a way of life. There is possibly even an emotion attached to it.

Coming home from a hard day, pouring a large glass of Pinot Noir (or whatever your poison is) to sip whilst you are cooking your healthy dinner for your family or your partner, then another one over dinner and perhaps even one more as you snuggle up on the sofa to wind down. It s almost like a scene from a movie that glorifies this lifestyle. It may help you relax and you rely on alcohol to achieve that state.

This is only one of million other scenarios, however, one thing that strikes me regularly when starting a client on their nutrition plan is their excitement to change their diet and start their plan and then their equal reluctance to give up their drink.

Sometimes the decision whether to go ahead with my coaching or not depends solely on how much their alcohol habit will be affected if they were to embark on a healthier & fitter self-betterment journey. It can easily sound like an addiction. And sometimes giving up alcohol is just one change too many they are not prepared to make.

Of course, it is OK not to be ready, it is our call when we are going to decide to change. And I am not in any way saying that alcohol should be avoided by absolutely everyone and at every circumstance. However, alcohol addiction is a reality for many. And obesity can be accelerated or even caused by alcohol, including many diseases. So, having any alcohol in a diet is a problem for many.

Formula 1 New generation

New Generation Formula 1

After four decades, Formula 1 has changed for even better and we can not be more excited about it. It is cleaner and yummier than ever. It is New Generation Formula 1….

  • It is Vegan
  • It is Gluten Free
  • It is Dairy Free
  • High in Fibre (5 gr)
  • High in Protein (18+)
  • High in Vitamins & Minerals (25)
  • Natural Colour and Flavouring

Our Formula 1, almost unchanged for nearly four decades, is an advanced formula that made Herbalife Nutrition the leader in weight management and meal replacement industry.

Because what is good – feels good. You know it. Your body knows it.

Independent clinical studies on Formula 1 show how combining F1 meal replacement with regular diet produced better weight loss and fat loss results than food diet alone. That is in line with the recent research on meal replacements, in general.

And there is so much research on meal replacements and a role they play in an effective weight management although their role goes way beyond just weight management. Our Formula 1 is a primarily a nutritional product that can replace nutrients that we may not be getting through regular diet.

Our Formula 1 offers convenience, taste and nutrition all in one shake

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK Healthy Meals

Work those hormones for a successful weight loss!

If your idea of losing weight is still stuck on the old-fashioned calorie control approach – think again! Or worse – if you rely on your will power – think even harder (that is an exhaustive topic in its own right)!

Weight loss science has long evolved and weight loss has become what it always should have been – a lot more than a number on your scales, for sure.

World is slowly realising that successful weight management starts from within… from nourishing your body as well as mind. By being kinder to yourself from the thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself to being kinder to your body by giving it the nourishment in the right balance so it can thrive instead of being deprived.

We are finally learning, or at least appreciate that we need to educate ourselves, about our bodies and how it functions so that we can eat for health and longevity – and weight management will sort out itself. These days, we can literally abandon the scales knowing that we are good!

Good for our body’s health and that shape is nicely coming along too.

How about that for body positivity! Loving our bodies just the way they are whilst we are building them healthier and better so this vessel can serve us well in whatever our purpose in life is – to raise a healthy, happy family or change the world – which is, kind of, the same thing, don’t you think?

By focusing on what IS – we only perpetuate its existence. Focus on health and becoming the best vision of you – you may be surprised how far THAT takes you instead of being obsesses with the number on the scales!

If you are not there yet and feel you are somehow behind this attitude towards your own health and wellness, don’t worry. It is never too late to start the journey the right way. Perhaps, keeping on reading for starters…

So, how do you get from that place of feeling heavy, lethargic, knowing you are not taking good care of yourself to actually not only losing weight, but also having energy, feeling good about yourself, having spring in your step?

The answer is as simple as – to make your wellness goals a reality – nutrition is the key and, more importantly, eating to balance your hormones related to weight management and metabolism. In the process, it is about repairing diet-related inflammation that exists in the body. Quality over quantity, right? Equally, quality of food is not measured in calories, but what it does within the body – does it feed & nourish your cells or does it damage them.

When our hormones are unbalanced – we age faster, develop disease as well as put on weight as they play a critical role in how body gets energy from the foods that we eat, which is known as metabolism.

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK

10 Item “Healthy Diet” Checklist

Back in 2004, a year after my first pregnancy, I took what I can only describe as a leap of faith, by embarking on my very first, and luckily last, weight loss journey. Since then, my focus has shifted on long-term health and becoming a better version of myself over the years. Healthier and happier version of me.

However, I did not understand at a time that weight loss is such a big thing for so many people and that choices are so vast that can truly leave a person lost in confusion as well as despair. It is because I never thought of weight before as I never had issues with it myself before my pregnancy.

These days, I imagine it to be even harder for those looking to improve their health or better manage their weight. The moment you open up your email or social media account – you are overwhelmed with health messages, recipes, different diets being promoted from all kinds of experts and influencers in health industry.

I am one of them, right?

Well, who knew that out of my first and very positive weight loss experience, passion was born and so was my calling. Because one thing I knew was that I felt better, not just for the weight I lost, but for the energy & confidence I gained as well as incredible satisfaction from helping others has given me.

With all that, there is also a constant need to remain a student myself as well as educate others on the latest in nutrition and health as, not only through solutions that we offer, but through the education – we can make this world a better, healthier place. Because knowledge is power. Always.

If you are one of those looking for help and not sure where to start, let me give you a few pointers what to look for, so you can make the right choice, the one that is sustainable long-term, rather than go astray or run around in circles.

If you are no stranger to dieting, I am sure you have, at some point perhaps, started a diet or an exercise regime but never got the shape and result you wanted, felt hungry or deprived, lonely, lacked energy or motivation to keep going?

It could be that what you were trying has not been something that is sustainable or lacked support or real science to make a long-term result. Here is my list of what to look for…

1.Focus should always be on body composition rather than weight loss alone as a measure of your progress. Traditional diets focus on a number on the scales rather than on what that weight loss consists of. Any time you go to the slimming class and step on those scales – you actually have no idea what is going on internally and whether that weight loss consists of fat or muscle.

Why is that important? Well, if you are losing muscle, you are also slowing your metabolism which is the quickest way to hit the plateau as well as gain all weight back, and more. And then you diet again and that is how we end up becoming a Yo-Yo dieters.

Diets like this are also a cause of premature ageing, reduced immunity, low energy, poor performance and declined strength. Only when we lose fat and fat alone, our shape starts changing and we are reducing the health risks that fat is causing.

Keeping or even increasing our muscle mass means that we have greater strength, faster metabolism and we only then run a chance of a sustained weight loss. Losing weight AND keeping it off.

2. Focus on balance of macro nutrients, not calories alone! Because if your diet is not balanced – it is not healthy. Full Stop. You may be eating foods generally considered healthy, but only when they are eaten in the right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates – you will achieve more than weight loss – healthy body composition!

Commit to getting nutrition wise! Protein, whether you are a vegan, vegetarian or meat-eater, should be around 30% of your daily calorie consumption and so should be healthy fats.

So, salad alone for lunch or “everything low-fat” is not good for your body and diets promoting that are not great long-term! It is a sure way to lose muscle instead of body fat and that is not the right way to lose AND keep the weight off, to say the least!

Vegetarian and vegans in particular may struggle with this and if their diet is unbalanced in this respect – it may be the reason for unexplained weight gain or lack of energy and stamina despite eating “healthy”.

3.Focus on calorie quality to optimise metabolism, not just calorie quantity. Traditional diets allow you to eat within your calorie allowance and you are good as long as you do not go over! We need to move away from this outdated thinking because it is a calorie quality that counts far more. 200 calories worth of broccoli will have a completely different impact on the body than 200 calories of chocolate.

So,” calories in-calories out” approach is outdated and we know better now thanks to the science. Your body requires a certain amount of micro nutrients every single day to provide your body with health and vitality, so, the key is, even if you are eating to lose weight, to still hit your nutrient levels.

Nutrition can not be compromised. Otherwise, you WILL see lower energy levels, loss of muscle, and more. Research shows that only 25% of adults consider nutrition when eating. We obviously need more education on why nutrition always needs to be on our minds when eating, not just for an effective weight management, but for general health and longevity.

4.Think about your hormones. Traditional diets completely ignore the role of hormones. Because they focus on just calories alone. We need to know better, so we can do better. Most people do not realise that how we feel, look and even act is regulated by our hormones and we are not just talking menopause.

Everyone is effected by their hormonal activity every second of every day. They also control our body composition. Low quality food, even if it is low-calorie food, will compromise our hormonal activity and our biochemistry.

In particular we are talking about fat burning hormones that completely get out of balance when we eat unbalanced diet and it stops us from burning fat. Remember, it is fat we want to burn? However, when we eat clean, high quality food in the right balance, together with the right kind of exercise – fat burn is ON, baby! This really is the KEY!

5.Focus on meal frequency! The science now shows us that your body can only function optimally if it gets the right nutrients in the right amounts and – in the right frequency. So, the right plan would be the one that allows you to eat more high-quality foods, more frequently.

This would stabilise your blood sugar and satisfy hunger rather than spike it! So, skipping meals, especially breakfast and snacks is a big no-no for most people! Those are also the opportunities to fit in more nutrition.

6.Focus on exercising smarter, not necessarily exercising more. We are almost pre-conditioned to think that when we are trying to lose weight we need to get to gym more, like every day. Science shows us that doing small amount of exercise, but effective exercise that stimulates your metabolism is a lot smarter way.

So, instead of running for hours on treadmill, you are far better off adopting exercising at intervals so you get a varied heart rate. When you combine that with some resistance training – you will far better support your precious lean muscle and burn body fat. Remember that nutrition is 80% of your efforts, so make your workouts effective and no more than 30 minutes per day, on average, is needed.

And, more important than anything – find exercise that you enjoy doing as you are more likely to continue…

7.Focus on eating that promote stable blood sugar levels. Many diets promote low-calorie meals or snacks, however, whilst they are low-calorie, they could be completely unbalanced and messing up your blood sugar levels (calorie quality and balance, remember). The result is – storing more fat, even if weight loss is registering on the scales (loss of muscle due to lack of protein).

Another way we can cause blood sugar roller coaster is by skipping meals or snacks, usually in hope that we will lose more weight. It almost always backfires as research shows – all it does is causes us to over-eat on the next meal. If you truly want to do it the right way and achieve fat loss, avoid any diets that promote meal skipping. Meal frequency matters.

8.Avoid fads, eating plans that have a “fashion” element attached to them… so, high protein diet, low carb diet, high fat diet that is popular right now, etc, or basically, any diet that excludes whole food groups.

It takes years before we can see true evidence and clinical data on those diets and there is already plenty of evidence on some. But, just the sheer fact that they are excluding whole food groups means they will cause imbalance.

It may work short-term, but the imbalance generally means that people can not stick to it long-term. And if it is not a lifestyle thing, it is not right. Only balanced diet is a healthy diet, remember. We must understand that. That means – balanced amount of protein, fibre, healthy fats and vitamins and minerals and trace elements in diet will ensure our bodies get all they need so they can function properly and have strong immunity, slow down the ageing process and help us manage our weight for a long time after losing it.

9.Start with an end in mind – so, if your goal is to be healthy – focus on your long-term health, not on your looks alone and short-term weight loss. It is about long-term health strategy rather than short-term tactics.

For that to happen, your diet and diet of your family, needs to be … you’ve got it – balanced and nutrient dense. It does not matter how hard you work in the gym if you do not control what goes on your plate.

10. Focus on developing healthy mindset, knowledge and insights so you can achieve the shift within. Education on nutrition is so important so that you can understand and make right food decisions, however, working on developing long-term healthy mindset is far more important as it will help you get out of the dieting prison and ensure you can live your life free of negative body image, limiting self beliefs, stay in control of your emotions and a lot more.

So, instead of just focusing on your physical body, the key is to understand your emotions – where they come from, how to accept and process them; your psychology – beliefs and how to change them if they are limiting you in any way; your language – what you say about yourself, food and world around you and how you say it and if you are making any assumptions… etc. Only healthy mindset helps you stay healthy for life and I am sure that is what everyone hopes for.

I hope this was helpful, although it just gives you some pointers rather than in-depth solutions into each. Each of the points is a subject in their own right, but being aware of each can be a step into the right direction..

I am a Nutritional Therapist & Herbalife Nutrition Health Coach and if you would like help with your own weight management, or have any questions, please do reach out, I would love to help.

If you have been inspired by this article or wish to connect or place a comment, please do so further below and, please do share, because, remember, sharing is caring. 🙂

I believe that health is our greatest wealth, health is happiness, so wishing you to be healthy and happy, always


Karine's Herbalife Nutrition testimonial

Karine’s Story

Karine’s Story “50 lbs GONE but the journey CONTINUES” … Herbalife Nutrition Success Story

My friend Karine has reached an important milestone today, here is her story to date…

Today is a big day for me as I have reached 23 kg of weight loss… yes that is indeed 50 lbs!

Back in December 2017, I was watching some fellow Herbalife distributors sharing their amazing results on Facebook after completing a 90 programme of healthy eating and fitness.

Having struggled for over 10 years to lose my pregnancy weight and having tried so many different types of “diets”, I thought I had nothing to lose but excess weight and fat and I decided to give a 90 Day programme a go. Unfortunately, I was very ill with allergy and asthma at the time and even spent most of the Christmas holidays indoors as stepping out in the fresh and cold December air was triggering my asthma attacks.

So, I decided I had to treat this problem and get better first before embarking on the programme especially as I knew that it required some form of exercise and I thought that sadly it was not the right time for me to join the next 90 day programme which was due to start beginning of January 2018…

However, deep down I knew that I wanted / I had to give this programme a go and so it stayed in the back of my mind and I was mentally getting ready to join the next wave starting in March whilst getting my asthma under control…

Sanela Mujakovic nutritionl Journey with Herbalife Nutrition

Here is what happened in 12 weeks when I reduced sugar & salt intake and eliminated wheat & processed foods…

I am in Week 12 of my 90 Day Challenge and now I can really see the end of it in sight. It is the next week!

Saying that, my husband and I have already agreed that we wish to continue in as similar manner as we have learnt to live and eat over the past three months time. We are asked often when our diet finishes and the question does create a little bit of resistance in both of us.

While it was restrictive in many ways, I have not seen it as anything that was depriving my body of anything. The only thing that body was deprived of was added sugar, unnecessary empty calories, processed food, alcohol, unhealthy fats, added salt and everything else in between.

So, when you “deprive” your body of empty calories of cakes, biscuits, chocolate, candies, ice cream, crisps, alcohol, and then also white rice, white potato, pasta, bread, processed meats, sauces and other processed foods, etc., I can guarantee you your body will notice.

If you add, on top, home-made cooked meals with lean protein, healthy fats and vegetables as well as nutritional supplements that further enhance overall nutrient intake – your body will truly be able to get to Optimum Nutrition level. That is how it felt, almost for the first time in a long time.

You see, I have always been healthy, I had an interest in health & wellness since I was a teenager, but I have also “sinned”. A lot. When I think about it – most probably, on a  daily basis. Because I could.

Overall healthy eating and supplementation helped me to stay on top of my weight most of the time, with respectable energy levels, and very low amount of illnesses over the past decade, certainly a lot less than an average person. Some may even call this balanced. I used to. Not any more. And I used the word “sin” for a reason. The feeling we get when we do or say something we know we shouldn’t.

After starting my 90 Day Plan, it became clear that this challenge was going to challenge us. Physically and mentally. It was the cleanest plan we could have chosen, science based, balanced, safe and solid. This was important to us. Because of what we believed in personally and it also meant I was not doing all that much different from what I was advising clients to do.

But, starting in January also meant that we would need to go through family’s five birthday events and a few other dinner/ lunch engagements. And we did. Successfully. Without breaking the “diet”. Looking back, here are the changes that took place over the past three months:

  • My husband lost 10 lbs of body fat, with body fat going down from 19% to 14%. Visceral Fat went down from 8 to 5.
  • He used to suffer from digestive issues and flatulence. No more.
  • I lost just over 12 lbs. Muscle mass intact. Body fat went from 29% to 23%. Visceral fat from 4.5 to 3. I am 44-year-old mum with two children… I am very happy with those results. And I can tick off the list getting a six pack, although this has never been part of my list. I now know how to get it myself and how to help others get it too.
  • My skin has never been problematic, but every month, around my period, I would get a spot or two, I always thought they were hormonal. Well, there is no sign of them, I have had clear skin for weeks now without any breakages. I used to use a face concealer, now less and less, most days not at all. I am happy how my skin feels naturally.
  • I used to get painful period cramps and mood swings. This has disappeared too. They say there is no Japanese word for “menopause” as Japanese women do not suffer from it. This is, of course, all diet related. I am hoping, being at the age when menopause is not that far away, that the same can happen to a Western Woman when diet is right. Stabilising my PMS or, rather, eliminating it, gives me that kind of hope.
  • I have a generally sweet tooth, however, after three months of not touching any sweets, cakes or chocolates – those can be in front of me and would not bother me. We have a cupboard with biscuits for the boys if they wish to have something sweet – I have not been tempted to raid it in any shape or form. Craving has disappeared. I truly am free from temptation. I am not saying I will never touch chocolate, but, being in control and doing it when it is my choice, rather than craving, feels liberating.
  • I have more energy, not that it has been lacking, but there is even more of it. Getting up at 5:30AM and doing my exercise routine before boys get up has become a habit and something I truly look forward to each morning.
  • My children took notice of our plan and we are showing them the way, they are asking questions and, with that, learning at the same time. This all is a way of us, as parents, setting up the example.
  • My mental strength has increased. I am tempted each day to go back to old habits or break our 90 Day Challenge rules because of some foods being all around us that are not on the plan or do not serve me, but are incredibly yummy and satisfying. Instead of giving in, I am mindful, I pause, think about it and opt out. And then feel good about it. Really good feeling. This has got to do with more than just no longer being addicted to sugar. This is a CHOICE. And, from whichever angle you look at it – it is liberating.

I used to think my diet was balanced, but forcing myself initially into clean eating, I have grown to like it because my body is thanking me so much each day after following it for almost three months now. I think word “balance” will mean a different thing to different people, but, my approach to “balance” has shifted.

For my body to feel and stay in full balance, diet needs to be clean. Full stop.

Any time when it is not, my body will be pushed OUT OF Balance. Balance for me these days is feeling well and in top form every single day. This is how I want to live. And this is why our plan has never been a DIET.

Word DIET comes from a Greek word DIETA, which means WAY OF LIFE. So, if I have been on a diet, it is a WAY OF LIFE kind of diet.

And, I think, this is the only one that counts and that gives sustainable results over long period of time, so you stay healthy and vibrant for a long period of time.

I focus a lot on eating as it is 80% of your health, but, rest assured, I also think that to change your health, one needs to change their habits in relation to exercise, rest and hydration too. Those, together with clean eating, will give you the best chance to truly live a disease-free, healthy life for a long period of time.

Thank you for reading to the end, hope it has inspired you to live cleaner, healthier lifestyle. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Yours in Health,


Herbalife Nutrition Testimonial client Karine, London UK

My Friend Karine…

Here is someone very dear and special to me. My friend Karine.

Karine was my very first team member when I joined the business and my very first Supervisor. Karine is kind, hard working and very intelligent. She saw what I saw, where hundreds around us didn’t. She had an incredible product result. There was a point in my business when I was made redundant when I got so low and it was Karine who, with her act of kindness, enabled me to keep myself afloat and IN the business until I sorted myself out. And I did. I have been trying to repay her ever since. I, basically, owe Karine forever. She REALLY paid it forward.

In my soul searching, this is an important thing never to forget or take for granted. Those that were there for you when you really needed it.

Focus 4: Summer Shakedown 4 Week Challenge Sanela

My results of a 4 Week Challenge

It has been exactly four weeks since I decided to embark on the journey of cleansing my body of sugar and toxins, reducing my overall body fat and really proving to myself that I can be this fit and strong woman and mother in her mid forties.

I am already delighted with the progress I made to date, and, even more importantly, I enjoyed every moment of this journey!

My husband is too with already his lowest ever body fat of 14%.

Why was this important to me in the first place, I wonder? When I ask myself that, my immediate gut feeling leads me to the answer that has less with body image, but with the disciplines and struggles one needs to have in order to achieve it.

I do not necessarily want a muscly body, the one you see at body competitions, but I do admire the sacrifice and hard work, blood and sweat one goes through in order to achieve it.

Anna's herbalife nutrition story

Anna & Phil’s Story

Anna & Phil’s Inspiring Health & Nutrition Testimonial

One of the highlights of 2017 has been meeting Anna, who then also introduced me to her husband Phil. I was very interested in Anna’s work as a Pranic Healer and we soon both realised we needed what the other one offered in order to increase our well-being to the next level.

Anna is a wonderful, gentle soul and I am proud to call her my friend too. Anna and her husband have been coming to see me for about 6 months now and they have remained open-minded, keen students of improving their general health & nutrition, eager to apply what I suggested, so no wonder they had such great results. Here are their stories…

Anna’s Story:

“I will always remember the day I met Sanela at a Well Being Retreat Day run by World Health Heroes, I had a Pranic Healing stand and Sanela a Herbalife stand.

We soon got talking and realised that each of us had just exactly what the other needed! I was overweight and my eating habits although full of goodness was also full of comfort and binge eating tendencies!

Feeling quite low in my self-esteem as far as my weight was concerned. Sanela caught my attention as she was clearly passionate about her subject but knew exactly how to approach a delicate subject when it came to standing on the scales and discussing the rather negative results!

I became avidly interested with a bio age of 68, yikes I needed help! Sanela has been a wonderful support and coach. I have felt nurtured and respected all the way, no pressure to buy the products, an all round positive and encouraging experience.

Myself and my husband continue our monthly visits for our assessments, a trip we always look forward to. I am now feeling wonderful about my body, feeling confident and so positive that you feel like shouting from the rooftops! Yeah we did it!

I have lost over 2 stone and my hydration, muscle mass, visceral and body fat our improving month by month, I am now in the healthy sector (unlike before!) and my metabolic age is 27 years lower.

The shakes and protein bars are our favourite, yummy treats and still loosing weight! I have recommended Sanela to many friends who are now going through the same process and having a wonderful experience.

Sanela has a zest for good health and a positive lifestyle, this is reflected in her ever dedicated work with Herbalife. I am so privileged to be working with such a wonderful person. I would recommend Sanela to anybody who would like to make some life changes concerning their diet, you will be transformed!


Phil’s Story:

“Having been to various gyms, pop out for a run once or twice a week I felt quite comfortable in the knowledge that my 14.5 stone 6 foot frame was ok, and although there was a slowly increasing waist line from 34 inch ( first married, playing rugby ) to current 40 inch 33 years married there was no problem as my runs would enable me to eat and drink what I like with no worries. Or maybe not…

Anna my wife came back from a Well Being Retreat Day run by World Health Heroes one Saturday and began to tell me about this remarkable lady she met namely Sanela who though her work helps and advises people with nutrition via a product called Herbalife.

My wife starts to explain her findings ( I quietly sit and listen, which I have learnt it’s best to do through married life ! ! ) and to be fair she was quite shocked with the initial tests and results. would I be interested ? well maybe and so went along to meet Sanela.

Sanela has proven over time since we first met to be a totally enthusiastic, happy and very professional fountain of knowledge regarding nutrition and the Herbalife program, guiding you through the best approach to help you achieve a more healthy lifestyle without any pressure being applied.

My initial results were not too bad really ( he says smugly ) apart from my Visceral fat which was high and this being the main focus for reduction. Now I am skillfully guided via a monthly visit to Sanela who alongside my wife produce a more healthy eating way forward. I now eat more than I used too… a balanced shake for breakfast instead of a large bowl of salt and sugar cereal, a midmorning protein bar, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second shake if I go for a run.

So the net change over several months is I am now a 36 inch waist 12 stone 12 pounds, still the same height 🙂 my runs are 10 minutes quicker, and feel so much lighter.

Without doubt I have been educated (never too old) to a different way of thinking, along with the positive results and encouragement it’s a huge thank you to Sanela.


I have personally always been open to alternative health practices and Pranic Healing and meditation have found me at the point in my life when I was seeking more spiritual connection with the world around me and within myself.

Pranic Healing is an energy medicine system that manipulates body’s vital prana or force in order to facilitate neccessary healing. It has also made me realise the greater role we all play in increasing the health and energy of the world in which we work and live.

I believe we are all energy, spiritual beings having a human existence and what we think, eat, do will have an impact on our own energy as well as an effect on the world around us.

Pranic Healing helps me balance and cleanse my energies, while I work daily on my physical well-being regarding choices I make on how I treat and nourish my body as well as my spiritual and mental well-being regarding what thoughts and experiences I choose to feed my mind with and what feelings I choose to cultivate.

Together they work to achieve energy balance, vital for our well-being. Anna is a great Pranic Healing therapist and I recommend her highly. She can be contacted on 0751 650 0569 or visit www.ukpranichealing.co.uk for more information.

For help with nutrition and general health, please do not hesitate to contact me and see ways in which we could work together.

Ann's herbalife nutrition success story

Ann’s Story

Ann’s Story: Delighted with the results in time before 71st birthday

It was my local client who introduced me to Ann, her dear friend who lives in Liverpool. I have not yet met Ann, but, distance is not a challenge when client is ready to make changes as wonders of technology enable us to communicate despite the distance.

Eight months later, Ann continues to make great progress and here is her story to date she was happy to share hoping to inspire more people who wish to lose weight and improve their health… and I am very grateful to her for that…

“I am a 70-year old woman and have been gradually putting on weight for some years. At my annual check-up at the doctors last summer, I measured 5 foot 6 and weighed 13 stone 4 pounds. A photograph taken at the same time brought me up short! I honestly had not thought that was what I looked like.

At that time I was also suffering swollen ankles, not only as a result of long journeys. I did go for walks on a regular basis and I have never been one for eating sweets, preferring starters to deserts but I did like bread and potatoes, pasta and cheeses and I drank alcohol in moderation.

In October, a friend recommended Herbalife as she had started to follow the regime and found it successful. After a telephone consultation with Sanela, I was given a personalised nutrition plan to follow…

Breakfast/ lunch: I am fortunate in that I have always liked milk drinks and have found Formula 1 shakes very tasty. Over the months I have mixed the Soya milk and the Vanilla Formula with half a banana and the semi-skimmed and Vanilla Formula with steamed broccoli spears or spinach.

I have mixed the Red Berry Formula with strawberries or stewed rhubarb. (I found raspberries left pips and blueberries tough skin, when blended). This breakfast is very quick to prepare. When on holiday, I substituted a Formula 1 meal bar for breakfast (yoghurt and acai berry). These bars can normally be used for lunch, too.

Mid-morning/ midafternoon: There were a number of options, I have chosen between Herbalife protein bars, Herbalife tomato soup (delicious!), Herbalife Soya beans, cottage cheese and walnuts and poached egg and half an avocado on small piece of wholemeal bread.

Dinner: I followed the advice and had a small portion of potato or brown rice, lean meat or fish and vegetables or salad. I have cheated on occasions and had an Indian takeaway but with my own rice. Supper is not on programme but I have Ovaltine with skimmed milk.

At each of the main meals, I also have 1 x Formula 2 Multivitamin & Mineral tablet and 2 x Fibre and Herb tablets with a glass of water. I have also tried to drink as much water and/or herbal tea as possible to reach the 3 litres a day recommendation. I start the day with hot water and lemon.

When on holiday, I tried to be careful, especially in the size of portions and found that I did not regress or only by a small amount which I shed once I went back on the programme. I try to do 50 minutes exercise 4 times a week (unless it rains) and I walk a lot. I still drink alcohol in moderation.

Results: My swollen ankles disappeared immediately. I have lost 33 pounds, 6 inches off my waist, 5 and half inches off my hips, 1 and half inches off top of arms and 2 inches off the top of my legs. I don’t feel hungry and I feel so much better in myself. People are very complimentary (I do wonder what they thought before!) It is now a pleasure to shop for clothes as a new wardrobe has been needed! 

Sanela, my Herbalife coach, has rung me every week. I have appreciated her advice and encouragement.  She has helped me to keep following the regime and to refocus on the occasions when there has seemed to be a lack of progress. I have been delighted with the results so far and would recommend it to anyone in need of support and personalised nutrition plan.”,

Ann Hughes

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK

Sari’s Story

Sari’s Story: Journey from running out of clothes that fit to feeling fabulous!

“On 24th November 2016 I ran out of clothes, nothing I owned fitted me anymore.

Time for change, I joined a gym, started walking and did exercise workouts at home, I was 86.5kg at the time, I worked hard with the exercise and two months later – I weighted 84.2kg, I could not believe how little weight I had lost for all the effort!

To up my exercise I joined my local CobraFIT workout class, I was surprised to see a few people I already knew at the classes and was very welcomed by all and really enjoyed the workout.

Sanela asked if I would like to meet with her and have an assessment and do a 3 day trial of the Herbalife Nutrition. To be honest I was a little cynical as I had tried many diets and felt I knew what I was doing and was doing enough exercise that I did not need to think about my eating habits.

It was truly eye-opening, sometimes you just need the obvious pointed out to you, apparently eating nothing all day (I do a physical job) then nonstop eating anything I could from 4pm onwards is not the best way to lose weight, feel good and sleep well.

I was exhausted every day, not only from the extra weight I was carrying but from lack of fuel to get me through the day.

I did the 3 day trail, I lost weight, felt great and it fitted perfectly into my busy lifestyle. I now make a large nutritious shake with soya milk and a banana in the morning, drink half as I am getting ready to go and put the other half in my flask for lunch. I take 2 high protein snacks bars with me and I am set for the day. I used to crave coffee constantly and could not function in the morning without it, now I crave my morning shake, I do not even think about coffee anymore.

In the evening I eat a smaller portion of the meals I make for my 2 children. Sanela posts ideas on social media and in our group chat, great to have new and healthy meal suggestions.

No more running low all day and then eating the wrong things in the evening.  The cobrafit classes have really helped tone my body and I actually have a waist!!

26th June 2017 I am now 70kg, down from a size 18 to a 14 and still losing at a good rate every week, with total 27lbs lost to date. It really is about getting the balance of Nutrition and exercise right and realising this is not just a crash diet its a lifestyle change.  But it is not only about the weight lose, it about looking after your total wellbeing, something Sanela so positively promotes.

Thank you to Sanela and Cassie for being so friendly and encouraging and really changing my life for the better.

I have certainly learnt you cannot out train a poor diet.

Feel fabulous!”

Thank You, Sari – what a fabulous story and I know you will soon be at your goal, although we always work on our health goals, the work is never done as body needs nourishment above all every single day!

Thank you so much for sharing! You are an absolute superstar!

Group of people running in field.

The Power of Accountability for Weight Loss and Fitness Goals: one key missing ingredient

After 13 years of working with clients on their personal journeys to a better health, weight loss, as well as fitness in the last few years, one thing is for sure – it can be a bumpy ride for majority and hardly ever a straight line.

Many times, despite having the best mechanics for weight loss, it is the psychology that fails us, which makes me believe that 80% is the psychology and having the right mindset to reach our goals. This is probably true for everything in life, not just our health efforts.

Once we have a great plan and a strategy, it is our mindset that needs the most support.

20% of Your Success – Having A Great Plan

Sebila 70 lbs weight loss with Herbalife Nutrition

Sebila’s Story

Sebila’s Story

“I started the Herbalife program with Sanela in September 2016, and now 7 weeks into the program I already feel better, have lost 15 lbs and more importantly for the first time in my life feel like I can actually achieve my goal weight and live a much healthier lifestyle.

First, the supplements and shakes – they are truly amazing. If you are a busy mom of 2 with a meaningful full time job, a husband and a long commute, you don’t have time to spend all Sunday or hours every day preparing complicated meals. The shakes are truly the best thing for me in terms of time and commitment.

They are easy to prepare and you don’t have to think about what you are going to make for breakfast or lunch, you know it’s a shake and you get on with your life. So easy!!!

Second, the online chat group. Well those ladies are truly what keeps me going. Every day, I can’t wait to check in with my food and calorie intake, because I feel like we are all in this together. We share our ups and downs and they are all here to keep me on track.

My life is full of people at the office trying to get me to eat the leftover lunches from meetings or friends who always want to go to dinner to catch up, and the online group helps me navigate those, helps me realize that I have to control myself and keeps me accountable. I feel like I owe them my commitment and it keeps me going every day.

Last, Sanela. What can I say about her that many probably have already said? She is amazing, supportive, knowledgeable and efficient. I am not sure how many clients she has, but to me it seems like I’m the only one and that is truly amazing; that she is able to always take the time to guide me, help me and hold my hand during the rough times.

The fact that she also drinks the shakes and takes the supplements makes me feel much better about the fact that she trusts the products to use herself every day, and she looks amazing.

… and Sebila went on and lost 70 lbs to date…

Herbalife Nutrition Testimonial client Jenni Bath UK

Jenni’s Story

Jenni’s Story: Feeling better in my 50s than I did in my 30s

Jenni has been my client for 6 months now and it was one of those moments when she first came to CobraFIT initially that I felt instant connection that I usually feel with people who are just open, kind individuals.

You just have to love Jenni. Whenever there is a new participant at CobraFIT, I know Jenni will immediately try to give them some tips and advice, be kind, tell them how good the plan is working for her and make them at ease. I am so grateful to have Jenni as part of our community, such an invaluable member and now very dear friend too. Here is Jenni’s story to date…

“I met Sanela as I had signed up for her Cobrafit workout.  My journey back to health, up to that point, had been slow to get off the ground and I was looking for a weight training style of workout to compliment my other excercise.

I had been very unwell with dreadful gynecological problems and severe IBS for over 10 years. I had not been able to take the time out of my children’s lives to have the Hysterectomy I badly needed, but 2 years ago I was so ill that I had to have the op…..whether I had time for it or not!

Because of the increasing pain and the lack of energy during that time I had been slowly putting on weight and then after the op I had to recover over the period of a year or so.  Last October, I began exercise for the first time in years. I chose Zumba and I was really enjoying it but it wasn’t enough. So, as I said before, in May this year I found Sanela and her Cobrafit.

I was also at the time really struggling with my diet as I had dislocated my Jaw!! I did the first class and afterwards I spoke with Sanela and she suggested we get together to speak about nutrition. I was sceptical at first. I’m pretty clued up about nutrition and thought I wouldn’t learn anything new…

But, I had nothing to lose. I had  to admit I actually wasn’t doing so well on my own so I agreed to meet up the following day.

After some pretty stark revelations on my body composition and metabolic age I agreed to give the ‘5 day eat clean challenge’ a try. After the 5 days I was convinced and converted, had more energy and was feeling brighter and more able to tackle the challenges of life! I hadn’t really been overeating, I missed so many meals, but I was clearly doing something very wrong. 

I have struggled with food all my life. IBS has dogged me since childhood and on top of that I suffered eating disorders through my teenage years. This had seriously damaged my metabolism.

I am still struggling a little with my IBS to some degree, as I find lots of things upset me. I am working on finding the best combo. However the shakes and the Herbalife supplements are brilliant because it means I don’t have to think about food or worry that I’m getting the right balance of nutrients or what I’m going to have for breakfast and lunch,  Plus including more soya in my diet had an unexpected benefit, as my hot flushes and some of the other pre menopausal symptoms I’ve been having have miraculously stopped and I’ve been able to stop my HRT! 

I have lost quite a bit of weight and dropped a couple of dress sizes, changed shape and am getting pretty fit. More than all if that though I have found a wonderful friend in Sanela. She’s helped me work through the problems along the way and together we are gradually unpicking years of damage. She is so positive and I really value her knowledge and am so glad we met.

The group support we share is also great. It helps to be accountable to the group and also acts like a confessional if we’ve made a mess of things. I am committed to using this way of eating as a life long choice and see no reason not to continue into my late middle age and beyond. I’m 53 now and feel better than I did at 30. Thank you Sanela. Xx”

Thank you so much, Jenni, you are simply amazing and I am so grateful to have you as a part of both our Eat Clean Community as well as CobraFIT, but, above all, as a friend.

When I asked Jenni to write few words, I had to mention that we need to be careful about making any medical claims as our products do not cure anything, they are just great nutrition and body responds well when it gets what it needs, but it is all individual and no result is typical as there are many other factors at play. She did a great job at conveying that message. Thank YOU.

Herbalife Nutrition Independent Herbalife Member, Bath UK CLient Testimonial

Sebila’s inspiring story: Going all the way…

Sebila was recommended to me by one of my clients in Washington, who also happens to be my oldest friend from childhood, Maida.

I made the plan for Sebila based on her body composition and joined her to the Eat Clean Herbalife US Support Group on WhatsApp where we daily communicate daily goals, challenges, meals, recipes and offer general support to each other.

We soon found out that Sebila and my very good friend Sandi from London are cousins (I know, small world!), so I felt even more responsibility for the plan to work for her. Here is her story so far on the plan …

“I started the Herbalife program with Sanela in September 2016, and in a short space of time I already feel better, have already lost 15 lbs and more importantly, for the first time in my life, feel like I can actually achieve my goal weight and live a much healthier lifestyle.

First, the supplements and shakes – they are truly amazing. If you are a busy mom of 2 with a meaningful full time job, a husband and a long commute, you don’t have time to spend all Sunday or hours every day preparing complicated meals. The shakes are truly the best thing for me in terms of time and commitment. They are easy to prepare and you don’t have to think about what you are going to make for breakfast or lunch, you know it’s a shake and you get on with your life. So easy!!!

Second, the online chat group. Well those ladies are truly what keeps me going. Every day, I can’t wait to check in with my food and calorie intake, because I feel like we are all in this together. We share our ups and downs and they are all here to keep me on track.

My life is full of people at the office trying to get me to eat the leftover lunches from meetings or friends who always want to go to dinner to catch up, and the online group helps me navigate those, helps me realize that I have to control myself and keeps me accountable. I feel like I owe them my commitment and it keeps me going every day.

Last, Sanela. What can I say about her that many probably have already said? She is amazing, supportive, knowledgeable and efficient. I am not sure how many clients she has, but to me it seems like I’m the only one and that is truly amazing; that she is able to always take the time to guide me, help me and hold my hand during the rough times.

The fact that she also drinks the shakes and takes the supplements makes me feel much better about the fact that she trusts the products to use herself every day, and she looks amazing.

I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I had settled on losing a few pounds here and there thinking that I’ll never be back to my pre-wedding or pre-pregnancy weight.

Now? My goals are much bigger, I’m not going to get down to just that wedding weight, I’m going for high school weight. And the best part about it, is that with this program and the support I get, I can actually visualize myself achieving them and I know I will!”

Sebila Raubacher, Washington, USA

Thank you so much, Sebila. It is such a pleasure to support you. I am delighted how focused you are and you truly have poured your life and soul into this. I love your attitude. Daily attitude, but what delights me, is seeing that you are dreaming big, as we all should, and planning to go all the way. THAT is truly something. It will be tough, but it will be worth it and all I can tell you – I am with you every step of the way. Thank you for trusting me.

6 months on and Sebila has made a tremendous progress and she is proud and confident enough to share on Facebook (below)

“While I may still have a ways to go, I did this pic today to inspire myself and hopefully others. With a Hypothyroid condition and a busy life, I finally said enough is enough. With the amazing advice from Sanela Harbas Mujakovic and the tough love from Maida Demirovic, Maida Heremic and my trainer Sarah Newhart, I have come so far and am looking forward to being happy and healthy for a long time to come!”

Well done, Sebila, you have been a tremendous team player in our accountability group and look forward to see you getting to your goal and beyond!

Sebila's 70 lbs weight loss with Herbalife Nutrition
Ruth's Herbaife Nutrition Success Story

Ruth’s Story

Ruth’s Success Story

Fit @ Fifty: Story of a body and health transformation

Ruth has been my client since July 2015. She originally came to trial our High Intensity Interval Resistance Training workout, CobraFIT, at the very new venue at the time, Bathford School in Bath that happens to be very close to where Ruth lives.

After a trial and a Wellness Evaluation that included Body Composition Check and Nutritional Consultation, Ruth decided to start on our 3 Day Nutritional Trial and after great results, decided to start on the plan that would include personalised meal plan to which she consistently added a CobraFIT class each week.

I was well aware that Ruth was getting great results and my other clients who happen to work with Ruth were also telling me how impressed they were with her obvious transformation, but when Ruth walked into the CobraFIT session last Thursday in her brand new skin tight fitness gear, everyone’s jaw dropped as she looked simply amazing and transformation was obvious. Here is her story:

“The change in my weight and body shape are now obvious for all to see.  Friends are stopping me in the street astonished at the amount of weight I have lost and it really is all due to following the Herbalife programme and changing my lifestyle habits too.

Sarah's Herbalife Nutrition Testimonial

Sara’s Success Story

Sara’s Success Story…

Body Transformation of a mum of two: From being desperate to becoming confident & an inspiration…

“A year ago I was a desperate woman. After a year of struggling with diets I had lost only 7 pounds of the 4 stone I had gained over the last 5 years. A new sedentary job and two babies had left me drowning in baby weight – standing only 5’4” tall, I was 13 stone. As I approached my mid 40s I had begun to believe I would never wear my favourite size 12 clothes again.

I didn’t feel myself. I felt out of control and dominated by food. I was scared I would end up like people you hear about who can’t leave the house. I was embarrassed, breathless, tired and down. A life of shapeless tent-wearing awaited.

I turned up at Sanela’s not really knowing what to expect but her immediate injection of positivity and conviction made me want to give her Herbalife three day nutrition trial a go. I lost a pound and knew this plan was for me. Each week Sanela met with me, texted me and kept me on track. She taught me how to choose foods to keep my appetite under control, gave me snack ideas and adjusted my diet to analyse where I was going wrong (who knew you could consume a day’s worth of calories just in cappuccinos!).

Her knowledge and faith in me made me determined to succeed and overcome inevitable hiccups (curry anyone?). As the pounds came off, all kinds of things started to happen – I felt my old personality coming back! I was no longer hiding. I started taking care of myself, getting my hair done, looking after and accepting myself.
As energy returned and I stopped poisoning myself, I found extra focus to meditate and set up positive cycles that fed into each other. More energy – more focus, more focus – better choices – more energy… If you put spare energy into things that are good for you your wellbeing will grow.